How to get lean naturally

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 8 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Smartest Way To Get Lean (Shredding Science Explained)
Video: The Smartest Way To Get Lean (Shredding Science Explained)


Fancy and exotic diets can be quite an expensive way to lose weight and get lean. In addition, they involve avoiding certain foods or entire food groups. If you prefer to lose weight naturally and still eat a balanced diet, do not use the heavily advertised diets. Making small changes in your diet, lifestyle, and exercise can help you get lean naturally.


Method 1 of 4: Changing Your Eating Habits

  1. 1 Eat until you are full. Your body is able to independently "count calories" and control the amount of food. Eat until you satisfy your hunger - this will help you avoid overeating and avoiding excess calories.
    • Many popular and trendy diets require counting calories, food weights, or carbs. This can be difficult and can be boring and unpleasant for a long time. Learn to listen to your body's cues and let it determine your portion sizes and calorie counts to help you lose weight in a much more natural way.
    • Stop eating as soon as you feel full, that is, you stop feeling hungry. Once you are full, you may also lose interest in food and feel like you will remain full for the next few hours.
    • If you stop eating after your stomach is full, you will overeat. In this case, you may feel that your stomach is stretched and full, and you may also feel some fatigue. Stop eating before these sensations arise.
  2. 2 Eat mindfully. Changing your eating habits can also help you lose weight. Mindful eating will help you eat less and fill up in smaller portions.
    • It takes practice, patience, and time to develop mindful eating habits.
    • First, eliminate anything that distracts you while eating. Turn off your TV, mobile phone and laptop. All this prevents you from fully concentrating on the process of eating.
    • Allow about 20-30 minutes for each meal. Put your fork down every time you put another bite in your mouth, take a few sips of water, and chat with family or friends. When you eat slowly, you better understand how much you have already eaten, and it will be easier for you to stop in time once you satisfy your hunger.
    • Take your time and pay attention to what you eat. What does food taste like? What is its texture and color? Paying attention and focusing on your food will help you eat more slowly and enjoy your food more fully.
  3. 3 Choose lean protein sources. In addition to reducing portion sizes, you should choose healthy foods that are low in calories. Choose lean protein foods to minimize your calorie intake.
    • Lean protein foods are low in fat and calories and high in protein. Plus, it helps you stay full longer, and you will be less likely to crave snacks throughout the day.
    • Lean protein foods include low-fat dairy products, eggs, poultry, lean beef, seafood, legumes, and tofu.
    • Try to include lean protein foods in every main meal and snack. This will help you get all the nutrients you need and make your diet more balanced.
  4. 4 Eat whole grains. There are two types of grains - whole grains and refined grains. Try to always choose foods that are 100% whole grains, as they are much healthier.
    • Whole grain foods are less processed and contain all parts of the grain. They are richer in dietary fiber, protein, and other beneficial nutrients.
    • It is helpful to include whole grain foods such as oats, quinoa, brown rice, millet, whole grain breads, and pasta in your diet.
    • Refined grains are processed more intensively and contain far fewer nutrients than whole grains. They can be eaten from time to time, but try to eat mostly whole grains.
  5. 5 At every meal, half should be fruits and vegetables. Making sure you eat half of your diet with fruits and vegetables is a great way to limit calories and increase your nutrient intake.
    • Both fruits and vegetables are low in calories and rich in nutrients. Low-calorie foods that make up half of your meals and snacks can help reduce your total daily calorie intake.
    • Among other things, vegetables and fruits are excellent sources of dietary fiber. Along with protein, dietary fiber is good at satisfying hunger and helping you stay full longer. As a result, you will eat less at your main meals and have fewer snacks in between.
  6. 6 Limit your intake of fatty foods and processed foods. Whether you're following one of the popular diets or a more natural eating plan, you should eat fewer high-calorie, fatty, and processed foods. This type of food makes it difficult to lose weight.
    • Processed foods usually contain more calories and fewer nutrients. During processing, they often lose their nutritional value.
    • There is a wide variety of processed foods, including those that are nutrient-dense and healthy. For example, washed lettuce can also be classified as processed food, but it retains its nutritional value.
    • Try to avoid foods such as baked goods, cookies, cakes, processed meats, frozen ready meals, canned foods with added sugar, chips, and crackers.
  7. 7 Drink plenty of water. Adequate fluid intake is not only essential for maintaining health, but it can also help you lose weight naturally.
    • It is generally recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses (2 liters) of water a day, but you can increase your daily intake to 13 glasses (about 3 liters). The amount of fluid depends on age, gender, and level of physical activity.
    • Chronic dehydration increases hunger throughout the day. This can lead to overeating or more frequent snacking between meals.
    • You can also drink a large glass of water just before a meal to help alleviate hunger, and as a result, you will get satiated with less food faster.

Method 2 of 4: Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1 Increase your daily physical activity. When losing weight, it is very important to exercise and lead an active lifestyle. This will help you burn more calories and lose weight naturally.
    • Everyday physical activity includes what you do every day. This can be walking or doing housework.
    • Increasing your daily physical activity is a great and easy way to burn extra calories.
    • Think about what you are doing throughout the day and week.How can you move more? Can you walk more? Maybe take the stairs instead of the elevator? Can you stand up to work or watch TV?
  2. 2 Exercise regularly. In addition to your daily physical activity, you need to have a detailed exercise plan and exercise regularly. This will help you continue to lose weight.
    • Usually, experts recommend that you devote about 150 minutes to aerobic exercise, that is, two and a half hours a week.
    • Engage in moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking and jogging, swimming, dancing, aerobics, or elliptical training.
    • Also set aside 2-3 days for strength training. Regular resistance training can help you build muscle and increase your body's ability to burn calories even at rest.
  3. 3 Sleep more. Regular and healthy sleep is essential for your health. During sleep, the body rests, gains strength and recovers.
    • Studies have shown that those who do not sleep well or sleep well tend to weigh more than people who get enough sleep.
    • In addition, the same studies mentioned that persistent lack of sleep increases levels of the "hunger hormone" ghrelin. As a result, it becomes more difficult to maintain normal portion sizes and avoid unnecessary snacks.
    • Try to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Turn off your TV, phone, or other devices that might distract you before bed.
  4. 4 Control your stress. Chronic stress is common and difficult to avoid. However, constant stress makes it difficult to lose weight.
    • Stress is a natural emotion that everyone experiences. However, if left unchecked, stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels. This can increase hunger, cause fatigue, and encourage the body to maintain its current weight.
    • Try to relieve stress and relax regularly. Find activities to help you deal with stress. Try listening to music, meditating, taking a walk, reading an interesting book, or chatting with a friend.
    • If you are having trouble reducing your stress levels, consider seeing a psychologist or therapist. Your professional will recommend specific methods to help you manage stress.

Method 3 of 4: Losing Weight Naturally

  1. 1 Weigh yourself and take other measurements. If you're trying to lose weight and get leaner naturally, it's helpful to keep track of your progress.
    • Monitoring your weight can help you determine if your current diet and exercise routine is effective. For example, if you are not losing weight, you may need to eat less or exercise more.
    • Remember to keep track of your weight. It is best to weigh yourself 1-2 times a week. Thus, you can continuously monitor the progress in weight loss.
    • Take other measurements. If you are looking to lose weight, then most likely you want not only to lose weight, but also to become slimmer. Measure the circumference of your chest, as well as your pelvis, waist, and hips. Do this once a month to keep track of your progress.
  2. 2 Start journaling. Whether you are trying to lose weight or change your diet and lifestyle, a journal can help you with it.
    • Write down how much weight you are going to lose. In doing so, note your current weight, your weekly weigh-ins, and how much you still have to lose. This will increase your motivation and desire to keep losing weight.
    • Recording what you eat has been shown to help you lose weight. This form of monitoring will help you keep track of your diet.
  3. 3 Organize a support group. A support group is an important part of a successful weight loss plan. Research has shown that those who had such a group did better than others.
    • Discuss your plans to lose weight and get slimmer naturally with friends, family, or work colleagues. Some will probably want to join you. It will be much more fun for you to lose weight with your friends, and it will increase your motivation.
    • Consider also registering with a support group or a related forum on the internet. This will give you the opportunity to connect with many people and get the help and support you need, at any time of the day.

Method 4 of 4: When to Seek Medical Help

  1. 1 See your doctor if natural methods have failed. While most people manage to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight through proper nutrition and exercise, sometimes there are other factors that make weight control difficult. If you've tried natural methods and haven't achieved the results you want, talk to your doctor.
    • Your doctor will assess your overall health and will try to determine if there are any serious reasons preventing you from controlling your weight.
    • In addition to a general examination and questions about your current diet and lifestyle, your doctor may order additional tests to help identify possible health problems.
    • Depending on your current weight and health condition, your doctor may suggest additional treatments to help you lose weight, such as medication or weight loss surgery.
  2. 2 Talk to your doctor about your concerns about how excess weight affects your health. Being overweight is not always a sign of health problems. However, it increases the risk of developing various diseases. Talk to your doctor if you are worried that being overweight is negatively affecting your health. The doctor will likely prescribe tests and tests to help identify possible diseases and choose the appropriate treatment. Being overweight increases your risk of the following health problems:
    • high triglyceride levels and low "good cholesterol" (high density lipoprotein);
    • high blood pressure;
    • diabetes;
    • heart diseases;
    • stroke;
    • breathing problems, such as sleep apnea;
    • gallbladder disease;
    • osteoarthritis;
    • some types of cancer.
  3. 3 Ask your doctor about how you can safely lose weight. If you need or want to lose weight, your doctor can help you develop a plan that is safe, effective, and realistic. In doing so, it will take into account your individual needs and lifestyle and help you determine a healthy weight to strive for.
    • For example, your doctor may be able to recommend appropriate exercise and safe dietary changes.
    • Your doctor may recommend a nutritionist or other professional who can help you.
  4. 4 If you have gained or lost weight for no apparent reason, tell your doctor. Sudden weight gain or loss can be a sign of a serious medical condition. If you find that your weight is changing for no apparent reason, make an appointment with your doctor. He will ask you various questions and prescribe tests to help figure out the cause. Unexplained weight changes can be caused by the following factors:
    • thyroid problems;
    • diseases that affect hormone levels, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or hypercortisolism syndrome;
    • water retention in the body due to kidney or heart disease;
    • emotional problems such as depression or anxiety;
    • taking certain medications.
  5. 5 Seek medical attention if you suspect you have an eating disorder. If you are constantly worried about your weight and appearance, or pay undue attention to how much you eat and how much exercise, this may indicate that you have an eating disorder (or a high risk of developing one).If left untreated, an eating disorder can lead to life-threatening health problems, so see your doctor right away if there are warning signs. The following common signs indicate an eating disorder:
    • skipping meals regularly or following too strict restrictive diets;
    • fixation on body weight, appearance and body shape;
    • overeating, eating unusually large amounts of food;
    • Feelings of guilt or disgust about your eating habits;
    • the need to induce vomiting, take laxatives, or engage in grueling exercise after meals;
    • unwillingness to communicate with other people;
    • obsession with diet and exercise.


  • If you need more support, invite a friend or relative to join your efforts to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle.
  • Be sure to check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.
  • To get lean, exercise for at least one hour a day.
  • Listen to music while exercising to help you relax and increase motivation.