How to be stylish

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Imagine this: you walk into a school with a stunning look. Believe it or not, nobody notices it! What could be the reason why you are not drawing attention to yourself? Then you see the most popular girl in school. They all twist their necks, stare and cannot contain their delight. Why sit and wait on the outskirts? Learn to be beautiful, kind-hearted, charismatic and smart!


  1. 1 Be confident in yourself. Whether you have confidence or not, act as if you have a lot of faith in yourself, and automatically you will. Practice this at school and with friends - smile, wave to people you know, and say hello to them. An excellent body position: shoulders back, pull in your stomach and put your butt back a little, and at the same time do not forget about grace, and all this will increase your self-confidence. However, make sure that your smile does not look feigned, and you do not look ill-mannered.
  2. 2 Speak in a clear, calm voice. Make sure your voice is neither too soft nor too loud. Asking people to repeat what they said or covering their ears next to them will only irritate them. If talking in class or with others is a problem for you, spend 10-25 minutes in front of the mirror talking to yourself and improving your conversation skills. While this method may seem strange, it will increase your self-confidence when you interact with other people.
    • Don't speak in a child's voice.
  3. 3 Be friendly! Believe it or not, pretty girls can be nice and guys still value you as a person. Be neutral with those you don't consider your friends, and don't be too nice or too rude to them. This way, no one will be able to tell you that you have behaved badly with him, and your classmates will think you are a nice girl. When compliments are made to you, take them with dignity and remember to give people true compliments in return!
    • If someone says something ambiguous, like, "You are sexy," quickly answer "Thank you" with a sweet smile and that's it. Don't let this embarrass you, because the person wanted to please you, not hurt you.
    • Be friendly and don't shy away from people. You have to be the kind of girl that people want to hang out with, so smile and laugh a lot. Laugh at funny jokes, but don't laugh too often, because people will think that you are pretending to appear better than you are. Show respect to teachers and elders and never be too annoying or cocky.
    • Remind yourself of the good old rule: if you can't say anything good, you better be silent!
  4. 4 Never spread or repeat gossip. If someone tells you gossip about you, ignore it. While it can be difficult, it is worth it.If someone asks you about this, just tell him / her firmly but politely that this rumor is not true and let him / her draw his / her own conclusions. Do not make scandals or use foul language in public if you are angry about something. After all, a swearing and explosive girl is unattractive.
    • If someone offends you, make fun of it. This person wants you to think badly of yourself and if it hurts you, you allow him to get his way. If you do not respond to the words of this bad person, he will become bored of offending you and he will lag behind.
    • Know how to stand up for yourself without offending or offending others.
  5. 5 Help and be polite to your parents. Even if people do not see how obedient and nice you are to your parents, parents will remember this for a long time. Plus, if you demonstrate that you can be responsible, they will give you more freedom and privilege. Spend quality time with your parents, but leave time for yourself and your other needs.
  6. 6 Speak correctly using the correct grammar and only say what you mean. However, do not speak more than you should, and engage in conversations to keep them relaxed and relaxed. End the conversation at the right time while it is still interesting, rather than dragging it out enough that it develops into an awkward pause of silence. If you learn to end conversations on time, to awkward silence, then your interlocutors will look forward to the next conversation, considering you an interesting person.
    • Don't use chat phrases in real life. If you want to say "LOL" why not just laugh? Save these phrases for your messages.
  7. 7 Stay up to date. Although you yourself will not gossip, your friends can. Be aware of what's going on at the school. Having the desire and ability to connect with friends outside of school is wise, whether it be text messages, calls, Facebook, emails, MySpace, Twitter, and more. However, even if you listen to your friends' gossip, not spread them further, keep this information with you.
    • Only give your phone number to people you know and trust.
    • Make your social media page accessible only to friends to avoid gossip. Do not add people you don't know or who are not in your school as friends.
      • If you are not sure if a person is studying at your school, leave his friend request and ask your friends about this person.
  8. 8 Have your own circle of friends. This does not have to be some kind of closed group, but make sure that your company includes only the closest people who can be brought together and with whom you can communicate well. Write to them often and stay in touch with them. While you may have many other friends, don't be afraid to expand your circle!
    • Expanding your circle of acquaintances can be important. If one of your friends betrays you and is no longer your friend, you can turn to other friends, even if they are not as close to you as that one.
    • Don't make scenes with your friends.
    • We recommend getting one the best friend, the best of all your friends. Make sure you can tell your secrets to this friend and that he won't give them away. This friend should also trust you and let you know his secrets.
    • Do not be too loud, rude, do not lie, do not gossip and do not do mean things to your friends. This is very bad and kills the mood.
  9. 9 Think positively. Have you ever been in a situation where you are having a great time and someone comes in and ruins everything? This is very annoying! Stay away from such negative people, but don't be rude to them. Walk away quietly or politely apologize for leaving if such a person tries to break into your conversation with friends. However, if you can't get away, carefully make a cute comment that hints that the negative person would be nice to change.
    • If you are a pessimist yourself, change and look for the bright sides of life, but do not become a person who pays no attention to anything else. Look at the glass as half full, not empty, otherwise you will become a pessimist. Know what to say or feel at the right time so it doesn't sound weird or offensive. Laugh and smile as it improves health and increases feelings of happiness!
    • If things get worse and you can't avoid communicating with the negativist, spend time with him as politely and as friendly as possible until you have a chance to walk away.
    • When avoiding negative people, do it unobtrusively so that it doesn't become too obvious.
  10. 10 Be yourself and don't be afraid to be great in what you do. Choose your hobbies based on your preferences and talents. Don't listen to what others think or say about you. If you are an artist and artists are unpopular in your school, let it be not will hinder you in improving yourself as a creator. If you do not do what you love and what others dislike, you are forbidding yourself from living a happy life, and you are letting the thoughts and point of view of others control your life. This is not promises nothing good and you should learn how to get rid of it.
    • Understand that the thoughts and points of view of others should not influence your preferences. You are you and you cannot satisfy everyone in life.
    • Not it is worth bragging and pushing your talents, as this is self-centered. You may not be aware of it, but you can upset others and make them feel worthless if you do so. Even if you brag to make yourself feel better, you can underestimate someone else's self-esteem.
  11. 11 Become successful in sports. If you are not involved in any kind of sports, at least do not skip physical education. However, it's okay if you're not very good at sports, as not everyone can be a marathon runner, but at least do your best and find a good, achievable goal (for example, “I'll run a mile in less than 11 minutes this time ! ”) Whether you are a good athlete or not, you should exercise at least 30 minutes a day. To keep your body moving when you are having fun, engage in active activities with friends, such as playing catch-up or a sports game.
  12. 12 Become a good student. Study well to earn great grades and stay organized. While you don't need to be an excellent student, at the very least, earn decent grades to make you, your parents, and your teachers proud. Remember that your future career is highly dependent on the amount of knowledge that you receive in your youth. If you spend time on video games and other recreational activities that are not related to homework and education, you are practically wasting your chance for a good life with a successful career in the future that would provide you with financial stability. Do your best to get a good education now so you don't have to pay for wasted time in the future.
    • Having a scheduling system - or using the one the school offers you - to record special activities, assignments, and self-help is highly recommended. Even if it doesn't seem to work, scheduling systems like these can help you get organized and keep yourself in top shape.
    • Use bookmarks to organize your notes, homework, and self-study. Some schools require you to turn in small folders of your work every quarter. Keep your papers in order and it will be easier for you to find them when you need them.
      • Classes usually include training and after the final tests. Not throw away the records after you receive them, otherwise you may have problems.
      • If you realize that you do not have a task that you need to learn, make a copy of this task from a friend.
    • Organize your school supplies, papers and books into one backpack, but don't fill it too much. For example: if you can leave unwanted books in the school locker instead of carrying everything home.
    • If possible, do your homework ahead of time. That way, you can get it up and running quickly and focus on projects or big homework assignments. This also applies to tests - start teaching a little beforehand. So all you have to do before the test is to repeat the information, not stuff yourself with it.
    • Don't be afraid to ask teachers or parents for help. They are meant to guide and help you, not humiliate you. If you find that you need more help, you should find a tutor or ask another student to help you.
      • Avoid asking a friend who will distract you for help rather than helping you with your studies, as your job is to pay attention to getting good grades, not to the attractive guy in the class.
  13. 13 Keep clean. Take good care of your hygiene and body care. Not only will it improve your health, but it will also help you look so attractive you can't miss it. You can achieve this by doing the following:
    • Take a shower every day, even if you feel like nothing but falling down and falling asleep. Your body will smell good. and you wash away the dirt. Use an effective, pleasantly scented soap to really wash.
      • Get a nice-smelling shower gel and body lotion with the right scent to improve hygiene and make your shower time more enjoyable.
    • Watch your face:
      • Use a wash gel that is appropriate for your skin type (oily, dry, normal or combination), making sure it is not too strong or too weak.
      • Rinse off the face wash with warm water.
      • Apply tonic to your face. It will close the pores on your face, removing the possibility of dirt getting into them, and make your skin look fresher.
      • Don't forget to moisturize your skin. but not avoid moisturizing pimples as they need it to heal. Don't overdo it with hydration.
    • If you have acne, buy a good corrective and natural acne medication to gently remove it. Avoid chemical ingredients as they have a dramatic negative effect on the skin.
      • Always apply a little on your hands as a test before applying new products to your face. If the skin on your arm begins to crack, itch, or become rough, you may be allergic to the product.
      • Do not use a lot of foods at once, even if you are not allergic to them. You should gradually start using facial products so that your skin can get used to the new ingredients. It will also help you find out which food is causing the reaction if it does happen.
    • Apply sunscreen with 30 or more protection to your face. For the body, use protection 45 and above. Use about the size of a golf ball to protect your skin.
      • Not sunbathe, as this will lead to wrinkles at an older age, which is not very attractive.
    • Shave your leg hair and get a good razor. However, if you are not allowed to shave, moisturize your feet and not be ashamed of them! We are all different and just because you cannot shave you will not be less attractive.
    • Remove facial hair with wax if you are allowed (eyebrows, antennae, etc.) or purchase tongs. However, if you've never plucked or waxed your hair before, see a professional. You can also ask a parent or friend for help.
      • When plucking your eyebrows, shape them into a natural curve. Don't make your eyebrows too thick or thin.
      • It is not recommended to wax your hair yourself, without the supervision of a professional, as it can end in failure. Plucking facial hair with tweezers is safer, however.
    • Keep track of the length of your nails. Clean out the dirt from underneath them regularly. While you don't have to go to the salon for a manicure and pedicure, you can go there or do it all at home yourself.
      • When you paint your nails, do not buy bright neon polishes, as it rarely goes with clothes. Instead, do something similar to a classic French manicure.
  14. 14 Watch your hair. Use an effective shampoo suitable for your hair type, massage into scalp, rinse and condition. Keep in mind that some conditioners need to sit on your hair for a while before rinsing off for them to work, while others may not. When the conditioner has worked, rinse it off with cold water to consolidate the hydration and shine. Avoid drying your hair too often. When doing cute hairstyles, make sure that the look of the hairstyle does not constrict or harm your hair in any way. Make sure that the hairstyle suits your face type and remember that some hairstyles look great on some people, but that does not mean that they will work for you.
    • Some hairstyles you can try are seductive curls, wavy hair, small ponytails, knots, tied hair, chipped bangs, side bangs, braids and ponytails.
    • Basic face shapes: heart, rhombus, square, oval and circle.
      • The heart-shaped face type is a round face with a pointed chin.
      • The rhombus face type is a sharp forehead and chin and slightly chubby cheeks.
      • A square face is a straight face with a neat, square jaw.
      • Oval faces are slightly elongated faces.
      • Round faces are circular.
    • Avoid heat contact with your hair, even if that means you can't straighten your hair every day. Hot is hair's biggest enemy. The more you give your hair the influence of hot, the dull, weak and unruly hair it will be.
      • If you need to curl or straighten your hair, find more natural ways to achieve this without using heat.
      • If you need to curl or straighten your hair using heat, apply an effective dry hair protection.
    • Reduce washing your hair to 3 times a week, as it is very easy to make the mistake of washing your hair too often.
      • If you have oily hair, wash it 4 times a week and try to change your shampoo or conditioner to a different one to help keep your hair from getting dirty too quickly.
  15. 15 Buy clothes that suit you. All body types are beautiful and will be even more beautiful if you buy clothes that fit your figure (for example, short girls should not get carried away with flared jeans, just as girls who consider themselves overweight should not wear clothes with horizontal stripes). To become a stunning girl, you should stick to a feminine, casual style of dress. Graphic designs (logo shirts and V-neck sweatshirts with cute designs) without store brand names, cute tops - with floral designs, plaids and plain colors - cardigans, vests, shorts, knee-length pants, loose-fitting women's sweatshirts with trim or without, plain or with prints, jeans of dark and not very tones and so on.
    • For jewelry, buy a long, shiny necklace, unique charms, bracelets, and diamond stud earrings.
    • From your shoes, get a pair of chestnut, black, sand, or brown ugg boots. Also, don't forget about branded sneakers (Converse, Keds, or Vans in black are trendy). You might even want to buy Sperry's in beige or chocolate. Also make sure you have enough slippers and buy good tennis shoes.
  16. 16 Apply makeup. You don't need to get carried away with makeup, but get a dark brown mascara and eyeliner, a curler, a bronze-gold eyeshadow and blush that suits your skin type. You can also purchase lip balm or clear lip gloss to keep your lips from chapping. To apply makeup:
    • Use an eyeliner starting from the middle of your upper eyelid. Make the line thicker towards the edge of the eye. Lightly smudge the line around the outside of the eyelid to make the eye appear wider.
    • Heat an eyelash curler and squeeze on the upper and lower lashes for a count of five.
    • Apply mascara quickly.
    • Apply blush to your cheekbones. Smile to find your cheekbones.
    • Apply eyeshadow to your eyelids.
    • Apply the corrective agent.
    • For extra shine, apply a little petroleum jelly to the bone under your eyebrow.
    • Finish your makeup with a balm or lip gloss.
  17. 17 Keep yourself in shape. Make it a rule to exercise at least 30 minutes daily. If you feel like you don't have the time or energy to do these 30-minute exercises at a time, divide them into three 10-minute sessions. You don't have to play sports or go to the gym, you can create your own exercises that will help you move, for example, run in the park with friends or do various mini-exercises that will give you a total of 30 minutes (for example, jumping rope for 5 minutes, then jogging for 10 minutes, and so on).
  18. 18 Media. A stylish thing should be up to date. She should listen to a music radio station that she likes. Or, if you're not sure, listen to the top hits on a radio station you know. Read magazines for teenage girls. Don't forget to read books as well. Find the authors you like.


  • Always smile - it will make people strive to be in your company!
  • Have fun!


  • Don't get too carried away with achieving popularity!
  • Don't try to become who you are not!
  • Stay positive and have a good time at school!
  • You may seem fake to people. Ignore them.