How to Become a Happy Muslim Wife

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What It’s Really Like Being A Muslim Woman In America | Skin Deep | Refinery29
Video: What It’s Really Like Being A Muslim Woman In America | Skin Deep | Refinery29


In Islam, marriage is a sacred agreement between a man and a woman. Each of them has a role to play in making the marriage happy.Of course, difficult, but still possible? achieve prosperity in marriage with a partner of your choice.


  1. 1 Be the best wife you can be. The status of a good Muslim wife is in many ways similar to that of a good wife in other religions. However, it has its own characteristics and requirements, just like any other religion. However, there are general basic methods and principles for becoming a good wife in general. Follow these guidelines.
  2. 2 Pray regularly. Always ask Allah for forgiveness and blessing on your marriage.
  3. 3 Recognize and respect your husband's rights. Study the true hadith and make sure you understand your obligations as a wife as well as your rights. In Islam, the wife is supposed to be honest, sincere, and aware of her husband's needs. At the same time, her husband must respect her, provide her with everything she needs, and even help around the house.
  4. 4 Be confident in yourself. Humiliation in front of your husband is another way of insulting his taste in women. If he is with you, it is because he wants it. He will see you attractive even if you don’t think you are. Remember that attitude and desire are a big part of being responsive and attractive. Low self-esteem and "emptiness" in your life are terrible for a marriage. Make sure you still have a busy and interesting life. If tomorrow your husband leaves you, will you still have friends with whom you see at least once a month, do you go to hobby clubs, do you play sports? If not, your husband will always work to fill the void and will feel unsuitable and unhappy.
  5. 5 Express your thoughts, but do not reproach. Do not think that your husband will read your mind, except on those rare occasions when he has to turn into a medium. If you want something, ask. If something is wrong, tell me about it. Do not imply or assume that it will "reach" itself. Speak calmly, clearly and directly. Relationships work best when each partner calmly expresses their emotions without annoying stories about their actions. Often times, phrases such as "I feel insulted" or "I'm sad" are all it takes for him to give in and ask "Why?" Then just say, "When you slammed the door, I felt neglected." Let the phrase "I feel ..." be your guide.
  6. 6 There is no need to wait for the full moon. He needs to keep trying, you need to keep trying, but no one is perfect. Unsatisfied expectations tend to break everyone. However, if you both keep working on your marriage, you will always be protected, even if one of you is struggling a little. If your expectations are truly too high or unrealistic, set standards that are more affordable. For example, it is unfair to expect that your husband will never refuse you anything and will love your home life just for food. If you want to spend more time together, be ready to fulfill your desires by giving in to something.
  7. 7 Don't waste your time. Whining and nagging can ruin a relationship. For example, as long as the plates are clean and intact, do not grumble about how to load the dishwasher “correctly”. Let him decide what to do and how to do it. Do not complain about small problems that you can solve on your own, never mind. Focus on what's important. Finally, thank Allah for what you have.
  8. 8 Accept him as he is. Only by accepting him will you have a very deep respect and gratitude for him, and then you will never want to change him. He has so much to offer you if only you let him be himself. He is a growing personality, just like you. Help him grow in the direction he has chosen and give him a chance to help you.
  9. 9 Dress nicely / attractively. If you're a housewife, don't wear pajamas all day. Behave like a woman, for example, with all feminine tenderness.
  10. 10 Run to the door when he comes home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile, hug and kiss him.
  11. 11 Be with him in difficult times. He needs a wife who will listen to him, comfort him and add strength. Don't be selfish.


  • Cook deliciously and always smile
  • Don't betray him. Don't break his trust.
  • "Always remember, Allah will remember you and bless your marriage."
  • Give him at least a Quran, as a token of gratitude for everything.
  • It is recommended not to criticize your husband in his presence, in his absence, in front of people, and when you are alone. Support him, encourage him, and express your admiration as best you can. This does not mean that you should not publicize your problems, but there is a difference between expressing your needs and criticizing his ability to satisfy them.
  • Pay more attention to fulfilling your obligations without claiming your rights.
  • Be kind to his parents and siblings.


  • Never let him offend you (physically or otherwise)... Islam requires a good wife to be as loving and submissive as she can be, but it also obliges the husband to respect his wife and treat her in a civilized and gentle manner. Understand this is an obligation that your husband must fulfill. Being a good wife in Islam does not mean that you have to suffer in silence if your husband hurts you physically, verbally, or in any other way.
  • Learn how to recognize a manipulative relationship or one that is under the control of your husband.
  • Discuss it or go to a consultant... If you are forced to do something, if he hits you, if he tries to control who you are seeing, or humiliates you, this is definitely an abnormal relationship. A real man achieves what he wants without using force.
  • Make sure to be safewhen he gets angry. Depending on the situation, you will have to run away from home or call the police or tell someone what happened - whatever you do, do not just continue to suffer in silence, and do not let him offend you (physically or in any other way). Remember that he will return as a loving husband and will apologize over and over again, and the cruelty will escalate each time.