How to become President of the United States

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 27 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to become President of the United States: a simple guide
Video: How to become President of the United States: a simple guide


Do you think you have all the data to become the next President of the United States? Have you also practiced giving an inaugural speech for years? Then you have had a great opportunity to glean all the information necessary for this from the article below.


Method 1 of 4: Requirements

  1. 1 Make sure you are 35 years of age or older and born in the United States. You also need to first live in the United States for at least 14 years before running for president of America. (However, if you do not meet the above requirements, then let's just consider the hypothetical possibility of your becoming the president of this country, because this knowledge can be useful everywhere, because you must agree, it's nice to have a director who could perfectly pass for the president of America.)
    • So far, there are no adjustments for age and geographic requirements. No, Barack Obama was not born in Kenya. You must be 100% American. And you can also benefit from a crystal clear criminal past.
  2. 2 Time to dress up. Let's not delve into the abyss of American standards full of materialism and vanity, but simply note the fact that they are usually chosen for their "beautiful eyes" or, so to speak, they are greeted by their clothes. So you will have a reason to comb your hair.
    • You will need a pair of luxurious suits and a tie (red or blue) to attend your important conventions and gatherings. And for performances in front of local townspeople, you can use a few simple but neat shirts. Don't worry about cufflinks because you will have to work with your sleeves up.
    • Work on your smile. Your smile should shine and proclaim: "You! Yes, you. I do all this just for you, because I care about you!" Is this your current smile speaking? And when you start smiling this way, does your body match it?
  3. 3 Polish up your body language. From now on, you are a politician. Whether you believe what you are saying or not, you need to deliver your speeches in a compelling and appropriate way. Perhaps your speech lies in front of you on a piece of paper, but do your body movements agree with the spoken words?
    • Get used to uncomfortable and awkward situations, because later you will have to endure the heat of a heated atmosphere of fierce debate and conversation. After all, you hardly want to be in the place of James Klepper, who strenuously wiped sweat from his face while trying to explain to the world that the US National Security Agency did not spy on the activities of civilians.
    • Synchronize your words with your body movements. Many politicians might say things like, "I am genuinely open to talking to young people," while simultaneously performing a threatening wag with my index finger or showing my clenched fist to the audience. These words and body movements are normal on their own, but when performed at the same time, they can play a cruel joke in relation to the speaker. So use a mirror and adjust your body movements to match your words.
  4. 4 Work on your resume. For the past 70 years, every candidate independent of one of the dominant parties has been either a former senator, governor, or a five-star general. So if you work as a waiter or employee of a fast food restaurant, you should probably consider at least some kind of management position.
    • Your Plan B may be to attract significant positive feedback from the media, party representatives, potential campaigners and sponsors. But first of all, pay attention to the following facts:
  5. 5 Make friends. An incredibly large number of friends.Or rather, you should look for the most wealthy friends. Of course, it's always good to have a lot of friends, but you must admit, it's always good to have a friend who is able to fund your campaign in all states.
    • Don't be discouraged if you don't get enough attention at first. Many other people managed to get their name on the ballot with only a handful of votes. Bradford Little ran in 2008 and received just 111 votes. I am sure that you will have 111 friends. Jonathan Allen finished with 482 votes. The more the better, but even a small number of supporters can give you the opportunity to be elected.

Method 2 of 4: Getting out of the bureaucratic net

  1. 1 Register to become an official candidate. If you spend or collect more than $ 5,000 for your campaign, then you are automatically considered a candidate by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Visit their website to get started moving towards your plans.
    • You will need to update your financial information and keep the FIC informed about your expenses and income. If you can afford, then hire someone to deal with these issues, because you will be very busy at get-togethers, parties, feasts, meetings and receptions to deal with any finances.
  2. 2 Put your name on the ballot papers. Do this in all 50 states, which can be difficult and expensive, but not every day you get the opportunity to run for president of the United States, so if you walk, walk like that. Think of it as a contribution to yourself or other people's contribution to you.
    • Each state is different, so you will need to contact the Secretary of State to obtain and complete the required forms and petitions. Your goal is to collect as many signatures and votes as possible in each state. Start by visiting websites and gathering the information you need.
  3. 3 Organize a presidential intelligence committee. Most likely it will be a selfless organization that will scout and test the performance of your campaign. Create a website where you outline your goals and objectives. Make your statements very convincing and sincere. Collect people's opinions on your proposals, thus spreading the word about yourself.
    • Assemble a team of field workers who will walk from door to door and spread the good news of you. Do this in as many metropolises as possible, as well as in areas where you need to strengthen your reputation.

Method 3 of 4: The Ice Has Broken

  1. 1 Get ready to command the parade. Now that you are an official nominee and your committee has said, "Believe it or not, we can succeed!", It's time to spread the word about yourself, and it's also time to make acquaintances at your local print office, and to prepare your family and loved ones circling the bush around your campaign logo for the next 2 years.
    • Come up with logo designs for T-shirts, fridge magnets and car knickknacks, as well as stickers and posters with your logo and brand phrase. Ask local business owners to hang some of your posters in their establishments, or even name a product after you (at least temporarily). Ask your friends to spread these things to other cities too.
    • Enrich the virtual world with your presence! Open your YouTube channel, organize a website or blog. Create your campaign page on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. How else to reach out to the new generation of voters?
  2. 2 Have a clear idea and a coherent opinion about all the latest political events and trends. After all, when people see your face on various posters, they will wonder who this person is, what he stands for and whether your intentions are serious.Yes, you are serious about making a change for the better and you stand for a common cause.
    • If you are planning to change something, then plan it well (for example, providing humanitarian assistance to other countries). Which party do you have more in common with? Do you support the position of this party on the main issues? Do you consider yourself a conservative or more liberal person?
    • Make sure that your views are well reflected on all your blogs and social media pages, and clearly communicate your point of view to your family and friends, because the more people are able to express your views for you, the better.
  3. 3 Lay a solid foundation for your campaign. What are your goals? Tax cut? Improving living standards? Job creation? Improving the quality of education? Think of all those promises from other campaigns - what changes do you want to promise?
    • It doesn't hurt, of course, to believe what you are saying. It will be much easier to stay true to yourself and not wiggle from side to side, trying to please everyone at once.

Method 4 of 4: Came, saw, conquered

  1. 1 Start your campaign. Using your media partners, try to find a way to spread the word about yourself as best and efficiently as possible, most likely through newspaper articles, billboard advertisements.
    • Your best bet is to start early training camps for your peers in states like Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. These states can give you a good edge that will be difficult to compete with in the future. They can also influence your party candidacy well.
    • Get ready to travel. If you did not expect such a development of events, then stop doing it now. You wind miles around the country every day, so stock up on deodorant, toothbrush, and membership from your favorite hotel chain.
    • The campaign requires a lot of money. Think of the easiest way to accept contributions and keep in touch with your original supporters. After all, they will be your breadwinners for a long time.
  2. 2 Hone your speaking skills. Fortunately, you may have already been practicing public speaking for months, so the main points will be clear to you. But when you appear in the bright light of spotlights, under the pressure of a timer, then even the most experienced candidate can shake his knees. Start practicing now, you will not regret it.
    • Know well what you believe in and what you stand for. You must have excellent knowledge not only of your information, but also be well acquainted with the proposals of your rivals, and also remember what the voting people want. Prepare well, calculate all possible developments, because the whole country will look at you, and it is in your best interest to appear as a confident person, and not as a beginner trembling and sweating with fear.
    • Explore as many successful and proven approaches for discussion and policy debate as possible. You should appear strong but not laughably stubborn, caring but not overly gentle, and you should be charismatic to the core.
  3. 3 Expect anything. You've spent a lot of valuable time and hard-earned money, and now it's time to face the denouement. If you compete with representatives of the mainstream Democratic and Republican parties, then all your efforts may be in vain and failure is simply inevitable.
    • Get dedicated support before diving into the deep waters of political battles. Your supporters will always be by your side when you are in trouble. It is not an easy task to run for the US presidency, so take it seriously, but not to the detriment of your health.
    • Usually, Americans love those candidates with whom they can find something in common, even a little. Staying on your feet and staying sober can help your campaign succeed whether you fail or fail.


  • If you think you have everything to become the President of the United States and you want to bring something from which the whole country will benefit, then don't give up!
  • Come up with a cool slogan, something that grabs people's attention and communicates your intentions within a few words.
  • It is very good if you have a college degree in political science or law, so people will assume that you are good at what you are doing.
  • Do not be tricky and attack or swear at other candidates. It looks vulgar.
  • Practice your autograph. After all, the president must have a presidential signature!


  • Be absolutely sure that you really want to do this. Your life can change beyond recognition.