How to get popular on Facebook and get a lot of likes

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get more Facebook likes FREE by Inviting people from your most popular content!
Video: Get more Facebook likes FREE by Inviting people from your most popular content!


Nowadays, everyone has their own Facebook page. And everyone wants to have thousands of friends and hundreds of likes! So ... this is how you can become popular on Facebook!


Method 1 of 3: Make Your Page Stand Out

  1. 1 Add beautiful photos. It is the photos on your page that influence the first impression of people, so it is very important that they are beautiful. They also need to be interesting and have a good color scheme.
    • For example, add a beautiful black and white photo of you as a thumbnail and then a black and white widescreen photo of you standing in the woods or doing your favorite hobby as a cover.
    • If your photos fit together, your page will look more professional and attract more people.
  2. 2 Tell us about yourself. You want to look like a real person who does interesting things and has an opinion. Share your thoughts and things that are important to you so that people perceive you as a full-fledged person. People need to feel like they know you, so make it easy for them to understand who you are and how you live.
    • Always be positive and lively. Constant complaints about girls / guys, your family, or whatever will only scare people away from your page. They have enough of their own problems, and during times of difficulty, they want to see something positive at least from others.
  3. 3 Post interesting content. The content on your page should be interesting. Avoid posting whiny photos of you sitting on the floor trying to get attention. Instead, post funny stories, good jokes, pretty photos, and interesting facts. Post things that are relevant to cheer people up, not make them worse.
    • If you have talent, use it! If you sing, paint, write, or have any other talent you can show, show it! Record videos or take photos to get people interested in the things you do.
    • You can also add posts you like from Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, or other popular sites if you don't have time to make your own.
  4. 4 Don't spam. Don't post too often, avoid posts from in-game apps, and don't treat your Facebook wall like a billboard. When stores ask you to add their ads to your wall for a discount, ignore it. If what you are posting looks a lot like typical spam, then don't post it. If you spam, people will quickly remove you from their news feed!

Method 2 of 3: Become a part of the community

  1. 1 Make your page public. If you want to have a lot of Facebook friends and people who are interested in your posts, make your page public. Thanks to this, more people will see your content. And remember: don't post anything that can be used against you!
  2. 2 Add many friends. If possible, add everyone you know in real life. Add everyone from your school, and your friends' friends. If a stranger comments on your post, add them. When you see someone rating posts that are similar to yours, add them as well. The more friends you have, the more people will see your posts.
    • Add those people whom you know little or have seen only once. No one can personally know over 500 people, so don't be surprised if you see a popular person on Facebook with a large list of friends.
    • Don't forget to add people you haven't seen in a long time. It is possible that your friendship will be renewed!
  3. 3 Join groups and communities. Find a community you like and join it. These can be fan pages, groups, whatever, where your interests coincide with the interests of people. Groups and communities are a great place to meet like-minded people and meet new people even outside your region, country, and continent!
    • It is easier to attract a specific group of people than it is to try to attract everyone. Find your place.
  4. 4 Encourage interaction. Your posts should encourage people to comment, like, or interact with you in some way. Post questions, reasoning on controversial topics, or inspirational quotes and stories. The more likes, reposts, and comments you have on your page, the more people on Facebook will see your posts.
    • Here is an example entry: “I am not a political advisor, but our country has chosen the wrong strategy in relation to the conflict in Syria. What do you think about it?" or “Next week, a long-awaited concert, I have long dreamed of getting there! Who is with me? " or “I am selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I get out of control and sometimes difficult to deal with. But if you cannot communicate with me when I am in a bad mood, then you do not deserve me in a good one. Marilyn Monroe".
  5. 5 Interact with others. Interact with other people a lot. This will make them feel like they know you, and it will also give you the opportunity to make new friends. Comment on their posts and photos, leave congratulations, and look for other ways to interact with each of your Facebook friends.
  6. 6 Post at the right time. If you have special material to post, post it at the right time. Saturday morning and Sunday evening are the times when the most people check their news feed!

Method 3 of 3: Expand Your Area of ​​Influence

  1. 1 Use Twitter and Instagram. Also post to Twitter and Instagram to get more people to see your content. Make sure there is a link to your Facebook page so they can find you and add you to see even more different posts. Try not to duplicate content: then people will have a reason to follow you on multiple networks, not just one!
  2. 2 Start a blog. To expand your area of ​​influence, also start your own personal blog. It can be on Facebook, but it's better to have it on a separate site to increase your audience.Make sure your blog content is interesting enough for people to enjoy reading it. Add a link to your Facebook, and encourage people to add you as a friend.
  3. 3 Advertise yourself on other sites. If you have a blog, advertise it in different places to reach even more people. Find communities with content similar to yours and offer them friendships so that everyone can learn something new and interesting from each other.


  • The point is that you become an interesting and popular person, and people would be proud to know you. To improve the effect, make people feel like they know you well enough (even if they don't). They enjoy being friends with people like you because it makes them feel cooler, more influential, and interesting.
  • Add people who are already popular.
  • Don't forget to wish people a happy birthday!
  • If possible, check the site every day.
  • Ask questions about public events such as "Who will go to Eurovision this year?"


  • Don't post anything that you later regret. Many people lost their jobs, positions, and other opportunities because of the things they posted on Facebook.
  • Don't be boring! Be kind and open to everyone.
  • Don't post about your political or religious views.
  • Glory doesn't come overnight. Be prepared for both ups and downs.
  • Don't call yourself popular. Don't be narcissistic.
  • Do not leave rude comments under other people's posts or photos.