How to become like the Joker

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Think Like The Joker From The Dark Knight
Video: How To Think Like The Joker From The Dark Knight


The Joker is one of the coolest and most popular villains in comic history. If you want to become like him, start with pranks of people and mischievous behavior. Work on speech and laughs like the Joker to look even more convincing. Try out the Joker's outfit and makeup to really get into the role!


Method 1 of 3: Joker Behavior

  1. 1 Be playful and play practical jokes. The Joker always has a couple of tricks in stock! Always carry prank items with you and hide them in strange places. Shoes and sleeves are great places to hide your gimmicks.
    • Carry a fart pillow, handshake shokers, disappearing ink, fake vomit, magic dice and whatever else you love!
    • Visit a joke store to get inspired and buy prank items. You can also order them online.
  2. 2 Work with your henchmen to create insidious plans. The Joker is cunning and clever. He always has a master plan, a backup plan, and people doing the dirty work. Gather a group of friends who will play the role of your minions and start developing something sinister.
    • For example, you and your friends could ambush your sister's makeshift house.
  3. 3 Be unpredictable to make people nervous. The Joker only does and says things because he wants to, and he doesn't care about the consequences! Introduce some chaos into your life by acting unpredictably with friends and family. However, don't do anything dangerous!
    • For example, when someone asks you a question, pretend they asked you something completely different and answer that!
  4. 4 Throw in a lot of weird jokes. The Joker constantly jokes and says strange, funny things to others. Do the same! Laugh hysterically while everyone else looks embarrassed. Then laugh even harder! The Joker loves to confuse people and give out jokes that only he understands. In the comics, he says things like this:
    • "Life is a bowl of cherries ... and these are bones!"
    • "I'm not crazy at all! I'm just sane in a different way !!"
    • Addressing Superman: "More powerful than a locomotive ... and almost as nimble!"
  5. 5 Never take anything too personally. Be aware of the light-hearted and funny side of everything at all times and in everything. Maintain a humorous outlook on life, and never let anything touch you. Whatever happens, even negative things, take it as the Joker. With smile.

Method 2 of 3: Joker Appearance

  1. 1 Wear tattered purple and green clothing. The Joker always wears pretty clothes that look pretty shabby, such as sloppy suits. He usually prefers purple and green clothing. Try to get some weird suits, ties, and other "fancy" items at a thrift store. Add some holes and spots to make the clothes look tattered.
  2. 2 Apply Joker makeup. If you dress like the Joker, you can't help but put on makeup! Smear white makeup all over your face. Add black makeup around the eyes. Use bright red lipstick to create an exaggerated smile around your mouth.
    • Makeup can be purchased at the costume store.
    • Be careful not to get any makeup in your eyes when you apply it!
    • If you want to look like Heath Ledger's Joker, smudge some lipstick and apply makeup casually.
  3. 3 Train your posture and gait of the Joker. It really depends on what kind of Joker you want to be. Heath Ledger's Joker slouches. But the Joker performed by Jack Nicholson is very level, almost comical! Choose the Joker you want to be like, and then learn his posture and gait.
    • Check out some YouTube videos if you can't remember some of the details.
  4. 4 Pick a few weird habits and repeat them over and over. The Joker has a lot of weird kinks, for example, he constantly licks his lips. When you speak, emphasize certain things by biding your time and licking your lips before ending your sentence. You can also smile strangely at the wrong time.

Method 3 of 3: Joker Speech

  1. 1 Keep it short and get straight to the point. The Joker doesn't beat around the bush. He speaks in short sentences and often gives out strange things. Try saying random weird things and then laughing hysterically.
    • The best way to get the right speech is to practice it while watching a movie!
  2. 2 Change the volume of your voice spontaneously. The Joker usually speaks in a low, hoarse voice. Sometimes he shouts out something to catch people off guard. Try to say something in a low whisper. Then shout out a few random sentences with villainous glee.
  3. 3 Train the Joker's creepy laugh. The Joker's laugh is a kind of raucous laugh that literally drives you crazy. Exhale instead of inhale before laughing (as most people do). This will help you sound hoarse. And then laugh long and loud. Think about how witches giggle in movies. Strive to portray something similar, but crazier.
  4. 4 Be charismatic when dealing with people. The Joker is confident and speaks without fear. This attracts the attention of others. Then he attracts all eyes to himself with the help of words, appearance and manner. Listen to people when they speak and take an interest in what they have to say. Bend over to whisper a strange answer to them and burst out laughing before leaving the room.
    • For example, show genuine interest when a friend tells you about a new movie they just watched. Bend over and whisper, "All it takes is one bad day." And then suddenly scream: "Isn't that so, moonlight ?!", and now leave, laughing hysterically.