How to become a Nerf assassin or killer

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be A Hitman
Video: How To Be A Hitman


Get out your tuned NERF barrel and ski mask: it's time for the Assassins! Nerf Assassin or Nerf Killer is a fairly popular game in some universities, schools or on outings, where a certain group of people is quite common, where they can always be on their guard. The game continues until all participants are eliminated, so it is more convenient to play with people with whom you often see. At least three players are required. You can start your own game or join an existing one. Read point 1 for further information.


Part 1 of 3: Learning the rules

  1. 1 Learn the basic rules. Among assassin players, each player receives a mission card, or sometimes a note. The task will be the name of one of the participants in the game. Your task in the game will be to eliminate the specified player either openly or secretly, but with the help of your NERF cannon.
    • In most games, it will be necessary to make a "fatal shot", which means that the projectile will have to hit the head or torso of the victim.
    • It is forbidden to defend until you see another player actively trying to eliminate you.
    • Always carry your challenge card with you in case you need to prove to the judge that this is your target.
  2. 2 Find a group of people willing to play. You need at least three people and an impartial judge or manager who will take into account the hits, keep track of the score, and organize the game.
    • When you join a game that is already in progress, the referee must familiarize you with the rules in force. Listen carefully and play by the rules, then you will definitely have a good time. If you don't like the way this game is organized, start your own, with your own rules.
  3. 3 Set a time limit. Some games are limited to a week or a few days before eliminated players are "revived" and the game starts over. By setting a time limit, you add extra tension, but remember to play the way you like it. Each game plays out differently, so feel free to customize the game to suit your interests.
  4. 4 Define safe areas. Often, cafeterias and some areas of the university are designated non-playable and are considered safe areas in which you cannot be killed. Players who work usually include their places of work in the list of non-playing zones.
    • It is usually forbidden to "slow down" the game and never leave the safe zone. It's boring enough to be locked up all the time, where no one can get you.
  5. 5 Choose direct or stealthy version of the game. In some games, assassins are only allowed to eliminate with "lethal shots" from the NERF cannon, and in some, players have expanded their arsenal and added other means of indirect elimination, such as poisons, bombs and other methods of "killing".
    • Sometimes it is permissible to put a NERF dart or a piece of paper with the inscription "POISON", or, for example, send a NERF dart by mail or delivery service, which will be considered "explosive". Indirect methods of elimination can be very diverse.
  6. 6 Before starting the game, make sure you have a suitable place for this. Several universities have banned the game of assassins after a series of misunderstandings and complaints. Before you start running around with NERF Cannons and shooting each other, make sure you don't get into trouble because of it. Dealing with this beforehand will ensure everyone has a good time as they play.
    • Most universities prohibit playing games during class or on university premises. Be smart and make sure you follow the rules.
    • Warn your neighbors that your friends can track you near your house with a NERF cannon so they don't call the police.
  7. 7 As soon as you are eliminated, contact the judge. Usually, it is the manager or referee's job to inform everyone of the eliminated players, and the eliminated player's job is to inform the referee that he is out of the game. As a rule, the games will last several days and include several rounds with the exchange of goals or their change.
    • In some games, by killing a player, you pick up his mission card, thereby obtaining a new goal. These games continue until all but one player has been eliminated.

Part 2 of 3: Strategy and Tactics

  1. 1 Be discreet. Having run headlong after the target, the first time you see it, you will most likely be killed in self-defense. You need to play calmly, tracking down the target for a while, studying its habits and shelters. Remember the safe areas, and think about the places where you could lie down while waiting for your target.
    • Some games have special requirements for witnesses. If you play by these rules, then no one should see how you eliminate another player, otherwise penalties will follow. Sometimes too many bystanders can result in the eliminated player being returned to the game and given you as a target. Remember these rules and be careful.
  2. 2 Penetrate your victim's head. What kind of player is he? Careless? Discreet? Where does he live? Where is he hiding? What is the best way for you to approach him without witnesses and eliminate him? Once you learn to think like your opponent, you will come closer to victory.
  3. 3 Move closer and stay close. Usually players will be super careful, but you can try to make a false alliance in order to get closer to your goal, monitor it, know about its every step, reduce its suspicions about you. Look for the right chance to strike.
    • Of course, it's tempting to get your other friends who aren't in the game and get them to do the dirty work for you. However, this is usually prohibited.
  4. 4 Do not hurry. Let the opportunities appear, don't force things. Do not rush in headlong, dropping all your bullets. Wait for the right moment and strike. Learn to be on the lookout in your daily activities, be ready to take action when you notice something is wrong. This adds tension and fun to the game!
  5. 5 Change your roles. Remember to play defense. Change the routes you take to get home and try to stay close to safe areas. Find out information about the routes of other players in order to plan safe routes, avoiding places where you might stumble upon them.

Part 3 of 3: Weapons and Skills

  1. 1 Get out the equipment. Obviously, having a NERF cannon is critical, but dark clothing, knee and elbow pads, and leather gloves are a great way to experience the spirit of the game. How about binoculars or sunglasses? Why not? Popular models of NERF cannons are:
    • The rapidstrike
    • The centurion
    • The elite stryfe
    • The vortex diatron
  2. 2 Learn to move around in your outfit. Sometimes it will be necessary to go for a run, so it won't hurt you to be in shape. If you are able to run away from your killer, then you have a good chance of winning.
  3. 3 Practice with your NERF cannon. Even super expensive models are not necessarily the most accurate. If, without preparation, entering the game, you, waiting for the right moment to eliminate the target, miss - you will most likely be "killed", and you will find yourself out of the game and feel very stupid. Practice shooting at banks and other targets to understand how your NERF cannon behaves.


  • Be ready.


  • Due to the fact that the assassin players did not warn possible observers about their game, more than once they called the police, and even sappers. Do not do stupid things, do not bring the game to a ban. Make sure to alert all concerned bystanders that a game is in progress.

What do you need

  • Nerf guns
  • Equipment
  • Form (for assassins)
  • A place to get ready
  • Place to play