How to become a man in your girlfriend's eyes

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
20 Tips On How To Be A Perfect Girlfriend For Your Guy
Video: 20 Tips On How To Be A Perfect Girlfriend For Your Guy


Being a "man" for your girlfriend means being strong and actively participating in her life.To be a good partner for your girlfriend, you need to make her happy and put your energy into the relationship, making it fulfilling and enjoyable for both of you. Take care of her, treat her tenderly, learn to resolve conflict situations and disputes calmly and honestly. Maintain a healthy, happy relationship so she knows that you are a good partner and that she can rely on you.


Method 1 of 3: Be Nurturing and Supportive

  1. 1 Be good listener. Support your girlfriend and listen to her. Don't interrupt or stop her when she's talking. Make eye contact with her and nod back to show that you are listening to her carefully. Be very careful so that she is sure that you are worried about what she is talking about.
    • You don't have to look at your phone or computer screen every now and then when she tells you something. This is a sign that you are not listening to her at all.
    • Try not to talk too much while she’s talking, and don’t show that you know how to solve her problem. Men have a habit of offering solutions to problems. But instead, you just need to pay attention to what she is talking about. Sometimes a girl just wants you to listen to her.
    • Show that you are listening by saying, "Yes, I understand what you are talking about," or "I think you mean ..."
  2. 2 Show that you are interested in her interests and hobbies. Show the girl that you want to be aware of what she likes and dislikes, how she usually has fun and spending time. Asking questions about her day and her hobbies will show that you want to get to know her as a person and interact with her better.
    • For example, you can ask her, "What TV shows have you been enjoying lately?" Or, "How did you work out this morning?"
    • You can also ask counter questions if you know she is interested in certain things, such as books, movies, sports, or art. For example, you might ask, "By the way, how do you like the book you started reading?" Or: "Well, did you train well?"
    • You can also invite her to join you in your own hobbies. If, for example, you enjoy climbing, invite her to a beginner group so you can teach her. This will help her see a piece of your own world and help her understand what interests you and her have in common.
  3. 3 Ask her out on dates regularly. Schedule a specific evening where you will be spending time together and doing something fun, like having lunch and watching a movie. Also schedule dates for special occasions, like graduation or her birthday. Show her that you care about her and want to celebrate your victories with her.
    • For example, you might plan and organize a surprise party for her birthday to show that you care about her and want her to feel special. You can schedule a graduation or college dinner at her favorite restaurant.
    • You can also take her somewhere to celebrate various minor events (for example, the end of project work or the fact that you have successfully survived a boring family trip).
    • These dates don't have to be expensive. You need to try to be creative and try to make the date fun, like having a water balloon fight or a picnic in the park or backyard.
  4. 4 Compliment her and thank her. Show your girlfriend that you really appreciate her, express your appreciation and respect. Even such a simple compliment as "you look very beautiful!" or "I love your new hairstyle" will make your girlfriend feel needed and desired. Remember to thank her when she does something good for you.
    • You can thank her at a more advanced level to show that you value her very much.For example, you might say, "I really appreciate everything you do for me, thank you" or "I'm so glad I found you."
    • Make your compliment special and specific. If she cooked your favorite dish to surprise you, tell her, “I really appreciate that you know how important this dinner is to me. And I am very grateful to you that you made an exception and prepared it for me. Thanks to you. I feel special. "
  5. 5 Notice her strengths. Tell her what you like about her. It will be especially great if you notice in her those positive features that she herself does not yet know about. For example, if she is friendly and patient with unpleasant people, say, "I really like how sweet you are with people you don't like."
  6. 6 When times are tough for her, support her. If you know that your girlfriend is now coping with some difficulties (for example, at school, work, with friends or loved ones), support her emotionally. This can be done by asking her how she is doing and by giving enough attention to her problems. Show the girl that you are there if she wants to talk about her problems.
    • For example, if you know that she is having a difficult period in school, you can offer to help her sort out some assignments after school. Or you can do her homework with her so that she can finish it as soon as possible, and the next day she excelled in class.

Method 2 of 3: How to resolve controversial and conflict situations

  1. 1 Resist the urge to yell and yell at a girl. Screaming, raising your voice and being rude towards a girl will only add fuel to the fire. This behavior will only make the situation worse and will greatly upset and anger your girlfriend.
    • When you feel the urge to yell and yell at a girl, try to breathe deeply to calm down a little. Remember that harsh speech will not help resolve a dispute or improve the situation in any way.
    • In addition, you should not criticize your girlfriend and call her names.
  2. 2 Try to discuss the issue rationally and honestly. Talk to her in a normal manner and try to approach the problem or argument rationally. Ask the girl to share her point of view with you and explain why she is so upset. Be open to her honesty and point of view.
    • For example, you might say to her, "I'm trying to understand your point of view. Please explain it to me," or "I don't understand very well where I was wrong. Can you explain to me?"
  3. 3 Be firm in your feelings. It's important not to be afraid to express how you feel, especially when it comes to an argument. Try not to be silent or hide from her. Instead, be honest about your emotions.
    • For example, you might say, "To be honest, I've been very upset in recent weeks so I haven't paid enough attention to you." Or: "To be honest, I was so worn out at school, perhaps because of this I was not so active and attentive towards you."
    • It is often difficult for men to understand and express their emotions. Show the girl that you are feeling something that is difficult to describe or express; try to explain it to her as best you can.
  4. 4 When you're wrong, admit it and apologize. If you did something that hurt or hurt your girlfriend, step over your pride and apologize for your behavior. Admitting your mistake does not make you weak or belittle your masculinity. In fact, the ability to admit your mistake shows that you are a self-sufficient and worthy person. It also demonstrates to your girlfriend that you are responsible for your actions.
    • For example, you can say to your girlfriend: "After our conversation, I realized that I was wrong when I didn't call you. I'm sorry that I did this to you." Or you can say: "Now that we talked, I understand why you are offended at me. Forgive me."
  5. 5 To solve this problem, you need to work on it together. Talk to your girlfriend about how you can solve the problem you had a fight over. Instead of asking her what to do, offer her your options for dealing with the situation. This decision can be a way to apologize to her, or it can be a compromise where you both concede something to each other. Work together to come to a joint solution.
    • For example, you might agree to correct your behavior to solve a problem. You can say, "From now on, I will work to be on time for our dates" or "I promise I won't forget to call you back."
    • You can also agree to a mutual compromise to resolve this situation. For example, you might come to a decision to be more honest and sincere with each other in the future about any problems you might have with your home or school.

Method 3 of 3: Maintain an honest and sincere relationship

  1. 1 Be true to her. An important part of being a good guy is being loyal and loyal in your relationship with your girlfriend. Don't flirt with other girls and don't trade your girlfriend for friends. Show her you care and loyalty by spending a lot of time with her and giving her attention when you are at an event or company.
    • Part of caring for your girlfriend is trusting her, don't be too arrogant or overbearing. Try not to control her life and her decisions. Instead of constantly monitoring her and her actions, support and trust her.
  2. 2 Find what you have in common and try to explore these areas together. Take your relationship to the next level by doing activities that are fun for both of you. Concentrate on what you have in common and enjoy.
    • For example, if you both love to travel, plan an overseas trip together. If you both enjoy watching movies at home, have a movie night and watch your favorite movies together.
  3. 3 Share household responsibilities if you live together. If you and your girlfriend live under the same roof, be sure to do your bit. Do various household chores with her, such as taking out the trash and cleaning the kitchen. Do your part to keep your home cozy and clean.
    • If you have problems with household chores, talk about them honestly and openly. Try to work out this problem together and find a compromise in which both of you will benefit.
  4. 4 Surprise her with sudden dates or gifts. Keep your relationship spontaneous and interesting by arranging surprise dates or leaving her with cute surprise gifts wherever she can find them. Show your girlfriend that you appreciate her by doing something nice for her every now and then.
    • You can try to surprise her with something simple, such as a small bouquet of flowers or a small gift. Or you can surprise her by inviting her to dinner or somewhere else if you're sure she'll love the idea.
    • Be prepared for the fact that, most likely, your girlfriend will also want to surprise you with an unexpected date or gift. Pay attention to how open and kind she is to you, whether she makes pleasant surprises for you so that you, too, feel loved and desired. Don't forget to thank her!