How to become a tattoo master

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Become A Tattoo Artist
Video: How To Become A Tattoo Artist


Tattoos allow people to feel more confident in their bodies and to express their love for creativity. If you can draw and don't like restrictions, the job of a tattoo artist may be just for you. To become a tattoo artist, you need to graduate from high school and do an internship at a tattoo parlor. After that, you can look for a job as a tattoo artist and get tattoos. At the moment, in most of the CIS countries there are no special licenses for tattoo artists, but they may be introduced in the near future.


Method 1 of 4: Education and Development of Artistic Skills

  1. 1 Finish high school. Most often, salons expect a job candidate to have at least a secondary education and be at least 18 years old. While you are studying, try to master an artistic skill at the same time (from basic drawing to graphic design) in order to expand your skills as a master and prepare for future work.
    • If you left after the ninth grade and could not enter any educational institution, you must have at least a document on basic education.
  2. 2 Get an art education to improve your chances of getting a good job. The tattoo artist does not need to get a higher or secondary art education, but it will be useful. Studying at an art school will develop your creative skills and help you become a well-rounded artist. This, in turn, will allow you to find more clients and make more money.
    • If you are not ready to graduate, take courses.
    • It will also be useful to get an education in the field of business. This will prepare you for working in a tattoo parlor and looking for clients.
  3. 3 Learn to draw to develop your skills. Tattoo artists must be able to draw, especially contour drawing. Look for courses or a teacher. Try to learn from people whose work you really enjoy.
    • You can also check to see if there are any local tattoo artists doing the classes.
    • If you don't have the skills you need right now, don't despair. Like all artistic skills, drawing skill develops through constant practice and perseverance.
  4. 4 Practice drawing yourself. Create a sketchbook specifically for training and draw in it in your free time. Draw everything from simple patterns to famous heroes, popular personalities and portraits of different people. The tattoos you will need to do in the future can be very different in style.
    • Buy some drawing tutorials to help you learn new drawing techniques.
    • Sketch future tattoos in a sketchbook to develop your personal style.
    • Search the internet for works by famous artists and get inspired by them. Check out the works of such popular artists as Mirko Sata, Chris Nunez, Miya Bailey, Gerhard Wiesbeck, Frank Carillo, Rith Keith and Stanislva Wilczynski.

Method 2 of 4: Getting Started

  1. 1 Prepare portfolio. A portfolio will give you the opportunity to do an internship and get a job. Pick the best artworks that showcase a variety of styles and scan them. Store these files on your computer so you can quickly send them to potential clients or employers, or print them.
    • Include a variety of examples (works in different styles and techniques) in your portfolio to demonstrate what you can do.
  2. 2 Arrange an internship with an experienced master. Contact different salons and apply for an internship. When you get a job, start working with your supervisor: develop professional skills, learn how to properly handle tools, skin and place of work, and draw tattoos.
    • Most often, internships last 6-12 months.
    • In the beginning, you will probably have to draw a lot. The tattoo artist will want to see if you are able to work at the pace provided by the salon and create sketches based on the wishes of the clients. It will be useful for you to work on your own style.
    • You may be allowed to get a tattoo for yourself, and then perhaps when you get more experienced, the first clients.
    • Often, internships last at least a year and are not paid. You may need to earn extra money in another way until you gain experience in this area.
  3. 3 Know that you should not and cannot get a tattoo artist's license. At the moment, a license is not required to work as a tattoo artist in Russia, but it may be introduced in the near future.
    • In some countries, a license is required. Find out if you need to get a special document if you live in another country.
    • In any case, you will need to know and be able to follow the rules of sanitary safety.
  4. 4 Consider taking a tattoo course. Often, when applying for a job in a salon, having a diploma is a plus.
    • Search the internet for information on courses and prices in your city.
    • Remember that if you are under 18, you may not be allowed to work with special equipment.

Method 3 of 4: How to Find a Job

  1. 1 Buy the equipment you need to get started. In most salons, craftsmen have to buy the tools and supplies themselves. Order everything you need online or at a special tattoo store. You will need:
    • Tattoo machine
    • Needles
    • Set of paints
    • Leather writing instruments
    • Hygiene supplies (gloves, alcohol wipes, antiseptic solutions, bandages and gauze, cling film, plastic wire pads, etc.)
  2. 2 Search online for jobs. Explore job vacancies for tattoo artists in your city. You can also go to the websites of specific salons and see if they are looking for someone.
  3. 3 Call for vacancies. Call the ads looking for tattooists or their assistants. Many salons hire craftsmen with interesting style and developed skills, even if they are not looking for anyone right now, so find out if the salon is interested in a new master.
    • If you have tattoo friends, ask if they know of any job openings.
  4. 4 Go to salons looking for new craftsmen. Make a list of salons looking for craftsmen and find out how you can apply for a job. Usually, you need to bring your resume and portfolio with you to your interview.
    • If you have tattooed yourself or others during your internship, include photographs as well as drawings and sketches in your portfolio. This will make you stand out from others.
  5. 5 Prepare for interview. If you are offered an interview, choose business attire and arrive at least 10-15 minutes before the interview. Answer questions about your experience as clearly as possible. Thank the interviewer to make a good impression.
    • Take your passport, resume and portfolio with you.
    • Search the internet for questions that are often asked in interviews with tattoo artists, and practice answering them in your spare time.
  6. 6 Continue applying until you are offered a job as a master. Don't worry if you don't get hired in the first place you interview. It can take a long time to find your first job, so you should apply to different salons.
    • If you live in a small town, it may be difficult for you to find a job. Consider moving to a major city with more job opportunities, or starting your own salon if you don't have one in town.

Method 4 of 4: Gaining Professional Experience

  1. 1 Watch for changes in legislation. Since a license is not required to work as a tattoo artist in Russia, but it may be introduced in the future, it is important to keep track of changes in legislation.
    • Chat with people in the tattoo industry for the latest news.
  2. 2 Keep learning to develop your artistic skills. It will be useful for you to take courses to develop your personal style and attract clients. If you don't already have a degree in the creative field, consider getting one if it benefits your craft.
    • Developing a personalized style is an important step in the career of a tattoo artist. Personal style will allow you to stand out from other masters.
    • In some countries with a licensing system, tattoo artists are required to take special courses once a year or every few years in order to meet safety requirements.
    • Follow the news and development of technology in the field of tattooing. Stay on top of new trends.
  3. 3 Chat with other artisans in your area. Meeting other masters will allow you to stay on top of industry news and find customers through word of mouth. Go to salons, attend tattoo conventions, chat with other tattoo artists on social networks.
    • If you work in a salon, meet colleagues and explore their portfolios. This allows you to refer clients to each other who want a tattoo in a particular style.
  4. 4 Open your own businesswhen you have at least 3-5 years of work experience. If you prefer independence and want to get more money for each tattoo, try working on your own. Advertise your work on social media or on your personal website. This will allow you to find new clients and attract enough orders to be able to provide yourself with this job only.
    • It is best to switch to independent work after several years of work in the salon. Thanks to this, you will be able to build up a customer base and increase your credibility as a professional.

Questions and answers from experts

  • What education does it take to become a tattoo artist?

In the tattoo industry, competition is constantly increasing, so if you want to be successful, it will be useful for you to learn how to draw or paint. The more artistic skills you have, the more likely you will be hired for an internship.

  • How to get an internship at a tattoo parlor?

Pick a tattoo artist or salon you like, go to that salon and start saving the tattoos done there. At the same time, show the salon your portfolio of the best works. Showcase your technical skills on paper, from sketching to complete designs and illustrations. When the salon is looking for an intern, they can contact you.

  • How can you get a job as a tattoo artist?

The job search process is similar to finding an internship. You will need to show the portfolio to the salon so that employees can see what you can do. However, since usually all salon employees are very busy, it is best to email the portfolio. That way, hiring employees can evaluate the work when they have time. If they are interested, they will invite you for an interview.


  • Remember: tattoos remain on the skin forever. Work extremely carefully, especially if you are just starting an internship or placing your first order.
  • Tattoo artists often work long hours, including late at night and on weekends, so this work can be demanding physical endurance. If this does not suit you, you are better off choosing another profession.