How to become macho

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


A real man can take care of himself and his family. A real man is intelligent, polite and self-confident, and he also knows how to lose, knows how to ask for help and how to do what is needed. To become a real man, you have to work hard. If you want to learn how to be more masculine, you must learn the following: how to behave, how to look, and how to avoid the stereotypes that give macho men a bad reputation. Learn to be a man. Read Step 1 for more information.


Method 1 of 4: Act like a macho

  1. 1 Learn to be self-reliant. A macho man can take care of himself and his family. If you want to develop a strong masculine personality, learn to do as many things as possible yourself and rely less on others for simple things. Can you change the oil in the car yourself or take it to the service? A macho man knows how to solve any problem competently and without panic. Here's a short list of the things that every guy should be able to do:
    • take care of your car
    • fix the faucet
    • throw out the knife
    • to cook a steak correctly
    • shoot a weapon
    • drink whiskey
    • shave with a straight razor
    • find water
    • butcher meat
    • survive in the forest
    • win the fight
  2. 2 Have fun with male activities. Yes, playing X-Box is fun and interesting, but there are also more male activities. A macho man, as a rule, does not sit at home and does something with his own hands. Male hobbies are a great way to make friends with other guys and increase testosterone levels. Try a few of these hobbies to find out which works best for you:
    • fishing
    • football
    • golf
    • boxing
    • motorcycle sport
    • reading
    • skeet
  3. 3 Become an expert in some field. A macho man is a smart guy for whom it is very important to learn as much new and interesting as possible. Whether it's for your job or your hobby, you should try to become an expert in the field. It is necessary that others turn to you for help, because you have the relevant experience and knowledge in this area, and not vice versa.
    • Never humiliate others because they know a little more than you do. You won't become macho if you think ignorance is cool. On the contrary, it just shows how stupid you are.
    • If you really have talent, you can back up your words with action. Bragging to your friends about how good you are in bed, what a fast new car you have, or how high you jump in a toss, maybe you are actually that macho, or maybe you're just lying. Only brag when you actually have something to brag about.
  4. 4 Build strong male friendships. Being a macho is not so much fun if you don't have a cool team of macho men who are ready to stomp with you to the ends of the world and do crazy things. Every man needs other men with whom they will be friends, with whom they can eat and drink beer, jokingly wave their fists or knives. Make yourself such friends and do men's affairs with them.
    • Find male patterns that you respect and learn from these examples. If you are studying a specialty, pick a man whom you admire personally and professionally, and try to learn everything from him.
    • Spend time with the men in your family to get to know them a little better. Try to strengthen your relationship with your father, uncles, siblings, cousins, and so on. There must be a strong relationship between macho men.
  5. 5 Restrain your emotions. When the macho man opens the scoring, he calmly walks up to the referee, passes the ball to him and returns to the game. He behaves as if it were business as usual. Show-off is for those guys who need some kind of compensation because macho men are cool, independent and laid-back. A macho man should look like you would want to put him in charge when the apocalypse struck, because he is the only one looking at the zombie crowd with a bored smile on his face. Macho men cannot be defeated by failure or success. Treat everything that happens (good or bad) as a new experience.
    • If you ever have to cry in front of everyone, try to still remain courageous and resilient and speak in a non-broken voice. Macho tears are like raindrops in the desert: they should shock and impress. People around you will understand that the situation is really serious, because even a macho like you shed a tear.
  6. 6 Be yourself. Being macho doesn't mean you have to drive a car, get drunk, or treat everyone like a pig. A real man always remains himself, defends what he believes in. But the most important thing is that he is always real. A real macho does not break comedy, he just always remains a man.

Method 2 of 4: Be Confident

  1. 1 Provide for your family. Be reliable and perform well so that others can always rely on you. Always be ready to help and become a role model for the rest of the men in your family. Teach them everything you know and learn as much as you can about them.
    • Sometimes, those who are called "macho" are actually guys who make up for the lack of self-confidence and the ability to take care of those around them. Guys who don't know how to do their own household chores sharply criticize other guys, brag to everyone around how great they are in order to maintain their status quo.If you really provide for your family, work well and bring joy to your soul mate, there is no need to compensate for this with pseudo-machismo.
  2. 2 Be confident. A macho man is a man who behaves confidently in the presence of his friends, strangers and colleagues. You want others to notice when you enter the room. Sit up straight, walk with your shoulders straightened, and look people directly in the eyes. Speak clearly and loudly, and with the conviction that whatever you say is credible, correct, and worthy of attention.
    • The macho man signals his presence physically and verbally, but does not try to intimidate anyone. Macho and bastard are completely different things. Do not offend others in order to destroy them, but to exalt yourself. If you enjoy having verbal skirmishes with your friends, then you need to set your limits.
  3. 3 Say what you think and think what you say. A macho man stands for what he believes in, and his position must be reasonable and justified. Don't be afraid to speak your mind honestly and openly. If you disagree with someone, politely express your disagreement, even if it would be easier to just keep quiet.
  4. 4 Play with dignity. Learn to calmly cope with all the failures and failures and move on. The macho man loses with dignity, wins quietly and modestly, and learns from his mistakes rather than becoming a defensive bastard.
    • It is also very important to learn to understand and admit your mistakes. If during an argument you change your original point of view or if your decision turns out to be wrong, say so. Admit it. Be a man.
  5. 5 Attract others to you. A macho man is always surrounded by a halo of mystery, which, like a magnet, attracts other people, especially women. If people think that you have secrets and you have something to tell, you will be interesting to them, and they will be drawn to you. Sex appeal, charisma, and machismo play a role here.
    • Learn to be silent... Be a good listener and don't talk if you don't need to. It's hard to be macho if your mouth never closes.
    • Be serious... Mysterious macho men generally don't act like fools. Remember how serenely serious veterans and elderly sea captains look.
    • Be sensual... Try to comprehend the art of love massage and pleasure. Become a sex god.

Method 3 of 4: Avoid Stereotypes

  1. 1 Be polite and respectful to women. If anything spoils the reputation of macho guys, it is that they mistreat the fair sex, belittling them, objectifying them and generally showing their rudeness. A macho man treats well all the women he meets along the way. Learn to communicate with women face to face, calmly and politely.
    • You don't have to put on a show to be attractive to women. On the contrary, it repels them, because you can see that you are just breaking a comedy. Remember to be a man. Never call out to women on the street and do not use formulaic phrases in order to start a conversation with a woman. Be above that.
  2. 2 Eat vegetables and eat a balanced diet. Some men think that it is "cool" to eat only meat, and do not eat fresh vegetables and other foods, because in their understanding it is not men's food. Sadly for them, a diet that includes mostly only red meat and where there are no fresh vegetables, as a result, leads to problems with the prostate gland, stomach and colorectal cancer. You will not be macho if your prostate is removed, or if you suffer from impotence and urinary incontinence.
  3. 3 Drink in reasonable amounts. “Not knowing your alcohol rate” is not a sign of masculinity, it is a sign of alcoholism.There is nothing wrong with having a couple of glasses with friends (especially if it's bourbon, dark beer or Manhattan), but you need to know your norm and not exceed it, trying to show off in front of your friends. This can lead to serious problems.
    • This also applies to other suicidal vices such as smoking and other drug use. Drug and alcohol abuse is a sign of self-doubt, not a sign of being masculine.
  4. 4 Drive safely. There is nothing courageous about driving at a breakneck speed, cutting off other drivers, or speeding up at traffic lights. If you are a real man, you don't need to show off with your car.
    • If you have an old car that you are really proud of, show it to your friends at your front door or on a street that is free to drive, but do not show it on a road with many cars. Other drivers driving to work in the morning don't care how much horsepower your car has. And you won't look more masculine if you fly through a red light right in front of their noses.
  5. 5 Protect yourself and be smart while having sex. A macho man doesn't need to constantly change his partners to prove his masculinity. Protect yourself during sex and be yourself. Ignore guys who are showing off about their sexual prowess. Perhaps they watch porn movies too often and then compose. You are a real man and you know it.
  6. 6 Get help when you need it. This is perhaps the oldest stereotype about macho: they will never stop at the sidewalk to ask for directions. Of course, it’s unpleasant to admit that you’re wrong, or to show that you need help, but it’s much worse not to do it and thus complicate the situation even more. First of all, the macho man wants to successfully cope with the case. He doesn't want to screw things up by trying to do everything himself. You cannot do everything yourself. Get help.

Method 4 of 4: Look Macho

  1. 1 Take care of your appearance. A macho man must follow the basic rules of body care without spending too much time and money on his appearance. To look macho, you need to be clean, smell good, and dress appropriately, and not look like you've spent more than 5 minutes in front of a mirror or like you care about your appearance.
    • No need for manicure and expensive haircuts. Instead, learn to trim the back of your head and trim your beard with a trimmer to look good at all times. Trim and clean your fingernails regularly, but don't worry about the cuticles.
    • Take a shower and wear clean clothes that fit and flatter your male figure. You won't become macho if you smell bad and wear teenage clothes. Learn to dress well.
  2. 2 You can't go wrong with wearing jeans. What is a macho man wearing? The simpler the better. Jeans of any cut, a clean white T-shirt, and work boots looked good in the 1950s and still look great today.
    • Dress appropriately for work. Don't wear flip-flops and beach shorts to work, or you'll look like a fool. Get a good pair of shoes or boots and wear them to work.
  3. 3 Start exercising. The macho man has a good male figure, and it's not because he goes to an expensive gym to do Pilates, but because he lifts heavy things in the garage. Develop a muscle building program that you can do at home using what you already have. No need to buy expensive or trendy inventory. You can reach your goal using ordinary dumbbells.
    • Concentrate primarily on the abdominal muscles and biceps.Swing different types of abs and at different angles so that you get cubes on your stomach, and do bicep curls and bench press to work your pecs and arms.
  4. 4 Earn some scars. A macho man works physically, which can lead to small scratches, and then scars. Don't worry about this. Do what you can do, and don't be afraid to take risks. You only live once.
    • This does not mean that you need to behave irresponsibly and expose yourself to serious risks. Earn scars by mountain biking and fixing your car, not in fights or car accidents.


  • Be confident in yourself.
  • Watch your appearance.