How to become an indie

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to be Indie Kid l A Complete Guide to Indie Kid | clothes, accessories, hairstyle etc 🍄🤍
Video: How to be Indie Kid l A Complete Guide to Indie Kid | clothes, accessories, hairstyle etc 🍄🤍


“Being indie” means creating an image for yourself that will emphasize your individuality. This means independent thinking, making decisions based on your own, and not someone else's feelings. It means more than what you wear or what bands you listen to; India is a culture and a way of thinking. If you want to be a part of indian culture, read on for helpful tips.


Method 1 of 3: Indie character

  1. 1 Don't worry about what others think. Why do you need this? Only you live your life, so live and love what you like. Wear clothes that show who you are, listen to music that expresses your soul, never mind the haters. They are upset that they cannot enjoy life the way you do.
  2. 2 Try new things or rediscover forgotten ones. This is the whole point of India. You like and appreciate things that many people ignore or that deserve more love than they receive. From unknown musicians to highly artistic (but not high-budget) films, indie culture is on the hunt for rough diamonds.
  3. 3 Be independent. As independent filmmakers and musicians you like, make sure you take life independently. Do what brings you joy and don't be afraid to deviate from the norm. Dye your hair strange colors because you like the color. Wear clothes that don't match because you like the pattern. Take up a hobby that is considered strange because you don't think so.
  4. 4 Don't think about a relationship if you don't want to start one. You can be lonely, date whoever you want (regardless of public opinion), date more than one person (as long as you agree with your partner), and maintain your independence in any of your relationships.
  5. 5 Express yourself. Express your opinion, let your appearance express your personality, do what will express who you are and what you believe in.If it is important to you that workers are treated fairly, become a volunteer with a union organization. If you don't like what's going on in your country, test and work to fix it.

Method 2 of 3: Culture

  1. 1 Have a unique taste. In popular culture, people most often like something because others like it, not because it is really good. In indie culture, people take quality seriously, so you should pay attention to that too. People may have different opinions about what is good, but you need to evaluate new things based on how you feel. Set the bar high for music, food, clothing, and everything else in your life (especially your shopping).
  2. 2 Look for the eternal, not the ephemeral. Popular culture tries to follow fashion and most popular things will only be considered good for a while. You need to look for things, past and present, that will always be good. Therefore, indie music is often recorded under the influence of folk, and fashion is inspired in the 40s and 70s.
  3. 3 Get interested in music. Indy means an independent record label, after all. I will not list famous indie bands for you to listen to; there is always something new, and advice can get in the way of our goal. Being indie in music means being open to new things.
    • Do your research. There are many online services out there, such as Pandora and Grooveshark, that will give you recommendations on how to find new music based on the name of an artist you already like. Try new things and find new bands!
    • Head to your local record store if one still exists. Our predecessors spent hours choosing new records there and there is a lot to tell about it. If you are lucky and there is still such a store in your city, become its regular customer.
    • Talk to your friends about music. The best way to learn about performers is by talking to other music lovers. To be indie means to exchange new ideas and things; if you find a new favorite band, tell your friends about it.
    • Become a part of the local music scene. No matter where you are, there are always musicians in your area. It's the heart of indie music and also a great way to become part of the community. If you play music yourself, find people with whom you can write something new. There is no better way to get involved in indie culture than by recording indie music.
    • Don't worry about whether or not your tastes fit the definition of "indie". Listen to what you like. There is no “King of India Song List” that tells you which songs are cool and which are not.
  4. 4 Get busy with handicrafts. Part of India culture is to create your own things and develop new skills.
    • Take your existing interests to the next level. Do you like to eat? Learn to cook! Do you like scarves and knits? Learn to knit! Know everything about your smartphone? Learn to create apps! Information for self-development can be found everywhere, and your potential has no boundaries.
    • Don't be afraid to be creative. Indie recording studios have always been known for new genres of music that transcend all boundaries. Push the boundaries in your creativity too.
    • Let your friends do needlework as well. You can tackle ambitious projects if you have helpers! Set up a community garden or volunteer for something that interests you. Being indie means doing everything together. There are many community organizations that you can join in your city.
  5. 5 Always look for something new. New films (from new directors!), New books (or old, forgotten ones), new music, a new image - you should always be open to new things. Even to philosophy and ideas. The essence of indian culture is to love those things that people have forgotten, ignored, or had no opportunity to enjoy.

Method 3 of 3: Indie Clothing

  1. 1 Express yourself through your wardrobe. Imagine that you are a white blank canvas, and your style is art. What would you like to say to people? The essence of India is to find your own voice and not be afraid to express your thoughts.
    • Choose vintage clothing that you like. Old-fashioned cuts and prints are often lost in time, and some of them are definitely worth returning to fashion!
    • Don't be afraid to wear something that might sound a little crazy to you. To be indie is to be yourself! If you think it will look cool, give this outfit a try.
  2. 2 Beware of big brands and stores. Visit local thrift stores to save money, help the environment, and find treasures that you will never find in a regular mall.
  3. 3 Craft treasures from accessories. Jewelry, watches, hats, scarves: they all help you express yourself. Look for treasures on your travels, but don't forget that you can make them yourself! Your accessories should look like they are very important to you.
  4. 4 Choose a natural look. Indian culture concentrates on the natural look. Keep your makeup to a minimum, wear naturally shaped clothes (fly tops or flowy pants), keep an eye on your hair, but keep it looking like you just got up or came from the beach.


  • Be humble. Don't share everything about how awesome you are.
  • Be yourself.
  • Recycle waste. It's economical, good for the environment, and it also gives you a cool look. Re-sew or give away old clothes, make crafts that could become trash, think of new uses for old, unnecessary things.
  • Get busy with handicrafts! You can make a lot of money by selling things on Craigslist or Etsy.
  • Tell people about the issues that concern you.
  • Find a role model for yourself, but let yourself become a role model! You cannot be truly indie if you are just a copy.
  • Think about the things you buy and where they come from. Spend money on local manufacturers or companies whose policies suit you. If you don't know how a particular company works, read about it.
  • Make sure everything you say sounds indie. But say whatever you want.

What do you need

  • Clothes that reflect your personality.
  • Something to write down thoughts in. You will need to take notes.
  • Camera. Indies take a lot of pictures.
  • Apparatus for listening to music.
  • An open mind and a passionate spirit.