How to become a fairy

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Fairy is a magical, mystical beauty, known for her mischief and kind soul. Each fairy is unique, has individual personality traits, talents and style. However, there are certain key traits that all fairies possess - a love of nature, a connection with animals, and a desire to help people. This article will tell you how to look, act and feel like a fairy and maybe even turn you into this tiny creature.


Part 1 of 4: Finding Your Own Personality

  1. 1 Decide what kind of fairy you want to become. There are many types of fairies, each with their own characteristics, talents and style. Before deciding to become a fairy, you will need to decide what kind of fairy you want to be. Try to match your personality to one of the existing fairies, this will make the transition faster and easier. Consider all the options and choose the one that suits you best.
    • Maybe you will fairy landwho loves trees, flowers, plants and forest creatures? She suits earthy tones in her clothes and spends her time in the garden.
    • Perhaps you will become fairy of waterwho loves everything related to water and spends her time near rivers, lakes and streams, always keeping her feet in the water?
    • Or will you fairy of firewho loves warmth and flame, showing passion in everything that she does, no matter how big or small it is?
    • Or maybe you will become fairy of airwho longs for open space and the wind that develops her hair, whose airy nature is picked up by the wind?
    • Or will you dream fairysurrounded by mysticism and always wishing her friends good dreams.
    • Perhaps you will fairy of music, which constantly finds melodies and rhythms in the world around her, whether it be the singing of birds in the trees or the breath of the wind between the rocks.
    • Maybe you should take a closer look at fairy of lightwho loves sunshine and can shine clearer than a thousand stars?
    • Or maybe you will be mysterious dark fairywho prefers night to day and indulges in dark spells?
  2. 2 Choose a name for yourself. The name of a fairy must match her essence or the talents she possesses. For example, the "fairy of the earth" can choose the name "Grass", "Sahara" and so on; "fairy of fire" can choose the name "Spark", "Flame"; The water fairy can choose Wave or Breeze as the name.
    • Choose the fairy name that you think best reflects your personality, or use a random online name generator.
    • After you decide which name suits you, you may want to not tell about it or share it only with your closest friends, since the legends say that the name of a fairy can control her fate and give her magical powers. Protect yourself by sharing your fairy name only with your closest friends.
  3. 3 Create your own magic pollen. What kind of fairy would it be without fairy dust? Your pollen, like your name, must match your personality and talents and must be completely unique. You can buy glitter from a specialty store to create the base of your pollen, but you will need to add something special to make the pollen magical.
    • Make sure the gloss is fine and not rough. A thick layer of gloss is what you need to avoid. Choose a color that matches your chosen fairy. For example, green is for the fairy of the earth, blue is for the fairy of air, lilac is for the fairy of darkness, and so on. Add a little body lotion to fix the effect, just don't add too much or it will start to roll off.
    • Then you need to add some things that will indicate your enchantingness. If you decide to become a land fairy, try decorating yourself with leaves and grass. If you're a water fairy, add sand and shells. If a fairy of fire, use wood or coals. If you are an air fairy, add some balls of cotton or feathers.
    • Shake the fairy dust well to mix all the ingredients. Place it in a bubble, and as a talisman, put it around your neck. The talisman will always be there and you can go anywhere with it. Or you can put the pollen in a jar (which you can then decorate) and put it in a room or some other safe place.
  4. 4 Make your signature unique. A fairy's signature is not the same as an ordinary person's signature. Fairies' signature reflects their essence and the talents they possess.
    • For example, if your magical talent is farming, then your highlight is pansies and other flowers. If you are an aquatic fairy, use shells and seaweed. If you are an air fairy, use a feather. Happened? A signature should be something small, it should reflect your talents and your personality.
    • You can use your distinctive feature. For example, if you are growing flowers in a garden, you can somehow indicate this on your plants. Or if you bake cookies, you can use them to show authorship.
    • For added effect, some leave bits of the mixture in place of the artwork.

Part 2 of 4: Achieving the Appropriate View

  1. 1 Wear lightweight, airy clothing. Magic clothes should be light and airy, made of lightweight fabrics. The choice of color or shade of color of clothes, again, will depend on the degree of your enchantingness. Earth fairies usually wear clothes in green and brown tones, fire fairies in red and orange tones, water fairies in blue and green colors, and dark fairies in purple and black tones.
    • In the shops that sell costumes for theater, shows, Halloween, there is an assortment of various fabulous costumes. But, depending on your size and individual preferences, you can make yourself a costume yourself.
    • If you decide to make your own costume, find your style, buy some accessories, and then buy fabric. You can use different types of fabric - corduroy, tulle, transparent, iridescent canvases and so on. You can also use second-hand dresses and skirts that can be tailored to your body.
    • To make a magical skirt, you can simply take an elastic band or elastic (the size of your waist or hips, depending on where you wear it), and then take pieces of tulle or mesh (length depends on your height) and sew them to the braid. ... Make sure you have enough layers so that the skirt does not show through.
    • You can simply tie the skirt with a ribbon to wear, but if you are using an elastic band, you will need to attach the fabric to the elastic using buttons, Velcro, or simply sew on. Flowers, stars or other accessories can be used to decorate the skirt.
    • For a fairy-style top, you can sew something yourself or find a shirt (that can fit your body) from the Renaissance or something that is not too heavy and tight.
  2. 2 You must have long healthy hair. Fairies are renowned for their amazingly flowing curls, so hair care is a priority for you. Hair color does not matter, fairies are all individual! The most important thing is to keep your hair in good condition. To do this, moisturize them with hair conditioner, drink plenty of water, and periodically do homemade hair masks.
    • In terms of style, most fairies grow long hair, sometimes below the waist if possible. Never collect your hair, let it fall down your back. However, if you have a short haircut, you can style that too!
    • Perm or a few small curls just to frame your face. For this purpose, you can use a curling iron, iron, curlers or curl your hair. Alternatively, you can curl your hair to make it look more natural.
    • Fairies shouldn't get hung up on keeping their hair in top condition. They have more important things to do than think about their hair! After all the adventures of the fairy, you can see the remains of branches or flowers in her hair, and this is not at all scary!
  3. 3 The skin should be radiant. A fairy should have perfect, radiant skin, take care of that. Wash your face twice a day (no more, no less) and moisturize with a lightening cream. Mask acne, enlarged pores with a cortisone cream. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
    • When it comes to fairy makeup, you need to use a reflective foundation or powder that will add a healthy color and radiance to your skin. Use a lighter tone across the cheekbone and under the eyebrow to add extra definition. And if you really want your face to shine, add some glitter to your cheeks, the effect will be amazing!
    • Other makeup products can be used to enhance the fairy look, including a light pink blush, lip gloss, some mascara (only applies to upper lashes), and some shadows that match your fabulous look and outfit.
  4. 4 Pick up some magical accessories. As mentioned earlier, fairies aren't too concerned about their appearance, so you don't have to overspend on accessories. However, a few simple details here and there can really add a little charm to your outfit and make you feel like a real fairy.
    • Everyone knows that fairies can fly on their wings like graceful butterflies. You can buy magic wings from a Halloween costume store, or make your own using wires and colored stockings. You can find out how to make wings here. Don't worry about having to wear wings all the time, fairies often hide their wings when they get "big", so walking around without wings won't be a problem.
    • Do you want to become a fairy with a crown? Easily! Take a hoop equal to the circumference of your head and glue artificial butterflies and / or flowers to it. Also, you can take a few hairpins and glue artificial flowers to them. Secure the hairpins with flowers in your hair in a beautiful hairstyle. Alternatively, you can wear a daisy wreath to create a simple, natural earthy look.
    • Not all fairies have wands, but some use them to perform magic spells, especially dark fairies. Sticks can be either purchased or made yourself. They can be made using a branch from the garden; any thin, long, straight piece of plastic can also be used. Attach ribbons or other decorations to the stick, in general, whatever you deem necessary. Use your imagination!
    • Most fairies are very old, but time has no power over these magical creatures. However, the jewelry they wear is very old. In vintage shops or thrift stores, you can find antique jewelry, especially bracelets or necklaces with medallions. It's okay if the stones are large, they will also work for your look - especially if they match the color of the rest of the accessories. For example, the dream fairy will use moon stones, the water fairy will use pearls, the fire fairy will use a ruby, the earth fairy will use jade, and so on.
  5. 5 Find a unique scent. Part of the fairy image is having her own unique fairytale scent. Therefore, depending on what type of fairy you belong to, you need to use the appropriate perfume. You can just buy a suitable perfume if you like it, but it's better to create your own scent.
    • Consider buying a perfume set with a variety of oils that you can mix to create your own unique scent. You can also buy natural essential oils, available at most health food stores, and dilute them with water in a spray bottle. Add some sparkles to liven up the perfume.
    • Some popular scents often include: floral scents such as jasmine, lavender, chamomile, rose, and geranium; fruity aromas such as lemon, grapefruit, tangerine; spicy aromas such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and cloves; earthy aromas such as: vetiver, cedar and eucalyptus.
    • Again, choose a scent that suits your fairy type. For the earth fairy, choose floral, fruity, or herbal scents. For the water fairy, choose a rainy, fresh scent. For the fire fairy, choose a spicy scent. For the air fairy, choose a cottony, windy or mountain scent.

Part 3 of 4: Appropriate Behavior

  1. 1 Smile more often. Fairies are happy, cheerful creatures who always have a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. Your face - you are a fairy - should not leave a smile, be it a kind smile, a mischievous grin, or a dreamy half-smile.
    • You do not need to walk and constantly shine, but when communicating with people you should always smile, as this will help make you more attractive, at the same time add mystery and mystery.
  2. 2 Do good deeds. Fairies, these funny and mischievous creatures, have golden hearts, they help any creatures.Good deeds can be done in any area of ​​daily life: you can wash a mountain of dirty dishes, or take care of old people in a nursing home.
    • Keep in mind that fairies often do good deeds anonymously; they do not do them for praise. It is enough for them to know that they have made someone's day a little happier.
  3. 3 Spend more time on outdoors. It doesn't matter what type of fairy you are: a fairy of fire, water, sleep, or whether you are even a dark fairy - all fairies are connected with the earth and nature. It is important for fairies to spend a lot of time outdoors; it is important for them to feel how the grass rustles under their feet, and how the wind plays with their hair.
    • As a fairy, you should feel a deep connection with nature and enjoy your time in nature, frolic in the fresh air, appreciate the sights, sounds and smells of the earth. Try collecting wildflowers, climbing trees, or practicing bird song.
  4. 4 Sing, dance and learn to play a musical instrument. All fairies (although, above all, musical fairies) love music, song and dance. They hear music everywhere: in the singing of birds, in the murmuring streams, in the wind rushing through the trees, and even in the crackling of flames. They gladly sing ancient chants and lullabies in their gentle, sweet, high-pitched voices.
    • Fairies love to play musical instruments such as flute, pipe, harp, tambourines, bells and bouron. Learn to play any of these instruments, which will be a worthy experience for any fairy.
  5. 5 Take care of the animals. Fairies are very fond of nature, and also feel a deep connection with various representatives of the fauna of forests and pastures. They can communicate with them, feel their emotions in a way that people are not given. Birds, deer, rabbits, frogs, squirrels, mice - they are all friends of fairy tales, so look for them wherever possible.
    • Leave a carrot or succulent lettuce as you walk past the rabbit, or help a bird that has fallen with a broken wing. Do whatever you can to help those in need.
    • Fairies are not very fond of cats, because cats are believed to be much closer to witches.
  6. 6 Eat natural foods. Fairies live in nature and enjoy all its gifts. This is reflected in their food choices. They prefer fruits and berries, vegetables and nuts. Because of their association with animals, they tend to stay away from meat, and therefore follow a vegetarian diet.
    • Despite the fact that most of the time fairies stick to healthy, natural, dietary food, sometimes they cannot resist homemade cookies, freshly baked bread or cake. Especially if the biscuits and bread smells amazing of vanilla, nutmeg or cinnamon, mmmm!

Part 4 of 4: Creating the Environment

  1. 1 Decorate your room to reflect your fairytale personality. Create a fairy tale, decorate the room in colors that match your type of fairy. Hang your dream catcher and music pendant from the ceiling and place a small fairy figurine on your desk, nightstand, dressing table, or windowsill. Hang a canopy over your bed to protect you while you sleep. Store your magic pollen supply somewhere safe, such as high on a shelf or in a locked desk drawer.
  2. 2 Grow certain flowers, herbs, and plants in your garden. Certain herbs, plants and flowers are especially loved by fairies, so plant them in your garden and they can transform your garden into a piece of paradise.
    • Fairies are especially fond of edible plants such as: rosemary, mint, licorice root; fragrant shrubs such as lavender, acacia and eucalyptus; Plants with vibrant flowers that attract butterflies, nightingales and hummingbirds, such as: honeysuckle, calendula, cornflowers, irises, peonies, petunia, sunflower and foxglove.
  3. 3 Invite other fairies to visit you. It goes without saying that fairies enjoy the company of other fairies, so if you've adapted to the fabulous lifestyle, it's worth sending an open invitation to other fairies.
    • The attention of other fairies can be attracted by planting the aforementioned flowers in the garden. Also, guests can be attracted by the wonderful aromas of homemade baked goods, bubbles in the sky - yes, blow bubbles, fairies love them - or invite fairies to your garden where they can have a great time.
    • But, most likely, you just need to behave like a real fairy in everyday life. Do good deeds for others, connect with nature, and open your heart. By doing all of these things, other fairies can sense your soul mate, and you don't have to try too hard to get their attention.


  • Even though you cannot fly, you can sense magic and mysticism. When you believe that you are a fairy, you will find yourself in your magical world and feel when something strange is going to happen. A chill run down my spine. The feeling that someone is watching you. And subtle clues in the form of light laughter, dancing, whirling in the breeze.
  • Every fairy should radiate love and peace. Be strong willed. Don't let others humiliate you. Be happy always and everywhere!
  • You can become one of the fairies described in this article, or create your own image. Don't limit yourself.
  • Before you a large selection of images of fairies, any of which you can "try on" yourself. If none of the looks suits you, create a style that you like.
  • Don't worry about not being able to fly. Not all fairies can fly; there are different kinds of fairies, and each kind has its own abilities.