How to become a more flexible gymnast

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Gymnastics requires a lot of physical ability to advance to a higher level or compete in this sport. You can do the handstands, wheel and tuck perfectly fine, but you need to keep working on the little things that can take your usual exercises and movements to the highest level. Here are some instructions on how to increase your flexibility and develop a full range of motion in your body to become more flexible with your daily stretching.


  1. 1 Wear comfortable clothing that allows your body to move freely. It is best to use clothing designed specifically for warm-up. It is best to work in a gymnastic leotard or, if you prefer, shorts and a loose, comfortable T-shirt.
  2. 2 Researching and discovering new ways to stretch. There are many types of stretching exercises that are applied to different muscles in your body, and when doing gymnastics, allows them to move more smoothly.
  3. 3 Constant exercise. There is no set time limit or specific day for stretching. You can do it right after waking up, before bed, or even during commercial breaks while watching TV.
  4. 4 Start small. If you are new to gymnastics, then you need to develop your flexibility gradually. Start out where you feel most comfortable, and slowly, step by step, improve.
  5. 5 Identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can already move certain muscles more efficiently, but you can hardly do anything else. Exercise as needed and maintain the form you have already acquired.
  6. 6 Look for "professional" help. If you know someone who is a practicing gymnastics master, then ask them for advice on how to stay motivated and work with them daily until you reach your goals.
  7. 7 Make gymnastics a lifestyle. Exercising every day until you become flexible won't do you any good in the long run. If you don't stretch every day, then you will lose what you worked so hard to achieve.


  • Do stretching exercises every day and add new exercises from time to time. It should be fun!
  • When stretching, you will probably feel a slight burning sensation, soreness, for example, in the thigh. Don't stop stretching at this point! Continue until you feel more sensation in the lower thigh. Keep yourself in this position until you feel comfortable, and increase the load daily.
  • Train every day and you will achieve results. For gymnastics, you need a lot of flexibility. Do not forget about breathing during stretching, thanks to correct breathing, you will not experience such intense pain. If you feel pain, that's good, because it means your muscles are working.
  • Just have fun and do your best. Gymnastics is fun.
  • Train in the morning and evening! Be determined, confident, and never give up.
  • Be careful. If you stretch harder than you are comfortable with, you could be injured.
  • Exercising can hurt. At a higher level, you need to have good willpower in order not to give up in difficult times.
  • Remember to breathe constantly. This will help you focus and also provide oxygen to your muscles.
  • Relax. This will make your movements easier.
  • Make sure you smile when you exercise, otherwise the judges may deduct points.


  • Always use common sense when practicing. If you are in great pain, stop. If you think you are not ready for something, wait until you are sure you can do it.
  • Be careful: gymnastics is a very difficult sport and you will most likely be in pain if you don't exercise regularly.
  • Call an assistant. When trying to do a new exercise, seek help from someone who can help you with the movement.
  • If your coach is pushing you towards something that you cannot handle, tell him / her about your limits.
  • REMEMBER - not all at once.
  • You must have good willpower. Stretching can hurt you, and in order to get better, you must overcome difficulties.

What do you need

  • Suitable clothing
  • A wish