How to get closer to God as a Christian

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Get Closer To God! How I Changed My Life & Walk with Jesus
Video: How to Get Closer To God! How I Changed My Life & Walk with Jesus


If you, as a Christian, feel the need to get closer to God, below is a list of some tips and ideas to help you praise and get closer to God. God loves you more than any other living being. He created you, and by following these tips, you can become closer to Him.


  1. 1 Pray. While this may seem obvious, pray twice a day or more. Even when you have no desire to pray, pray. As you pray, imagine how you come to Him and see His greatness. Glorify Him! "He wants to be your best friend, the Holy and Righteous God who is perfect Love."
  2. 2 Do not be proud, and do not try to pray eloquently: just share the important things in your life. Although even in small things, you can ask for help or ask for wisdom.
  3. 3 Confess your sins to Him. Pray for all your current problems and other things that are important to you. You can keep a prayer notebook if it is more convenient for you, or if you want to remember all your prayers and the answers to them.
  4. 4 Ask your believing friends to pray for you if you are not strong in prayer, or search the Internet for information about this. There are many different prayer systems that teach you how to pray for yourself, other people, etc.
  5. 5 Think that God is always with you as your closest friend. If you realize this, you will begin to pray to God more and more. In this way, you will become even closer to Him. You will truly understand the value of glorifying God and being filled with the Holy Spirit.
  6. 6 Chat with your church youth minister, preacher, pastor, or teacher about topics that interest you. Most likely, all of them studied the Bible and answered themselves the questions that you have. Ask them what you want to know about God: why we have a choice to sin; why God allows suffering in the world; why we have problems even if we are doing the right thing; why He sent His Son to the cross, for all people (and even murderers); why Christ returned to the Father in Heaven; why He sent the Holy Spirit, etc. You will learn many things about God that you did not know before. This information will also help you tell your unbelieving friends about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  7. 7 Read the Bible. The Bible is the written word of God. Try to read your Bible daily using your reading plan.You can find hundreds of these plans on the internet - choose the one that works for you. There are also various Christian manuals that are very helpful in understanding the Scriptures that apply to our lives. You can buy them, or find them on the internet. In addition, there are many Christian books that, based on the Bible, reveal this or that topic. Choose what interests you.
  8. 8 Be attentive in church. You will learn many new things and become closer to God. Take notes in the church! This will help you a lot later: you can reread them to apply these principles in your life.
  9. 9 Get involved in the life of the church. It is not enough just to sing in church and do what is customary (bow your head, stand up, sit down, etc.). Participate in activities, help others, and be blessed with it.
  10. 10 Be sincere in your thoughts, feelings, and actions. God is purer than any person, so the more pure you are, the closer you will be to God, and he will touch your heart and fulfill your needs and desires.
  11. 11 Avoid quarrels and evil. Be calm and peaceful. Read the Bible to stay that way.
  12. 12 If you are a Catholic, go to confession at least once every 2-3 months. This will help you live a more Christian life and become closer to God.
  13. 13 Whether you are a child, teenager, or adult - associate with people who have the same faith; your faith will be strengthened when two or three people around you agree in prayer. This does not mean that there should not be unbelievers around you, but every time you pray, have faith - otherwise, you will not be close enough to God in your daily life.


  • Don't repeat prayers that you don't understand. God wants you to have a conversation with Him, not reading empty memorized phrases. Think of Him as a friend.
  • Knowing that God is our closest father, who surrounds us with his perfect love every minute, is vital in order to become closer to Him.
  • When you bless others, you will reap even more blessings. Your cup will overflow and you will be able to bless others even more.
  • Always thank and praise God for everything He has done for you, no matter what happens in your life.
  • Seek Him because “without faith it is impossible to please God; for it is necessary that he who comes to God should believe that He is, and reward those who seek Him. " Heb. 11: 6.
  • When praying, don't be self-centered. Remember that God has his own ways and his own timing, so trust Him for this.
  • "When you are angry, do not sin: let the sun not go down in your anger." Remember this every day.
  • "Do not let your heart be confused." Jn. 14: 1
  • Don't forget about God. It is very easy to forget, but always try to think of Him. Look for Him early in the morning. Seek when you can find Him.
  • Humble yourself before God and He will exalt you.


  • “Pride comes before destruction, and arrogance before destruction” is written in the Bible. Thus, think more about others: make it a habit to serve and take care to share God's love with people.
  • “When did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not serve You? they will ask. Then I will say to them in answer: truly I say to you: since you did not do this to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me, ”Jesus will say at the judgment.
  • Don't be proud; false humility means that you are proud of your humility and your accomplishments, and by doing so you are not glorifying God.