How to deal with the threat

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How Should You Deal With Verbal Threats
Video: How Should You Deal With Verbal Threats


Throughout your life, you can face a huge number of threats. This article will teach you how to deal with a person or group of people who threaten your physical health.


  1. 1 Assess the situation. You must do this quickly and calmly.
  2. 2 Find out:
    • Why are they threatening you?
    • Do they want something from you? (In that case, if they want what you can give them, give it back. You can't know how desperate they are. It doesn't make sense to be killed for the contents of your wallet).
    • Who is the leader of the group? If it comes down to what you face, they will be your first target.
    • What does the area look like where you are? Are there surveillance cameras? This will greatly influence the actions in this situation.
  3. 3 Consider if you have an escape route. If they are only in front of you, you can run backward. Run towards a large crowd of people. It's safer this way.
  4. 4 Use the answers to the questions to figure out how to deal with the threat. If you can get rid of the threat of concession, flight, or other nonviolent means, take action. The violent method is not a reliable method for getting out of this situation.
  5. 5 Deal with the threat. If you get into the area of ​​the surveillance camera, force them to take the first step. However, if they outnumber you, and some of them have weapons visible, that may be enough to justify your actions. Basically, luckily for you, most people are honest and will attack you one at a time. This is what you should hope for and use against them.
  6. 6 Get rid of the leader. The recommended way is to hit the groin. Not very graceful and fair, but if you do your best it will instantly fall to the ground. Now you need to think again. If you can run through the free space you've created, run. Hope they get distracted. Otherwise, you must isolate yourself from the group in some way. One person from the group will do. Grab the other person by the neck and stand behind him so that it will be uncomfortable for him to do something. Make sure you hurt him hard enough that he won't be able to attack you. You can grab his ear with your other hand and try to pull it off. This should stop him from trying to pull away from you, as the ears are very sensitive.
  7. 7 See if you can escape now. If not, and you are not a martial arts master of sports, you are in trouble. Hit your shield on the back of your knees and push it hard to the ground. It will be nice if you break something for him. Now you need to deal with the rest in a subtle way. Try to attack unexpected targets. The knees are very weak and can be easily broken with a stick. The jaw hits can be overwhelming for many, but they are too expected to be successful. Continue to fight outside the rules. Move sharply and don't let them grab you. If you get caught, then you are finished.
  8. 8 Run whenever possible.
  9. 9 Tell the police or security guard about the attack. Alternatively, walk to a payphone and call 911 or your local police station.


  • If you are not proficient in martial arts and have barely fought up to this point, then you are advised to be low football kicks to the knees and ankles. Your punches will be weak.
  • If you are still robbed on the street, throw it, don't give it, throw your wallet past the robber. If you toss the wallet over the burglar, you will have more time to escape. The burglar will probably be more interested in the contents of the wallet than in you.
  • Take martial arts lessons. Practice builds confidence, style, and strength.
  • In case of a possible robbery, prepare a fake wallet with many fake cards, checks and several banknotes (since it is illegal to counterfeit money).
  • If you need to punch, prepare your fist: squeeze tightly and place your thumb inward, not to the side. Practice: Place your palm in front of you. Squeeze it so that the thumb is on top of the fingers bent in a fist, not next to it. Strike with a tightly clenched fist or you risk injuring your fingers and hand.
  • Body parts marked with a * are not suitable targets to hit unless you are sure of what you are doing or until you are in a desperate situation (5 professional assassins with bats or something). Hitting these areas can be very effective and even deadly. Vulnerable points (up from the feet): ankles, knees, groin, abdomen, movable ribs, collarbone, * throat, jaw, * eyes, * temple.
  • In case of a robbery, carry a fake wallet in your back or front pocket of your trousers, and a real wallet in the other pocket, so as not to confuse them.
  • Read the other tips posted here. They describe other, equally effective, approaches to this situation.


  • Carry your mobile phone with you at all times. If you can't use it in front of the robbers, it will come in handy later.
  • If you know you are preparing for an attack, avoid people, places, things that spark confrontation.
  • Call 911 immediately if you are injured in any way. The cut you received may end up with some kind of illness for you.
  • Always try to avoid this situation before using violence.
  • Never roam the streets at night, especially if you are alone. It will never end well. You may lose something (cash, body part, virginity ...) and you will not be happy about it.
  • In case you are robbed, do not accidentally throw away the real wallet instead of the fake one.
  • If you are involved in any illegal activity (drugs, prostitution, criminal gang), make sure that you are always in good company.