How to deal with teachers who hate you

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Deal With A Teacher That Doesn’t Like Me
Video: How To Deal With A Teacher That Doesn’t Like Me


Learning can be challenging when a teacher comes in who seems to hate you. In fact, teachers often do not feel dislike for a particular student, they just have unresolved problems with him that need to be corrected. If you are ready to change your behavior, have a sincere conversation with your teacher, study hard in school, and then your relationship will begin to improve.


Method 1 of 3: Solve existing teacher problems

  1. 1 Assess your actions. Are you contradicting the teacher? Distracting your classmates? Do you constantly talk during class or interrupt other students? Assess your behavior to understand why the teacher is not supportive of you. If you realize that his dislike is caused by your actions, then it's time to change your behavior a little.
  2. 2 Ask your teacher why you think he dislikes you. If you are unsure of the reason, ask him to talk to you in private. However, do not ask directly: "Why do you hate me?" Instead, tell the teacher that you would like to excel in his subject and ask what you can do to become a better student. Prove that you take your studies seriously and that you respect the instructor. He may start to respect you in return.
    • Here are some phrases you can use:
      • "It is important for me to pass this subject, and I would like to know what I need to change in order to get a positive grade."
      • “I really would like to improve my relationship with you because I feel I can learn a lot from you and from this subject. Please tell me what I can do to make this happen. "
  3. 3 Apologize for your wrongdoing. A sincere apology will go a long way to your teacher. There are two things you need to do when you apologize. Above all, acknowledge your wrongdoing and the negative consequences that caused your actions. Also, express regret. The apology must be sincere, and the effort made conscious not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.
  4. 4 Talk to your parents or principal. If you are bullied, intimidated, or offended by a teacher, it is important to tell the principal or parents. The teacher should never bully the student under any circumstances, so you should seek help if you are unable to improve your relationship with the teacher on your own. If you think your teacher is behaving inappropriately, immediately report it to an adult who can help with the problem.

Method 2 of 3: Be a Good Student

  1. 1 Don't interrupt your studies. Monitor Your Behavior - Good students never disrupt class or distract others during class. Do not talk to other students during the lesson, do not interrupt them or the teacher, do not use a mobile phone in the classroom, do not bicker or sarcastically with the teacher, and always raise your hand before you say anything.
  2. 2 Try harder in your studies. If the teacher realizes that you are not putting any effort into homework or working in the class, you are unlikely to make a good impression on him. Teachers love students who prepare for tests, take homework assignments, and participate in group projects. If your studies are difficult for you, talk to your teacher and ask him for help. If he sees your efforts, chances are he will appreciate it.
  3. 3 Do your best and the impossible to participate in the class. Teachers appreciate students who genuinely love learning and are helpful in the classroom. Always volunteer to answer during class, offer to come early or stay a little late to help prepare the class or clean up the classroom, and ask the teacher if he has any extracurricular activities for you. If you cultivate as a student, your relationship with your teacher should also improve.

Method 3 of 3: Strengthen the relationship with the teacher

  1. 1 Get to know the teacher better. Perhaps you see in it only teachers, but keep in mind that he has a life of his own. Perhaps he has problems in his personal life, maybe he is worried about uneducated students or gets tired of the heavy workload. Don't be too hard on him and remember that he is human too. Ask the teacher how he spent the weekend or what his favorite films are. He will appreciate your efforts to get to know him better.
  2. 2 Don't give your teacher a reason not to love you. You two don't have to be best friends, but you should be able to work together in a stress-free environment. Do not annoy the teacher or give him trouble, and he will most likely stop poisoning your life in return. If you focus on your studies and treat your teacher with respect, he will have little reason to dislike you.
  3. 3 Communicate with the teacher in a respectful manner. You may find it difficult to treat him with respect if you feel that he does not love you. However, if you can be polite when discussing school or personal matters, he will likely develop mutual respect for you. If problems arise in the future, talk to the teacher politely in private to resolve all issues.