Dealing with noisy neighbors

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you don't live on the top floor, one of the most frustrating problems can be a noisy upstairs neighbor. Whether it's the noise from normal daily activities such as walking and talking, or midnight get-togethers on weekends, the first thing you should try to do is talk to your neighbor. Fortunately, in many cases this will fix the problem, but if that doesn't work, there are some other steps you can take.


Method 1 of 3: Dealing with the problem yourself

  1. 1 Be aware that noise is unavoidable in some cases. Your upstairs neighbors have the right to enjoy their stay as much as you do, and it may not be their fault that you hear them. Living in an apartment building, you will still hear some noise during the daytime.
    • Improperly installed floors or floors that are not soundproofed can actually amplify sounds such as walking, cooking or talking, and sound louder to you.
    • Stomping in the kitchen at lunchtime is one thing, but late night parties on a weekday is another.
  2. 2 Read your contract with the housing and utilities management company to find out if there is a noise clause in it. In some homes and condominiums, the contract with tenants is that they must take measures to reduce noise levels. Before you contact your neighbor or in the housing and communal services, check if there are documentary grounds with which you can support your claim.
    • Noise clauses may include keeping quiet at certain hours, requiring a part of the floor to be covered with carpets or rugs, and restrictions on keeping noisy animals.
  3. 3 Take time to talk to your neighbor about the matter. Do not visit him in the middle of a party or late at night when the reaction to your visit can be violent. And also do not pounce on him in anger, try to hold back. Instead, schedule a calm conversation early in the morning, or wait until dinner if you or your neighbors are owls by nature.
  4. 4 Talk to your neighbor politely and try to solve the problem. The neighbor may not even be aware that he is making noise, so try to stay calm and friendly. Introduce yourself if you are not already familiar and give specific examples of what noise is bothering you.
    • Say something like, “Hi, I'm your downstairs neighbor. I don't know if you know, but sometimes late at night I hear music from you. It was especially loud on Tuesday, but quieter last night. "
    • Suggest a specific plan for living in one staircase for the future. For example, you might say, “I get up early for work. Could you turn down the music around 10:30 pm? "
  5. 5 Write a note if you feel uncomfortable talking in person. The best way to solve the problem is in person, but if you're not sure everything will go well, write a short, friendly note to your neighbor. Try to limit yourself to about 4–5 sentences, specify what kind of noise is bothering you, no sarcasm, threats or vague hints are needed.
    • Make a copy of the letter and date it in case the situation recurs.
    • In a note, you can write something like: “Hello, neighbors from apartment 212! I live below you, and I wanted to ask if you could stay away from the treadmill until 6:30 in the morning? It looks like it's right above my bedroom and the noise wakes me up. Hope this doesn't bother you too much. Thanks!"
  6. 6 If neighbors suddenly start making noise, knock on the ceiling with a mop. They may not know what you are hearing, or they urgently need to do something that cannot be done without noise. If they make noise when you try to sleep, then knocking on the ceiling can help calm them down immediately.
    • If neighbors make noise during the hours when it is allowed, it is better to just wait it out, especially if they usually do not bother you.

Method 2 of 3: Contacting the Authorities

  1. 1 Keep a journal in which you record every time you hear excessive noise. Record the time, date, and sounds you hear. You should also indicate if you took any action, such as knocking on the ceiling or talking to a neighbor. The presence of documentary evidence will be useful when contacting the concierge or the police, since the full picture of the constant noise will be immediately visible.
    • The recording might look like this: “Sunday, August 7th - loud party lasting until midnight. Knocked on the door, but no one answered, "and then:" Wednesday, August 10 - it looks like a family quarrel. No action has been taken. "
  2. 2 Ask other neighbors if the noise is bothering them too. You may find that you are not the only one suffering from noisy neighbors, especially if it is loud music, barking dogs, or banging fights. If this is the case, asking other neighbors to join you and file a complaint with the house manager may support your demand.
    • Try talking to neighbors on the same floor with noisy residents, as well as everyone who lives above them.
  3. 3 Talk to the concierge or landlord if the noise continues. A noisy neighbor may be notified that a complaint about an incomprehensible noise has been received from other residents of the entrance. However, your manager can recommend a solution that has worked in situations with other residents, can offer mediation in negotiations, or speak with this person on your behalf.
    • You need to understand that this can exacerbate the situation.
  4. 4 As a last resort, call your local precinct. Precincts are trained to resolve various issues, including disputes between neighbors. However, they have many other serious problems, so try not to call the police unless you have repeatedly asked your neighbors to stop the noise and it really interferes with your life.
    • The police can help if your neighbors are aggressive or if you fear that the situation may escalate to the limit.
  5. 5 Move if none of the other options work. If none of the above solutions worked, or your neighbors are hostile, you may need to move. Find out if it is possible to move to another apartment in your house, for example, on the floor above. If not, you will have to look for another option, or terminate the lease if you are renting a house.
    • If the manager is aware of this situation, he can advise you on exchange options. Or, in the case of a rented apartment, you may be allowed to terminate the lease without penalty.
    • If moving is not an option, consider soundproofing.

Method 3 of 3: Soundproofing

  1. 1 If the noise doesn't last long, wear headphones with music. It is the ideal solution for short-term noise protection. Instead of getting horny when your neighbors have a clarinet lesson for an hour, try putting on your headphones and listening to your favorite music. This will drown out the sound that bothers you, and you can focus on what you like again.
    • If you are very angry, play some soothing music, such as classical or blues music.
    • If you're trying to watch TV, bring a pair of wireless headphones or turn on subtitles on your TV (if possible).
  2. 2 Try a white noise generator to drown out quieter sounds. If your neighbors make a lot of noise while you try to sleep, try putting a white noise generator in your bedroom. These devices emit soft rustling, gurgling water or nature sounds that gently smooth out unwanted noises from the upper floor.
    • You can find white noise generators on the internet.
  3. 3 Use earplugs if you can't sleep because of the noise. They will help you if the white noise generator cannot handle loud sounds.Thick foam earplugs that follow the shape of the ear canal isolate sounds more reliably than other products.
    • Earplugs are available at drug stores and home improvement stores.
  4. 4 A more radical solution is to soundproof the ceiling. If other methods do not work, take care of the issue yourself or ask the owner of the apartment to soundproof the ceiling. Most soundproofing options involve placing a second layer of material over the existing ceiling. If this does not completely drown out all the sounds of a noisy neighbor, then in any case it will significantly reduce them.
    • Some options include installing sound-absorbing tiles held in place by a metal grate, adding a second layer of drywall to the ceiling, or painting the ceiling with a damping agent such as Green Glue.
    • Sometimes soundproofing does not help, but, as they say, you don’t try - you don’t know, so it’s worth talking to the owner of the apartment and agree on the renovation.