How to get a professional aquarium design

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Ever wondered how people manage to make their aquariums breathtakingly gorgeous? Looking to transform your aquarium into a beautiful one? This article provides some tips and steps that you should take if this is the case.


Method 1 of 2: Create a Natural Looking Aquarium

  1. 1 Choose natural gravel or sand. Not only will this mimic the natural habitat of fish, but it will also be much more pleasing to the eye than a poison pink or blue. A great way to create a truly 'natural' look is to use ½ part coarse aquarium sand and ½ part play sand (usually found in sandpits). The sand from the nearest beach should be thoroughly washed through a fine sieve to remove all soluble substances from it. Be aware that the fine sand in saltwater aquariums will encourage the growth of diatoms, and the sand itself may not allow the roots of living plants to grow and thus hold back their growth to a minimum.
    • However, haracin fish (many neons) are native to the Amazon and labyrinth fish (gourami and cockerels) prefer a dark colored substrate. Also, if the sand is too shallow and deep (more than 3.5 cm), it will form anaerobic processes inside itself and become a source of an unpleasant odor, the roots of plants growing in it may begin to rot.There is nothing wrong with using a thin layer of sand, but it should be gravel from grains about half a pea or larger, and it is preferable to have an organic layer underneath for the successful growth of plants.
  2. 2 The use of live plants really brings the aquarium to life. There is something in nature that cannot be replaced by artificial materials. Living plants are recommended not only because they produce oxygen and improve water quality, but also because fish respond better to their environment, which truly recreates their natural habitat. There are many plants that are easy to care for, but you will need to do more research to ensure they thrive in your tank. If you do not want to use live plants, look for elegant artificial plants with no sharp edges that could injure fish and no dense thickets in which fish could become entangled. Green and red are common colors in nature, and in fact, they look best. Try to create enough variety in the shades of these flowers and the height of the plants. Think about what you like best. Do you want an aquarium with a large open surface of sand, or would you prefer it to look like a magical underwater garden? Most fish like jungle thickets and are more comfortable in a densely planted tank, but there are fish species that can eat all of your plants, so carefully consider your choice of fish according to the type of tank you want to achieve.
  3. 3 Choose the scenery. It is better to use natural decorations: driftwood, halved coconuts, as they will not harm your fish. If you decide to use artificial decorations, then pick up such artificial driftwood and stones that will really look like real ones, while they should not have sharp edges, but should be made of non-toxic materials. The safety of your fish should always be a top priority.
  4. 4 Get a black backdrop for your aquarium (you can also use black trash bags or black cardboard). Black visually adds depth and makes the aquarium look much better than with no background or overloading the background with details. Think of it as a photograph: would your portrait look better against the backdrop of a wide variety of activities taking place behind you, or against the background of the usual surroundings of your home? An aquarium with a black background will stand out both in photographs and simply in your living room.
  5. 5 Start placing decorations in your aquarium! Try to make slopes on the surface of the substrate to simulate hills and depressions. This creates a wonderful look that is much more fun to behold than a flat surface. If you combine this with a certain idea and do it right, you can achieve even greater depth of the picture.
  6. 6 Place the largest decor object (whatever it is, it should attract the eye or be the center of the whole idea), place it in the center on the left. This is better than trying to balance the aquarium scene with two mirrors or with the main subject in the center. If you have a whole bunch of large rocks, try arranging them so that they come up to the left or right towards the center. Make sure you leave enough space for the fish to swim around rocks and hide. For decoration, you can use broken pieces of clay pottery, which can be easily hidden with a layer of living vegetation (there is a wide variety of mosses that you can look for in pet stores).
  7. 7 Distribute the plants according to your plan. There is never much depth, so to add even more depth, place taller plants in the back and shorter ones in the foreground.It also makes it easier for you to observe the fish.
  8. 8 Try different types of lighting. Different light is surprisingly reflected in the appearance of the aquarium. You can try a very interesting moonlight effect.
  9. 9 It is recommended that the aquarium be kept fish-free with all equipment operating in it for at least two weeks. You should periodically add some fish food to an empty tank. This period is called the set-up period of the aquarium cycle. At the same time, beneficial bacteria develop in the aquarium filter (they help keep the ammonia secreted by the fish under control). It is important not to overlook the cycle setup step, it is highly recommended that you read more information on this matter.

Method 2 of 2: Create a blue aquarium

  1. 1 Follow the above tips except for the background. Replace it with blue.
  2. 2Measure your aquarium.
  3. 3Cut off an appropriate piece of blue plastic or cloth.
  4. 4Attach to the back of the aquarium outside.
  5. 5Add colorful stones, decorations and fish as you wish.
  6. 6 Buy a blueprint. Put 15-20 drops into the aquarium to bluish the water.


  • Delineate separate areas of the aquarium. For example, leave an open space for feeding, make dense thickets to hide. It's also a good idea to create places where smaller fish can hide from larger ones.
  • Before settling in an aquarium, make sure you have at least the following things:

1. Filter with any combination of mechanical, biological and chemical filtration. For medium to large aquariums, the most popular filters are external and canister filters, and for small aquariums, sponge filters.
2. Vitamin-rich main fish and, if possible, additional food sources.
3. According to the fish species you have selected, you may need a water heater and an air compressor.

  • Live plants can go a long way in the overall appearance and health of your aquarium. Plant maintenance takes time, but it is worth it.
  • Always check that the fish you plan to purchase are compatible. Certain types of fish do not get along with other types of fish and bite off their fins, and sometimes eat them.
  • The aquarium should complement the fish swimming in it. If the fish look good, then the aquarium looks good. If the fish are out of place in the environment around them, they can become stressed, feel out of place, and the aquarium will be less attractive.
  • Place taller plants at the back of the tank and smaller plants at the front. You should use the foreground for planting the plants, not plant them exclusively in the background.
  • The darker the color of the gravel or sand, the more vivid the fish will appear. Light gravel and sand make other colors lighter as well. But again, it all depends on the types and colors of fish you are going to purchase for your aquarium.
  • Choose cute pebbles to decorate the natural look of your aquarium. Do not add marine decorations such as seashells to your aquarium as they can change the state of the water, especially the pH level.


  • If you find and pick up rocks for the aquarium on the beach or in the garden, boil them and let them soak in the water for a week or so. So you will kill everything harmful that the stone can bring with you. Be aware that some rocks can increase the hardness (pH) of the aquarium water.
  • Natural looking aquariums have become very popular. Your fish will be happier if you try to use as few artificial artificial decorations as possible in the aquarium.

What do you need

  • Glass or acrylic aquarium large enough for the fish of your choice
  • Quality filter
  • Depending on the needs of your fish, a water heater, compressor and aerator may be needed
  • Safe decorations
  • Suitable substrate for the bottom
  • Black or dark background
  • Live plants