How to develop communication skills

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways to Improve your COMMUNICATION Skills - #BelieveLife
Video: 5 Ways to Improve your COMMUNICATION Skills - #BelieveLife


Communication is one of the foundational skills for developing successful relationships with people, as well as achieving success in school and work. Below are tips and tricks to help you develop your communication skills.


Part 1 of 4: Learn the Basics of Communication

  1. 1 Explore the definition of communication. Communication is the process of transmitting signals and messages between people verbally (words) and non-verbally (without words). We also use communication mechanisms to establish and improve relationships with those around us.
  2. 2 Don't be afraid to say what you think. Be confident in your interactions with others, and feel free to contribute your bit to any conversation. Analyze your thoughts and emotions regularly to better understand how to communicate them to others.Do not be afraid that your opinion will seem empty and unnecessary. In fact, it is as important as any other. Do not pay attention to those who are too dissatisfied with you, because the main thing is that there will certainly be people who will highly appreciate your contribution to the conversation.
  3. 3 Practice. Developing good skills starts with simple conversations. Take every chance to hone your communication skills, both with friends and family, and with colleagues and business partners. Of course, you will not immediately master all the skills perfectly, however, when this happens, you will feel how much it helps you in life.

Part 2 of 4: Connect with the audience

  1. 1 Maintain eye contact. Whether you are listening or speaking, look the other person in the eye for a more successful interaction. Eye contact allows you to express interest and makes the other person respond in kind.
    • Use the following technique: look at the interlocutor first in one eye, and then move your gaze to the other. This back and forth motion will make your eyes sparkle. Another technique is to imagine the letter "T" on the face of the interlocutor, consisting of the line of the eyebrows and the line of the nose, and then begin to look along the entire outline of the letter.
  2. 2 Use facial expressions and gestures. Express your thoughts and emotions by helping yourself with your hands and face. Make your whole body “talk”. When talking to a single person or a small group, use less wide and sweeping gestures than when talking to a large audience.
  3. 3 Avoid conflicting signals. Make sure that your words, facial expressions, gestures and tone of voice match the mood and message. For example, if you scold someone severely but smile broadly, your words are unlikely to work as they should. Therefore, always be careful to ensure that your gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice match the topic and mood of the conversation.
  4. 4 Don't forget about body language. We can express more with our bodies during a conversation than with spoken words. For example, an open posture with your hands down along your body will help people know that you are completely open to communication.
    • On the other hand, raised shoulders and crossed arms will let others know that you are not in the mood for a conversation at the moment. Sometimes the conversation may never start if you use your body language correctly to signal to those around you that you don't want to speak.
    • Good posture and an open posture will help to position the interlocutor and make it easier to carry out even the most difficult conversation.
  5. 5 Express positive beliefs and attitudes in the conversation. The way you behave during communication has a huge impact on your relationships with those around you. Try to be honest, sincere, patient, positive person, open to new contacts. Do not forget about the feelings of the people around you, and do not question their abilities (for no good reason).
  6. 6 Learn to listen correctly. The ability to listen to the interlocutor and build a conversation based on what was heard is no less important than the skills of effective communication. Therefore, try to get rid of the habit of ignoring the words addressed to you, thinking only about what interests you and what you want to say yourself.

Part 3 of 4: Use Words Correctly

  1. 1 Pronounce the words clearly. Your speech should be clear, expressive and completely free of mumbling. If you notice in conversations with others that you are asked too often, then try to work more on diction, achieving excellent pronunciation of all sounds and words.
  2. 2 Pronounce the words correctly. If you misplace stress or are not at all sure of the pronunciation of a word, try not to use it. Otherwise, you risk ruining your reputation.
  3. 3 Use words appropriately. Don't put words into your conversation that you don't quite understand. At the same time, expand your vocabulary. Daily reading of an ordinary dictionary or books will help you with this. Also try to immediately use the words you have learned in conversation.
  4. 4 Speak measuredly. If you speak too quickly, swallowing endings, you may be mistaken for an unbalanced and insecure person. Just do not overdo it, so as not to irritate others who will have to finish sentences for you.

Part 4 of 4: Work on your voice

  1. 1 Develop the correct timbre - a high or whiny voice will not give you authority. Rather, a person with such a voice will become a victim of attacks from more aggressive colleagues, or simply no one will take him seriously. Exercise to lower the tone of your voice. Try singing songs in bass. After a while, you will feel your voice start to change.
  2. 2 Add life to your voice. Avoid monotonous speech and add energy. Your voice should rise and fall. Listen to the presenters on the radio so you know how it's done.
  3. 3 Watch the volume. The volume of your voice should be appropriate for the situation. If you are in a small room or when you are with a small group of people, speak low. If you are speaking to a large audience, try to speak as loudly as possible.


  • Work on your body language by exercising in front of a mirror.
  • Speak confidently without looking back at anyone's opinion.
  • Monitor the volume of your voice as appropriate.
  • Edit your speech beforehand. This will make things go smoother.
  • Speak clearly and clearly so that those around you can hear and understand well.
  • Make eye contact as you speak and listen.
  • Do not interrupt others or confuse anyone. This will disrupt the normal course of the conversation, which means you will be wasting your and other people's time.
  • Speak competently.
  • To be able to speak means also to be able to listen.
  • Make sure that the interlocutor understands you correctly by asking him about it in one form or another.