How to deal with a friend who likes your boyfriend

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Top 5 signs: Your best friend likes your boyfriend
Video: Top 5 signs: Your best friend likes your boyfriend


There is nothing more embarrassing and offensive than the situation when a friend falls in love with your man. Things get worse if she plays on his feelings. Obviously, this puts you in a difficult position where, on the one hand, you do not want to argue with your friend, and on the other hand, you do not want her to flirt with your boyfriend. Try giving her a few hints first. If that doesn't work, call your friend to talk. It would also be a good idea to make sure that you and your lover look at the situation the same way.


Method 1 of 3: Hint slightly

  1. 1 Exude confidence. Your boyfriend chose you for many reasons. Don't let your slutty girlfriend get in your head and make you forget about it. By demonstrating self-confidence, you can make her back down. It will also show the guy that you know that you are a profitable party and that he would be a complete fool to let your girlfriend come between you.
    • In moments of discouragement, tell yourself how smart, kind, attractive, and funny you are.
  2. 2 Remind your friend that this guy is your partner, not hers. Using subtle (but not overly) hints will let your girlfriend know that this guy belongs to you. She may also feel guilty about her bad intentions and decide to back down.
    • For example, if a friend asks if your boyfriend will join your plans with her, you can jokingly say, “Why? Aren't I enough for you alone? " This will let your friend know that you know about her constant desire to be close to your lover.
    • You can also hint her to stay away by showing attraction to the guy, especially if she's flirting with him in front of your eyes. You can smile at your friend and then kiss your lover on the cheek. This will definitely send her friend a signal to back off.
  3. 3 Remain friendly while communicating. If your girlfriend is talking to your partner, enter the conversation with a smile on her face. You can put your hand on the guy's back and ask: "What are you talking about?" With this behavior, you show your boyfriend and girlfriend that you want to participate in the conversation.
    • Perhaps you should be concerned if they shut up or turn their backs on you.
  4. 4 Give hints in communication. Draw attention to your relationship if you notice that your lover is chatting with your friend. You can use subtle hints to remind your friend that this guy is your partner.
    • For example, use the pronoun "we" often when speaking. Instead of saying, "I really like this restaurant," say, "We really like this restaurant." Sharing stories will remind your friend that you and your partner are one.

Method 2 of 3: Talk to a friend

  1. 1 Ask your friend if she likes your boyfriend. Sometimes the best way to get the information you need is to be straightforward. With this approach, you can avoid any misunderstandings and get a clear answer.
    • For example, invite a friend over for coffee and say, “I'm just wondering if you have feelings for my boyfriend. Some of your actions and actions make me suspicious. " This may hurt her feelings, but it's best to know for sure.
  2. 2 Tell her to back off. You will have to act even more directly if your friend doesn't take the hint or continues to behave inappropriately. Your friendship is compromised by her flirting anyway, so you won't make it any worse by telling her to stop communicating with your man.
    • For example, you might say, “I’m not sure if you’re trying to be funny or don’t realize that you’re flirting, but this makes me awkward and I want you to stop.” Better to tell her in private. By setting up a stage in public, you will only aggravate the situation.
  3. 3 Don't put yourself in this situation again. If your friend doesn't stop flirting with your boyfriend, stop seeing her and your lover at the same time, or end the relationship with her altogether. Obviously, this is not a good friendship in the beginning if the friend doesn't respect you or your relationship is enough to back off.

Method 3 of 3: Talk to your guy about it

  1. 1 Ask if he has any suspicions that your girlfriend is in love with him. Even non-jealous girls often think that everyone around them wants to take their man away. Talking to him will give you a second opinion, as your view may be a little distorted.
    • You might say, “Do you think my friend has feelings for you? I think I see signs of this, but I'm not sure. What do you say?" Take his words seriously.
    • When doing this, also look for signs of sympathy for your girlfriend, which he may be hiding. For example, perhaps he often exchanges glances with her, texting, looking for excuses to be alone with her, or behaving differently in her presence.
  2. 2 Take a closer look at the guy when he is next to your girlfriend. He may be sending out subtle signs that he is picking up your girlfriend's romantic vibes. Notice what he does in her presence. You may notice that he is feeling uncomfortable or seeking your help.
    • For example, your partner might look at you with wide eyes when your friend is talking to him or behaving inappropriately. He may turn away from her and turn to you when he realizes that he is being flirted with.
  3. 3 Tell him that you are not happy with the current situation. Is your boyfriend and your girlfriend texting each other? Do they have jokes that only two of them can understand? Do they often leave you out of the conversation? If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you have every right to speak up if you do not like their behavior. This is especially true if you think there might be an affair between them.
    • For example, you might say, “I'm glad you and my friend get along so well. However, I don't like the way you both behave when you are around each other. I am beginning to fear that there is something between you. "
    • Chances are, your partner will change their behavior if they really care about you and if they want you to feel more comfortable. If he's not going to stop it all, he probably enjoys the attention and likes your girlfriend.
  4. 4 Understand: maybe your boyfriend is not to blame. Try not to take out your frustration with your friend on him. Blame her, not him.