How to deal with malaise

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Techniques for dealing with lack of motivation, malaise, depression
Video: Techniques for dealing with lack of motivation, malaise, depression


Nobody likes to get sick. Any illness, even a common cold, negatively affects not only the physical, but also the mental state of a person. It is easy to get depressed during illness. A depressed mood can further worsen your physical condition. Try to cope with the illness by invigorating yourself using the special techniques described below. The article also provides ways to help relieve physical symptoms.


Method 1 of 3: Emotional State

  1. 1 Get some rest. As a rule, people find it difficult to disconnect from a lot of current affairs. However, trying to carry out various daily activities during an illness can only worsen the situation. By going to work, you not only run the risk of infecting others, but also get tired and experience unnecessary stress. If you are sick, take a break, trying to distract yourself from current problems as completely as possible.
    • Call work and take time off. Even if you have a ton of work to do, it will be of little use to you if you show up at your workplace with a cold or flu. You will not be able to work at full strength, which will only upset you.
    • At high temperatures, your thinking is slowed down. As a result, you will not be able to work to your full potential, and the working day will bring little benefit.
    • Allow yourself one day to rest. Keep in mind that your body (and mind) will be able to work more efficiently after you are healed and rested.
    • Allow yourself a little break from social life as well. For example, you may have previously planned to go to the movies with someone else. Instead of forcing yourself to leave your home, reschedule your visit to the theater until another day when your condition improves.
  2. 2 Use a variety of relaxation techniques. If you get sick, you will feel unwell. This is understandable: you can hardly expect to be cheerful and cheerful if you have an upset stomach or sore throat. When you are sick, you may be depressed, worrying about a job that has not been completed or not being able to take part in a family dinner. A bad mood can negatively affect the healing process, so try to relax and reduce your stress levels.
    • Try progressive muscle relaxation. While in a comfortable position, alternately tense and relax the different muscle groups. For example, squeeze your palm for five seconds, and then relax it for thirty seconds. Walk this way all over your body. This method relieves muscle tension.
    • Deep breathing is another helpful technique. Concentrate on your breathing, letting your mind float freely. Take a deep breath, counting from one to 6-8, and then exhale the air just as slowly.
    • Visualization is a great way to reduce stress. Concentrate on something pleasant, such as pretending to be sitting in a park in fine weather. Connect all your senses.Imagine blue skies and the warmth of the sun on your skin.
    • Relaxation techniques have many positives, such as relieving pain and energizing.
  3. 3 Get help from family and friends. When sick, it is often difficult to complete even the simplest task. Let family and friends help you to reduce stress. If you have a loved one, ask them to cook you a good dinner. If you live alone, ask a friend to bring you groceries.
    • Don't be afraid to ask for help. We are often embarrassed to ask someone for a favor. However, if you are sick, others will be happy to help you. Be specific in your requests so people know exactly what you need. For example, tell a friend: "Could you stop by the pharmacy number 5 on So-and-so Street and pick up the medicine prescribed in my name?"
    • Try not to isolate yourself completely. When you are sick, you do not want to be in contact with others again, so as not to spread the disease. However, this does not mean that one should completely isolate oneself from the outside world. Chat with your friends over the Internet and communicate with them on the phone. Knowing that you are not alone will support you and improve your mood.
  4. 4 Think positive things. Doctors say that positive-minded people tend to have better health. In addition, research shows that positive thinking can help reduce stress levels and better cope with temporary difficulties. There is no doubt that illness creates additional stress, so thinking positively will help you cope with it.
    • Laugh often. It's easy to get discouraged when you are sick, but try to have fun by watching a funny comedy or comedy show. Laugh often to drive away bad moods.
    • Drive away bad thoughts from yourself. If you, lying in bed, remembered a pile of clothes that have not been washed for a long time, try to change the course of your thoughts. For example, look out the window and enjoy a clear day.
    • Instead of thinking about unfinished work, try to think about pleasant things. For example, switch from regretting missing a day of work to thinking that you didn't get stuck in the terrible traffic jam reported on the morning news on your way to work.
  5. 5 Do something enjoyable. Illness is a great excuse to give yourself some indulgence and do what you don't have time for on normal days. For example, watch your favorite TV show that you missed due to inconvenient show times. You can also lie down in bed, placing a stack of unread magazines next to you, and engage in leisurely browsing. Now you can afford it! However, remember that the activity you choose should improve your mood.
    • During illness, you may be overly emotional. This means that now is not the best time to watch programs such as crime news. A broadcast that is sad or too serious can heighten feelings of anxiety.
    • Choose a frivolous show, movie, or book that is sure to improve your mood. A good comedy movie will help you forget about your illness.

Method 2 of 3: Alleviating Physical Symptoms

  1. 1 Rest often. Sleep is one of the most effective ways to speed up recovery. When you are healthy, you should get about 7-8 hours of sleep per night. When you are sick, try to add a couple more hours to them. Sleep will help your body cope with illness.
    • If you have a cough or a cold, you may have difficulty falling asleep. Try sleeping in a semi-seated position with your upper body slightly lifted. This will make breathing easier and will be able to fall asleep faster.
    • Try to sleep separately. During illness, you can rush and turn more and more in your sleep. Ask a loved one to move to the next room for the night. As a result, you have more space to sleep, and you can sleep better when alone.
  2. 2 Make sure that your body does not lack fluid. When you are sick, your body needs more water than usual. For example, if you have a fever, some of the fluid may come out in sweat. If you have diarrhea or vomiting, this also leads to additional fluid loss. It will be more difficult for you to recover if you do not recover these additional losses. Take care of drinking plenty of fluids during illness.
    • Plain water is fine, although other, more palatable drinks can be used. For example, you can drink hot ginger tea to soothe an upset stomach.
    • Juice or warm broth can also be used to maintain an adequate supply of fluid.
  3. 3 Eat right. Eating healthily can help you cope with illness faster. Delicious food will also improve your mood. Try to eat nutritious meals when you are sick. It's even better if someone can cook for you.
    • Chicken soup is sure to improve your condition. In addition to broth, which is good for maintaining water balance, hot soup will help clear the nose and improve digestion.
    • Honey is an excellent remedy for sore throat relief. Add some honey to tea or yogurt.
    • Spicy food can help clear up excess mucus and clear up a stuffy nose. Try Mexican soup or add hot tomato sauce to a dish.
    • Eat regularly even if you have an upset stomach. If you're not hungry at all, eat at least some crackers. The starch they contain will absorb excess stomach acid that can cause stomach upset.
  4. 4 Take medication. They are able to work wonders, quickly getting rid of many diseases. By taking a prescription medication or an appropriate over-the-counter medication, you can relieve symptoms and speed up recovery. When doing so, be sure to observe the prescribed dosage.
    • Check with your pharmacist. If you are confused by the huge variety of cold, flu and allergy remedies, your pharmacist can help you choose the right medicine. Ask him to recommend a tested drug.
    • Choose a remedy that will help alleviate your symptoms. For example, if you have a cough that makes you sleep poorly at night, look for a medication that also reduces insomnia.
    • Take a pain reliever. Various illnesses are often accompanied by pain. For pain relief and fever, try ibuprofen or aspirin.
    • Consult your doctor if you have any allergies or other illnesses that can cause complications when taking medication.
  5. 5 Try home remedies. In the event that you do not want to take medication, there are many simple home remedies that can help you cope with many mild ailments. For example, if you have a sore throat, try gargling with salt water. Just dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with this solution for a few seconds.
    • Ginger tea works well for nausea. Just add a piece of fresh ginger root to hot tea. Or, have some gingerbread cookies washed down with ginger ale.
    • Increase the humidity in the room. Use a humidifier for this. Humid air will help with a stuffy nose.
    • Warm compresses can help alleviate the symptoms of many diseases. For abdominal cramps, place a heating pad with warm water on it. If your glands are inflamed, as happens, for example, with mononucleosis, wrap a warm scarf around your neck.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing Disease

  1. 1 Develop healthy habits. While no one is immune from disease, there are ways to make it more rare. A healthy lifestyle will help you strengthen your immunity and strengthen your body's resistance to various diseases. Try to live a healthy lifestyle.
    • Eat healthy foods.Make sure your diet is high in vegetables and fruits. At the same time, try to make them differ in color. For example, include a few green lettuce leaves, a vibrant fruit, and sweet potatoes that contain healthy starch. Don't forget about lean proteins.
    • Exercise regularly. Regular exercise will improve your health. They will help lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and stress. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, six days a week.
    • Get enough sleep. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day. Go to bed and wake up at the same time. In this way, you will train yourself to have healthy, sound sleep.
  2. 2 Ensure that you are surrounded by a healthy environment. Pathogens are an integral part of our lives. However, you can limit their contact with your body. For example, wipe your work area at the beginning and end of each work day. Keep disinfectant wipes at work for this purpose.
    • Wash your hands. You should wash your hands several times a day with warm water and soap, each time giving this for at least 20 seconds. Wash your hands after handling pets, before eating, and after touching your nose and mouth.
  3. 3 Minimize stress. Research has shown that excessive stress can actually cause illness. Not only does it lead to various health problems such as high blood pressure, but it can also manifest itself in the form of headaches and indigestion. Reducing stress can help keep you healthy.
    • Take breaks when needed. Once in a stressful situation, allow yourself to leave the stage for a moment. For example, after arguing with your roommate about whose turn it is to clean the toilet, in the middle of the argument, excuse yourself and leave, saying that you need to take a little walk.
    • Take time for yourself / yourself. Take some time each day to relax. During this time, do things that you enjoy, such as reading a book before bed or watching your favorite TV show.


  • Remember to get plenty of rest, even when you are not particularly tired.
  • Remember that health is the most important thing.