How to deal with a challenge when your boyfriend enlists in the military

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
5 things you should know BEFORE dating someone in the Military
Video: 5 things you should know BEFORE dating someone in the Military


The military is always stressful for couples, and this trend seems to be only increasing. However, with the right tools and planning, the employee-civilian relationship can even be strengthened by such stress, and strengthened by perseverance. You must know how you will keep in touch with your family during the service; how expensive it will be every week. Find out when you can get leave to visit your spouse at home.


  1. 1 Make a connection before they leave. Often, a loved one is notified before being sent to military service.Use this time wisely. Avoid the temptation to fight or criticize each other. Try to understand what your partner is going through. In some places, military service is not something that you can choose of your own free will. Don't get hung up on the idea that you might lose each other. Instead, enjoy the time together and get closer as a couple. Work to bond on deeper emotional levels and try to be optimistic about the future.
  2. 2 Prepare for change. When a person enters the military, he often has to leave home, sometimes for several years. Get ready for this. Work on making plans. It might be worth creating a plan and getting a job near your location. However, do not do this immediately. Wait until they get to the new base and get used to it, otherwise the relocation can create unnecessary stress for your soldier when he tries to integrate into a new unit. Discuss this and wait until you are given the go-ahead to act.
  3. 3 Get ready for a change in your partner. Almost every army in the world has a Young Fighter course. It is designed to teach civilians how to survive in combat, maintain discipline and prepare them to become effective soldiers. This initial course is usually challenging and can be a life-changing experience for many recruits. Get ready for these changes. Don't blame your partner for them; these changes often symbolize the adaptation they had to go through in order to survive the harsh conditions of the training course.
  4. 4 Prepare for a change in yourself. When your partner leaves, you will have to find meaning in independence in order to keep living. Just as they need to adapt to their new environment, you will have to do the same. It's good to have a support community nearby, and it definitely helps to make connections beforehand. Try to find mutual friends and family members who know both of you well. If only you and your partner existed, you can feel very lonely if you don't even have anyone to talk to. While you may feel the urge to abandon your partner, try not to. If you leave him when he is away, he may feel abandoned and betrayed.
  5. 5 Communicate as much as possible. Many basic training programs restrict communication with loved ones in order to simulate the harsh military environment. Regardless, it is important to use whatever means you can to keep communicating. Be open about your feelings and try not to hide anything. This can be a very difficult time, and the feeling that something is hiding can exacerbate stress, lead to unnecessary confrontation and sorrow. If your partner is sent into a war zone, be prepared that opportunities for communication will rarely appear. If letters or phone calls are rare, it doesn't always mean that your partner no longer cares about you. Perhaps the logistic structure simply obliges not to keep in touch.
  6. 6 Enjoy every minute you spend together. Sometimes, your loved one may be on vacation or leave when he can return home. Enjoy the time you spend with him and use it to bond within the couple. However, be aware that he will often want to see friends and family as well. Do not be upset about this, because he has not seen the family as long as he missed you. However, leave time for yourself. Celebrate the strength you both found in facing this adversity.
  7. 7 Keep planning for the future. Always keep looking ahead. Having a common goal can help you and your partner get closer to each other, give you something to expect, that will inspire and guide you every day. Make sure these goals are realistic and that you discuss them with each other.


  • Don't let doubt weigh you down.Try to stay as optimistic as possible. And trust. Trust is key. If he / she is “the only one,” then you have nothing to worry about.
  • Communication is also key. As long as you can remain open and honest in your communication, there are very few things that can tear you apart.
  • Do not bend yourself with the thought that their lives might be in danger. This is just hello to the fact that you will be anxious and anxious, which can damage the relationship. Try to understand the actual situation. A study published several years ago found that citizens on the streets of Washington are in greater danger than American soldiers in Baghdad.
  • Allow yourself to grieve. It's okay to let your emotions go out sometimes if you need to. However, be careful. This is not an excuse for giving up all current ambitions and falling into a state of inaction and depression. Just imagine what it would be like for him to return home if his loved one is in such a messy state.
  • Always remember that your man is a man with ambitions and goals. This should increase your pride and maybe even your self-confidence. Remember, he chose you.
  • Sometimes, as a result of changes, couples separate. This is completely natural, and while it may be sad, it is a normal part of life.


  • If you feel like your partner has developed PTSD or another experience-related disorder, don't be afraid to invite them to seek help. Medical research has led to tremendous success in the treatment of mental disorders and brain injury in the past decade.
  • Don't take your partner's departure as an opportunity to have a new romance, as it can only hurt in the long run.
  • Try not to get married early. This kind of thing is common in the military, and is extremely stressful for both sides as they grow up. If your partner proposes to get married, calm him down and suggest waiting a little to build a stronger relationship.
  • If the relationship becomes abusive, it is critical to end it as soon as possible. You don't have to risk your health or your life to "help make things better." Oftentimes, the departure of a loved one due to mistreatment is a wake-up call, prompting the other person to seek professional help.