How to deal with a big booty as a teenager

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Big Booty Butt Cheeks (Music Video) - Jumbotron
Video: Big Booty Butt Cheeks (Music Video) - Jumbotron


Some teenage girls notice that their butt grows faster than the rest of their body.Sometimes this happens because they start puberty earlier. Others may just be genetically lucky to have big buttocks. Either way, you are an early flowering plant, and attention to you can get quite annoying and nasty. A lot of guys go crazy and most girls are jealous and may not want to be your friend. Don't give up on yourself! Pay attention to the following steps to come to terms with your figure.


  1. 1 Take a private look in a full-length mirror with or without clothes. Assess your body shape. Are you big or curvy all over the body, or is it just your butt that seems big to you? The size is relative. We are girls - all unique personalities. Change what you can, but accept what you cannot change.
  2. 2 Wear long, baggy blouses if you don't want that much attention from guys, if the situation allows it.
  3. 3 Get a not-so-tight blouse that goes all the way down to the middle of your buttocks if you want to be stylish. Don't wear tight blouses or baggy T-shirts, but choose one that hides your weight, no matter how big or thin you are.
  4. 4 Wear blouses that cover your belt or extend to the top of your bottom.
  5. 5 Wear bright tops as fabric redistribution can help draw attention away from your shapes.
  6. 6 Exercise with an exercise program, be it aerobics or exercise equipment, walking or jogging, to tone your glutes and your entire body. A sexy and well-maintained big booty is better than just a big booty. You can do additional exercises for your glutes to shape them further. Consider a better diet.
  7. 7 Wear clothes that float above the booty or hips, such as babydoll tops, airy A-line skirts, high-waisted dresses, etc.etc.
  8. 8 Wear straight, flared or slightly flared pants, they should even cut your butt by half.
  9. 9 Be aware that as a teenager, most girls still have many body parts gaining shape. If you are one of them, keep in mind that your body will continue to change and mature. Your butt can become even larger or in proportion to the rest of your body.
  10. 10 Be confident and proud! Many of the most coveted female celebrities have priests that just make the wow shout, like Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Pippa Middleton, Jessica Biel, Sofia Vergara, Shakira and Tyra Banks. Plus, a lot of guys like girls with big butts, so if you want to dress for a guy, try light colored pants that hold your butt to help make it stand out.
  11. 11 Remember, this won't be such a big deal in the end. Girls begin to accept themselves and cease to envy others (in any case, her ass is larger than most other girls), and the guys who laughed at your booty will all start to back down and treat you with respect... However, if you are currently experiencing sexual harassment, this is by no means good and should not be "normal." Tell an adult and tell the bully to stop. Nobody deserves the right to talk all sorts of nonsense about figures.


  • Understand that a lot of guys find a girl with a well-formed big booty to be very attractive, so accept that and enjoy something that many other girls don't have.
  • If you want boys to notice your big butt, instead of hiding it, wear Levises or sexy jeans. Boys will find your big butt very sexy if you wear these jeans.
  • Realize that you are growing and your body is changing day by day. As you mature, your butt will become more in line with the rest of your body.
  • Strive to place the main emphasis on the upper body.
  • You have to be careful if you are really trying to get attention with the way you dress. Be selective and, more importantly, elegant when you dress to cope with your curves.
  • Don't walk in such a way that your butt bounces or wiggles.
  • In general, don't wear tight-fitting clothing.


  • Do not wear tight blouses that run lower than the back pocket of your trousers. This makes your butt look much larger, especially when walking.
  • Do not wear pants that are tapered as this will accentuate your bottom half a lot.
  • Don't wear "super skinny jeans" as they will only enlarge your butt.
  • Don't wear very low-waisted pants because, like tight jeans, they enlarge your butt, reveal the contours of your underwear, and / or show your "crack" between your right and left buttocks.

What do you need

  • Appropriate clothing, such as loose blouses, shorts, or skirts, that show your figure in the best possible light.
  • Confident, but try not to be flirty if you don't want negative attention.