How to plan your life

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)
Video: How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)


Taking control of your life is an important step. You need to decide what you want, figure out what is most important to you, and create a plan to follow to make your dreams come true. Learn to plan your life to achieve your goals and get everything you want!


Method 1 of 3: Take a clear look at your life

  1. 1 Think and decide what is most important to you. Planning your life can be quite tedious because you have to consider different areas of your life. To best imagine what your future should be like, it is worth spending some time thinking about what is most important to you in this life, what makes it more fulfilling. Here are a few questions to think about in order to understand the direction in which to move in life:
    • What is your understanding of success? Is it a certain position or a certain amount of money? Is it the height of originality and creativity? This is family?
    • What would your life be like if you had the opportunity to change everything right now? Where would you live? What would your career be like? How would you spend your free time? Who would you spend it with?
    • Whose life do you admire? What is it about his / her life that is so attractive to you?
  2. 2 Write what you see. Once you have answered these questions, been alone with yourself and figured out what is most important to you, write down the answers to these questions in such a way that these sentences serve as a kind of "guide" for you. In other words, formulate these sentences in the present tense, as if you already have them all.
    • An example of such a sentence might be: "I am successful because I am my own boss, I feel free every day, I successfully use my creativity and originality, I spend a lot of time with my family."
    • Planning your life to the crazy pace of the modern world is tricky, but you can use these suggestions as guiding principles for life to help you chart your life, while keeping in mind that your job, place of residence, and goals may change as you go. how do you implement the most important and basic principles.
  3. 3 Do not hurry. Things may not go as smoothly and smoothly as you planned. Quite rarely, everything happens exactly as you planned or expected. Life is made up of sudden turns and new opportunities. It also has many failures and falls, but that doesn't mean you can give up. Be prepared to take action, taking even small steps forward. As you get closer to your goal, learn from your mistakes and your experiences.
    • Deadlock situations can occur in life. Perhaps you will be let down by a job from which you expected a lot, but which did not live up to your expectations. You may be in trouble in your relationship or family. Just remember that there is no exact date or exact timetable. Keep moving towards your goals and learn from your mistakes, developing and improving your life.
  4. 4 Get ready for creating new opportunities for yourself. You may not have the perfect job, apartment, or brilliant opportunity. In this case, you will have to create these opportunities for yourself, even if it does not correspond to your original plan. Understand that having a life plan implies that you may have to create opportunities for yourself to realize your goals. By understanding this, you can better psychologically prepare for the possible changes that will come your way.
    • For example, if you dream of working for yourself, this may mean that you will need to teach in a dance studio or be a consultant for a large company. In either case, you will be able to satisfy your need for a sense of freedom, since you will be your own boss and leader.

Method 2 of 3: Create a Life Plan

  1. 1 Write down your plan for life. A life plan is the format that will help you come up with and write down the changes that you plan to make in different areas of life: career, place of residence, social circle and your free time. By writing down your plans for life, you can better understand which areas of your life should be changed in order to achieve your goals.
    • A life plan will help you look at everything that happens from a different point of view. Seeing your notes on paper will help you better prioritize and think through your ideas.
    • By putting your life plan on paper, you can see similar goals and hobbies, and you can also adjust your plan by removing from it what does not suit you.
  2. 2 Decide which areas of your life you would like to change. If you have a life plan, this does not mean at all that you will have to completely change all areas of your life, but it is the life plan that is the starting point from which you can begin your movement forward. Perhaps you are completely happy in some areas of your life (for example, your place of residence), while in other areas you would still like progress (for example, you would like a more suitable job). Most likely, you will have several areas of life in which you would like to make some changes, but to start it is better to choose one - the most important.
    • Decide which area of ​​your life you will start with. This could be your career, your social circle, hobbies, or something else. Areas of life that you could make changes include your work, education, income or financial planning, attitude towards yourself, outlook on life, creativity, leisure, family and friends, social circle and social life, volunteering for an important cause. physical condition and health.
    • Asking yourself what good changes will happen in your life if you make some changes in a certain area of ​​your life - this will help you more clearly understand why you decided to work on this particular area of ​​life.
    • Ask yourself which part of the change is the hardest for you. Once you know what's going to be the hardest, you can better prepare yourself for the moment you face the challenge. For example, for some people, the hardest part is getting started. If you know that this is just about you, you can ask for support from loved ones who will help you start what you are planning.
  3. 3 Find the information you need and get support. Support or people who can support you when you need it is a very important moment in any attempt to change something in your life. When planning changes, it is important to know who you can rely on, who you can turn to for help if a very difficult situation arises. Tell your loved ones about the life plan that you have made, as well as the areas of life that you would like to change. Make a list of people you can rely on during difficult times.
    • Gather as much information as possible about the upcoming changes. Hear stories from people who have succeeded, take part in self-development groups. Ask them what approaches have helped them plan and change their lives, what difficulties you can expect.
  4. 4 Think about what resources you have and plan everything step by step. To start taking steps towards some goals and changes, you will need certain resources. You may need to buy books, calculate and set a budget, learn new skills, and get the support and help of loved ones. You will most likely also need to figure out how you will cope with certain difficulties and obstacles.After you decide what you need to get started successfully, start thinking about the steps to take to make your plan a reality.
    • For example, if your life plan includes an item to “improve your health,” the first step might be to decide to learn more about healthy eating and how to prepare healthy food, followed by a decision to eat at least one vegetable a day. It's better to start small and slowly move towards your goal so that you don't burn out and get tired.
    • Another example would be a life plan that will lead you to a healthy diet. To do this, you will need to find the necessary resources that will lead you to this goal. For example, you may need nutritional literature, a budget for purchasing the right foods, and support for your loved ones because dietary changes will affect them as well.
  5. 5 Accept that sometimes your life will deviate from the life plan that you have outlined. Planning your life is a great way to clearly understand what you want to achieve and in what ways, but life is often very unpredictable and sometimes things don't go according to plan. Therefore, you need to work on the ability to reconcile so as not to give up and return to your goals, no matter what happens.
    • You can try a methodology that focuses on the problem itself. The point is to be able to look at the situation objectively, to understand which points were worth working more on, and then develop a plan to fix the problem. This process includes identifying possible options, collecting information, the ability to control the situation and, finally, the actual implementation of the plan.
    • For example, if you are working on a plan with the primary goal of improving your overall health, but you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you need to be able to deal with the problem by adapting to your new situation. To quickly return to your planned life plan, you need to study additional information about diabetes mellitus, dietary habits, and also about the tests that you will have to take.
    • Another type of humility is emotionally dependent. Its essence is that you have to cope with the emotional stress from a certain unplanned situation.
    • For example, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, of course, you will have certain emotions in this regard: fear, anger, sadness. To cope with these emotions, you can talk to a friend or loved one, you can also reduce stress by limiting the scope of your duties, in addition, you can keep a diary and write down your emotions and feelings there so that you can better understand and think about them.

Method 3 of 3: Set Yourself Goals

  1. 1 Understand how important it is to set goals for yourself. Goal setting is an important skill that many successful people use to motivate themselves. Goal setting allows you to better concentrate on the specifics of a particular task, and also helps to organize the necessary skills that will be useful to you to achieve that goal.
    • One of the best parts of successfully setting a goal and achieving it is feeling confident and satisfied with your job once that goal is achieved.
  2. 2 Use SMART technique. Goal setting is a great way to get started with your life plan. This SMART technique will help you frame your goals so that they are specific, measurable, assignable, realistic and time bound. The SMART technique is important in planning because it helps you understand how close or far you are to achieving a certain goal.
    • If your goal is to work towards a healthier lifestyle, it’s not enough to say to yourself, "I will eat more vegetables." Apply the SMART technique to this goal and say, "I'll eat two servings of vegetables a day for a month, and I'll start on Monday."
    • In this way, you will formulate your goal more precisely and definitely, and you will have a guideline that you can follow. In addition, your goal will also be measurable because you will know what outcome you want to achieve. It will also be realistic and you will have a time frame to achieve it.
  3. 3 Make your goals more specific. There are several ways to make your goals more specific and achievable. First, write down your goal. A written goal is more real than just a thought in your head. Try to make it specific. According to the SMART technique, you need to formulate your goal so that it sounds definite and accurate.
    • State your goals in a positive statement. If you want to lose weight, tell yourself: "I eat right and lost 2.5 kg" instead of "Stop eating junk food and get fat."
    • Prioritize each goal. If you have multiple goals, there is no way you can achieve all goals at once. Decide which of the goals is the most important and achievable, which can wait, which one will take longer to achieve.
    • You should break your goals down into smaller chunks so that they can be achieved quickly enough without being shelved. Therefore, if you have set yourself global goals, it is better to break them down into small ones in order to go to the main goal step by step.