How to plan your vacation

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Plan Travel Like a Pro | Booking Flights, Stay, Budgeting
Video: How to Plan Travel Like a Pro | Booking Flights, Stay, Budgeting


A vacation is an opportunity for good mental relaxation that we get once a year or so, so you need to be prepared for it.


  1. 1 Seek, find out, explore. For inspiration, you can visit websites to see photos and reports of other travelers, their reviews of different places. Be sure to write down your departure and return times!
    • Make a list of places to visit.
    • Set aside an appropriate budget.
    • Pack everything you need in your suitcases.
    • Underwear.
    • Pajamas.
    • Toiletries.
    • Shoes.
    • Bathing suit and towel.
    • Journal.
  2. 2Prepare to deal with unexpected situations to make your journey smoother.
  3. 3 Establish a general schedule that will take into account the desires of each family member, what they would like to do during the trip. Get the whole family together so everyone can express their expectations. You may have to argue a bit, but everyone should be willing to compromise.
    • Collect a first aid kit in case of unforeseen health complications. you never know what might happen along the way. Make sure everyone knows its location. The essential elements of the first aid kit are bandages, antiseptics, paracetamol and anti-allergy pills. The first aid kit should also include a list of emergency telephone numbers.
  4. 4 If you need to leave pets, find someone to look after them when you are away. If you plan to take your pet with you, you need to take into account that many restaurants and hotels do not allow animals, as well as the fact that they need to be walked somewhere. If you need to leave the animals at home, inform the person who will look after them in detail what the care is, and also leave the phone numbers to contact you. This will help resolve any unexpected issues or questions you forgot to share.
  5. 5 If you are planning a family car trip, bring all the essentials so that everyone feels comfortable and not bored during the trip.
  6. 6 Decide what you will use to get to your vacation spot (plane, bus, etc.)etc.).
  7. 7 Estimate the total cost of the vacation. Consider the daily cost of housing and meals (restaurants, snacks and drinks) for each family member. Include in your budget the cost of gas for the round trip, and for visits to nearby attractions. Add the cost of any activities that interest you (swimming pool, zoo, etc.).
    • If travel is getting too expensive, look for discount deals. There are many discounted offers on the Internet (hotels, food, entertainment, etc.). Note that the discount sites provide a lot of useful information for planning your trip.
    • Look for ways to save money. For example, when visiting relatives in a neighboring country, you can ask for permission to spend the night with them one of the nights (of course, provided that there is enough free space in their house). This gives you shower, food, television and bed for free. If you have normal relations with your neighbors, you can rent their "extra" car, then the road will cost only the cost of gasoline. In addition, neighbors can take care of pets for free, and you can save on gas by purchasing fuel cards. Believe me, if you want to save money, you will find many opportunities!
    • Work after hours at work before asking for a week or a few days of rest. In this case, the employer is more likely to meet you halfway.
  8. 8 If a family member is taking medications, take them with you, and make sure there is enough.


  • Look for discounts.
  • If you are traveling with your own vehicle, take a card.
  • Calculate travel time. Include rest and lunch stops, especially if you are traveling with small children.
  • Consider different weather conditions. Before packing, check the weather channels and websites on the Internet. Bring some clothes in case things change and the weather is different from what was planned.
  • Start planning as early as possible.
  • If there is no direct connection and you need to change trains, take a stopover ticket. In this case, even if unforeseen circumstances arise, you will be calm that everything will go well.


  • Traveling in a group is safer, so it is better not to wander, but to stay together.

What do you need

  • Suitcases
  • Clothes, hygiene items (with a reserve in everything!).
  • Light snacks and toys for children
  • Cash for visiting cafes and refueling at gas stations
  • Vehicles (car or plane)
  • Map
  • Medication
  • Travel portals and sites with discounts (if necessary)
  • Friends / relatives who can provide some kind of help
  • Pet Carer (if you have one)
  • The place where you will stay (hotel, relatives, friends)