How to sleep in a car

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Sleep in a Car Comfortably (CAR MATTRESS DEMONSTRATION) | Travel Snacks
Video: How To Sleep in a Car Comfortably (CAR MATTRESS DEMONSTRATION) | Travel Snacks


If you have the opportunity to comfortably sit in the seats of your car, then you can sleep right in the car, which will significantly save your expenses (since you do not have to rent a hotel room). Sometimes sleeping in a car is a vital necessity - for example, when you need to rest, but no one can change you behind the wheel. There are many ways you can turn your car into a safe and comfortable resting place in case you need to rest during your trip. Read this article and you will learn about these methods.


Method 1 of 2: What to bring with you

  1. 1 Bring bedding - a pillow and a blanket, if it's winter and very cold - you can take a sleeping bag.
    • Bring enough blankets and pillows to ensure a comfortable stay for all passengers, especially children. If you are traveling together and take turns driving, you can take one set of sleeping accessories to save space in the car.
  2. 2 If you find it difficult to fall asleep outside of your bed, take with you on the road the things with which you usually fall asleep at home. For example, if you like to read at night, then take a book and a flashlight with you on the trip to read a little before bed.
  3. 3 Take something to curtain the windows in your car. With a towel or a T-shirt, you will hide not only from the sun and cars, but also from prying eyes.
  4. 4 If you plan to sleep during the daytime, bring a hat and sunglasses. Firstly, you will protect yourself from the sun, and secondly, you will hide from prying eyes.

Method 2 of 2: Sleeping in the car

  1. 1 Find a safe place where you can park safely. It is desirable that this place is not near a noisy highway, and that it is not prohibited to be there for a long time. Overnight parking is prohibited in some areas, so make sure you can stay overnight in your chosen location.
    • Park your vehicle at the official 24-hour parking lot. There are specially organized parking lots along many trails where you can stay overnight.
  2. 2 Cover the windows with something. This is necessary so that the sun and the flow of cars do not interfere with you, and if someone wants to see what you are not doing, he will not be able to do this. It is possible to curtain not all windows, but only those that face east or overlook the parking lot.
  3. 3 Open the windows a little, and fresh air will constantly enter your car, so you will not sweat or choke.
  4. 4 Spread out pillows and blankets and lie down comfortably yourself. You can expand the front seats, or you can lie down in the back seat.
  5. 5 In the morning, do whatever you usually do in the morning - wash and brush your teeth. It will help you wake up and prepare yourself for another day of driving. Be sure to take a few bottles of clean water with you on the road.


  • Always lock all doors before going to sleep in your car.This will protect yourself and your passengers during your rest, especially in the dark.
  • Before stopping for the night in the parking lot, make sure that you will not have any problems with this later, since there are not only paid parking lots (which is no longer pleasant), but also parking lots where only local residents can park their cars , or parking lots where cars cannot be left overnight.
  • Be sure to take a pillow on the road, otherwise your neck will go numb and you will not rest at all.
  • Play soothing music to help you sleep.