How to sleep at work

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Sleep at Your Job
Video: How to Sleep at Your Job


Did you feel tired at work? Did you feel like getting some sleep to freshen up, but were afraid that your boss would catch you? We do not promote sleep at work, however, for those moments when you just need to rest, there are five ways that you can use and you will not be disturbed by your boss. Instead of sleeping in the shower or hiding in your car in the parking lot, it’s better to dodge and sleep right in the workplace, while continuing to get paid for it. There are many ways to pretend that the company is working hard to reach the bottom line, while you are actually trying to get the sleep you lacked last night.


Method 1 of 5: Myopic

  1. 1 Sit at your desk and have a lot of work items around you, such as a stapler or an open planner.
  2. 2 Place a piece of paper in the stapler to give the impression that you are about to staple something.
  3. 3 When you're ready to fall asleep, rest your forehead on your computer monitor, resting your hand on the mouse. This will make your unsuspecting employer or employees think that you are working hard on a new proposal.
  4. 4 The computer must be turned on and some old document must be on the screen.
  5. 5 Open the document with a bunch of corrections to make it look like you are either writing or reading a huge document and that is why it takes so long for you.

Method 2 of 5: The Thinker

  1. 1 Another way to sleep treacherously is to put one hand under your cheek, resting your head in the palm of your hand, pretending to try to find the answer to a difficult question, or reading an important letter from the corporate office.
  2. 2 Turn your back so that people passing by you do not see that your eyes are closed.
  3. 3 Wear headphones (if allowed at work) to make it seem like you are listening to music at work and therefore not answering questions.

Method 3 of 5: The Deliverer

If during the week you have already used the Nearsighted and The Thinker methods, it is time to try the new Deliver method.

  1. 1 Sometimes items fall off your desk, so pretend you've dropped something important and are trying to grab it.
  2. 2 Disconnect the keyboard from the computer, and then rest your head on it with your hand down.
  3. 3 Place a pen on the floor to give the impression that you are trying to reach a dropped pen. If this is your second nap during the day using this method, place something else, your laptop, or an important document from your boss on the floor at arm's length.

Method 4 of 5: Plumber

"Broken sink" or "plumber" is the most comfortable way, which you will use to rest the best.

  1. 1 Make yourself comfortable under the table.
  2. 2 Put your head behind the computer system unit, if possible. Unsuspecting employees, seeing this, will think that you are straightening a cable or looking for something that has fallen from your desk. If you want to look even more believable, push your buttocks up, as if you were bent over looking for something.
  3. 3 Try keeping your contact lens case open as if you have lost one and are desperate to find it. This position will generate a lot of sympathy among employees and provide you with a great reason why you sit under the table for so long.

Method 5 of 5: Column

  1. 1 Move close to your table so that there is no gap between your stomach and the table.
  2. 2 Tilt your head slightly to give the impression that you are doing something carefully, while in fact you are dreaming about that girl from math lessons.
  3. 3 Be sure to open an important document on a computer screen, or even a spreadsheet that you need to read and study for work.
  4. 4 Leave enough room for yourself to breathe so you can sleep well and feel comfortable. This method may be the least convenient of all, but is a good emergency option if you've tried all of the previous methods this week.


  • Another way to sleep at work is to pretend you are on an important phone call. Open the door to your office or cubicle (if you have one) and place your phone between your shoulder and cheek. Tilt your head slightly and place it on your hand with the phone. This method is similar to The Thinker, but is actually another way to take a nap without being disturbed by the boss.
  • Always set an alarm to stay awake for too long. With all the benefits of naps, you are at work after all. A 20 minute nap is all you need. So that your alarm clock does not set the whole office on its feet so that everyone knows that you are sleeping at work, set the alarm clock on your phone to vibration mode.
  • The best way to get rid of the need to use all of these methods is to sleep 6 to 8 hours a night. Take a hot bath before bed, read, listen to pleasant music. You should do your best to avoid sleeplessness and constant sleep breaks at work. Otherwise, you will have enough time and sleep after you lose your job.
  • Ask the employee to cover you. Use the “hand washes” principle. Let one of the employees pretend to talk to you from time to time from the doorstep of your booth, so that the rest will feel that you are talking to people, while in fact you are napping. When your co-worker wants to sleep on his own, help him with short conversations covering his or her sleep. The more detailed your plan is, the more believable it will be.


  • Do not joke with employees about how you sleep at work, this can anger and envy them, leading to the fact that you will be extradited. Even if your employees try your methods, they won't work if the entire office is sleeping comfortably in their workplaces. Keep your secret.
  • These methods may not work if you have trouble snoring.It is more likely that employees will hear you snoring and get caught before you wake up. If you still need to sleep, use a nasal patch, but only if you are using a method in which no one can see your face.
  • If you are caught sleeping, never lie to your superiors. Be honest and promise not to sleep at work anymore. Your honesty will help you with your boss much better than lying - it just won't work.
  • Make sure you destroy all evidence that you were asleep. Wipe the drool off your cheek and comb your hair so that each strand is neatly in place. If you need to wash to wake up, go to the toilet and do it. Also make sure your shirt and tie are in order and nothing unusual happened while you were supposed to work.
  • You should not sleep for five minutes. This way you will not rest and will just waste your time and increase the likelihood of being caught. Get 20 minutes of sleep and you will feel refreshed, and that way you have the best chance of getting away with sleeping in the workplace.