How to create a famous vocal group

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
TOP 6 Vocal Groups From Americas Got Talent & Britain’s Got Talent
Video: TOP 6 Vocal Groups From Americas Got Talent & Britain’s Got Talent


It is very difficult to create a vocal group. There are a lot of factors to take into account to get your chance on the big stage. Find the right people, rehearse and participate in concerts to be on a par with bands such as The Jacksons, The Temptations, The Supremes and Boys II Men.


Part 1 of 4: Finding Members

  1. 1 Determine the type of group. Before embarking on such a large project as creating a musical group, you must have a clear idea of ​​the ultimate goal.
    • Determine the type of group you want so that your message is clear from the start.
    • You need to choose a musical style. It is the style that determines the number of participants, the choice of vocalists and musicians, as well as the agent or manager.
    • Most often, vocal groups work in the styles "madrigal", "a cappella", "pop", "hip-hop", "vocal jazz", "rock" and others.
    • The type of future group will affect where you look for potential members.
    • For example, to organize a religious vocal group, you will have to look for vocalists in the church or among the members of the church choir.
    • If you are looking for people who play musical instruments, then you should look at music school students.
  2. 2 Select the desired voice types for future group members. This decision will depend on a number of factors.
    • Some styles of music require only two or three vocalists, while for pop or a cappella, a group of five or more members can be assembled.
    • You will need to decide on the gender of the participants. Will it be a female or male team? Maybe a mixed group?
    • If you're putting together a mixed band, you need to decide how many male voices and how many female voices there will be in order to get the right sound.
    • If you are going to perform "rock" or "country", then it is quite possible to get by with one vocalist. These groups do not require multiple accompanying voices. Usually groups of these styles consist of a soloist and musicians who play guitar, bass guitar and drums.
  3. 3 Arrange an audition. In the process of recruiting musicians, you can arrange some kind of audition for people to come to you.
    • You will need to advertise the event (make posters, tell everyone you know, advertise in your local newspaper).
    • Put up posters near schools, shops, churches, and other venues.
    • Order an ad in the newspaper. This will keep vocalists and musicians interested in finding you.
    • Talk to people at your church or local community center. They will help you spread the word about listening and recruiting people for the group.
    • Inform about the event on social networks “Facebook” and “Twitter”.
    • Post your ad on Craigslist and other sites.
  4. 4 Ask your acquaintances. If you are familiar with members of other bands, then ask them about the musicians who are looking for a band.
    • Post ads on social media.
    • Ask your friends in your old band or your school music teacher if they have the right people in mind.
    • Try to draw as much attention to your project as possible in order to find talented people for your future group.
  5. 5 Identify a leader. Even if all participants have equal rights in the team, your group still needs a leader.
    • This person will discuss issues with the manager, agent, as well as listeners and the press.
    • He will also make sure that the concept of the group remains unchanged.
    • The leader should be a person who knows how to find an approach to all members of the group. Remember, everyone should get along well and collaborate effectively.
  6. 6 Define the role of each participant. For the normal functioning of the group, everyone must have a clear idea of ​​their task. They are usually determined according to the talents and skills of a particular participant.
    • If one of the participants has a wonderful tenor voice, then it would be foolish to give him the viola part.
    • A participant with good choreographic ability should be involved in a dance staging.
    • Some members may play a certain instrument or sing a certain style better than others. Roles in the group should be assigned based on skills and experience.
    • In a rock group there is almost always one soloist, and the rest of the members play various musical instruments.
    • Everyone should understand that it is impossible for one person to constantly be in the spotlight. For example, not every rock song has a drum solo that allows the drummer to individually show off his skills.

Part 2 of 4: Organizational Matters

  1. 1 Choose a title. Choosing a name for a group is one of the most important initial decisions.
    • It is this name that people will remember (or forget if it is inappropriate), it is this name that you will constantly advertise, it is this name that should bring you fame.
    • Your band name should reflect the style, personalities of the members, and match the songs you intend to perform.
    • The name should be bold and engraved in memory. The audience is attracted by ingenuity.
  2. 2 Rehearse as often as possible. You cannot get on the big stage without a rehearsed quality repertoire.
    • First, you can re-sing songs from other bands that everyone in the band likes.
    • If all the members of your group play instruments, then first learn a few other people's songs and only then start writing your own material.
    • At concerts, you can also first perform cover versions of other people's songs, and then gradually introduce compositions of your own authorship.
    • Work out the details, refine each of your games to perfection and develop.
    • Before you go on stage, you will need to spend a huge number of hours rehearsing for the audience to hear your best performance.
    • First impressions are incredibly important. Your first public appearance must be flawless.
  3. 3 Find a manager. You can handle organizational issues yourself, especially early in your career.
    • When the number of your concerts exceeds a dozen, you should find a management specialist who will become your guide in the difficult world of show business.
    • Having a manager has many benefits. For example, he will find concerts for you, enter into contracts with recording studios and deal with financial issues.
    • The manager should be someone you totally trust. Don't be tricked or forced to move in the wrong direction.
    • Remember that a manager should be rewarded for his time and work. The success of a group requires a lot of effort. Agree in advance about fair compensation for the services.

Part 3 of 4: Finding concerts

  1. 1 Perform as often as possible. First you need to participate in local free concerts in order to earn a good reputation and find your listeners.
    • You can get together in a group on weekends and perform on the street or in the park. Be sure to be careful not to break the law.
    • Make business cards and hand them out to people who stop to listen to you.
    • Performing in front of a small number of people will give you invaluable experience and teach you how to behave with the audience. Also, the first reviews will allow you to improve your music.
  2. 2 Play local parties. If your friends or neighbors are throwing parties, then you can perform at such events.
    • The more often you are heard, the better for the group.
    • Even a small party close to home is better than no concerts.
    • Participate in charity events. This will help you find your audience and become more popular.
    • Play at local fairs and celebrations. If you get a little publicity, you can charge a moderate fee for your performance.
  3. 3 Participate in local talent shows. Look for similar events and be sure to participate in them.
    • It's a great way to get involved in the community, introduce your group to a wider audience, and open the door to new opportunities.
    • Many popular performers (such as Rihanna and Asher) started out with just such small talent shows.
  4. 4 Perform in clubs. Find out which clubs / bars / restaurants / entertainment venues have live music and under what conditions you can perform there.
    • You may be asked to send in a demo or attend an audition.
    • Regardless of the requirements, you must prepare well and show your best side.
    • The event must be suitable for your group. For example, a rock band or jazz band will not play in a hip-hop club. It also makes no sense to perform at family events if you are playing youth or experimental music.
  5. 5 Open for other bands. This is a great way to speak to large audiences and make a name for yourself.
    • If you are familiar with other bands, then offer to warm up the audience at their concerts.
    • The first group at a concert usually performs several of their songs and represents the main performer of the evening.
    • This is a great opportunity for aspiring rock bands. Sometimes a better known band may even suggest you go on a small tour with concerts.
  6. 6 Make posters. Before each performance, you must create posters and post them all over the city.
    • Your posters should be bright and eye-catching for as many people as possible to see them.
    • Indicate all the necessary information - place, time, date and cost of admission to the concert.
    • Also indicate possible age restrictions.
  7. 7 Advertise your concerts online. Until a few years ago, people could only report their concerts through word of mouth, posters and radio advertisements.
    • The development of technology and the Internet has greatly simplified and increased the effectiveness of advertising.
    • Take full advantage of the Internet to actively promote your group on such popular social networks as “Facebook”, “Twitter”, “Instagram” and many others.
    • Online advertising makes it easier for fans to find your music, and organizers can contact you to discuss the terms of your concerts.

Part 4 of 4: Collective Spirit

  1. 1 Maintain a collective spirit. Group members should feel appreciated.
    • Show that you value their contributions to the development of the group and would not be able to achieve such success without teamwork.
    • Everyone should feel that they are an important member of the group.
    • Everyone should be aware of future plans, concerts and other events.
    • Avoid situations where group members are not in the know.
    • Avoid gossip. Don't spread rumors about other band members.
  2. 2 Spend time together. The professional aspects of making music and the constant rehearsal quickly become routine.
    • Do not forget to relax and spend leisure time with the whole group.
    • You often have to spend time together, so maintaining friendships is just as important as regular rehearsals.
    • You can sometimes go to parties or to amusement parks. Whatever you do together, try to have fun.
    • Participate in sports or charity events to build team spirit.
  3. 3 Rehearse regularly. Nothing brings the group together like preparation in joint performances.
    • Rehearsals are the key to constant self-improvement and increasing the level of performance.
    • The more you rehearse, the less likely you are to make mistakes in your performances.
    • The ultimate goal of rehearsals is that each participant must learn to play the entire program without mistakes.
  4. 4 Conduct group meetings. Group meetings make sure that all members are of the same opinion and are happy with the direction of the group's development.
    • In a group, it is important to take into account the opinion of each participant. In group meetings, you can discuss all current issues.
    • Discuss upcoming concerts and events, assign responsibilities and provide all the necessary information.
    • At meetings, you can distribute labor among team members, from buying consumables to agreeing on terms of performance and advertising in the press.
    • All emerging problems should be discussed in full.
    • Conflicts within the group should be resolved without scandals and in conditions of mutual respect.


  • You must get along well with the team members.
  • Decide immediately for whom you will play. Your main listeners can be children, schoolchildren, teenagers or adults. This will make it easier for you to select songs and write new material.
  • You must always believe in yourself and your group.


  • If there is a disagreement in the group, everyone should relax and talk to the manager.
  • Beware of "star fever". We recommend that you read How to Deal With Fame.
  • It is important to feel confident in yourself, but not to be overconfident. You must be able to get along with all the members of the group, otherwise everything will collapse like a house of cards.
  • It's also important to treat fans well. Daring behavior will only do harm.