How to create fursonu (furry character)

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 23 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Furry Things: How To Make YOUR Fursona! (Tips & Ideas)
Video: Furry Things: How To Make YOUR Fursona! (Tips & Ideas)


Furson is an animal character with human features, embodying a member of the furry community (a community of fans of anthropomorphic animals, or furry). This character can be your second self or directly represent you and your character as an animal. Sometimes a person has a strong connection with his furson, then she acts as his true face, reflecting the inner essence of his creator.


  1. 1 Choose which species your furson will belong to. Think hard! What animals do you like the most? Which one do you identify with? You are free to choose from a great variety of animals, including all kinds of reptiles, birds, amphibians, horses, goats, skunks and thousands of other species! Don't be afraid to venture into a more original idea than a cat or dog. You can combine the traits of different animals in one, use a fantastic creature for fursons, or even come up with your own!
  2. 2 Think about what your furson will look like - for example, what color it will be, whether it will have markings. Lean towards natural look or make it as crazy as you like. Your furson can be anything from just a gray wolf to a turquoise phoenix or a yellow Komodo dragon with red stripes and a black tail. She may have tattoos, piercings, different colored fur / feathers / scales / skin, and even multiple tails!
  3. 3 Invent your fursone character, what she likes and what she does not like, what are her advantages and disadvantages. You might find it tempting to create a 100% bad guy, but a character that combines positive traits and flaws is more interesting and easier to relate to a real person.
  4. 4 Think about the special features of fursons. Does she wear clothes? Is there anything interesting or remarkable about it? Does it have the proportions of an animal's body, or is it more anthropomorphic, with human proportions?
  5. 5 Give your Furson a name. It can be your own name or whatever you find interesting. Avoid animal names or variations on their theme, as they are too common and many people already use such names. It's a good idea to enter your chosen name into Google and see if anyone in the furry community already uses it.


  • Some people find it difficult to come up with a name. Start with an adjective that describes your fursonu and look for words that have similar meanings to help you.
  • The stop-down pose is typical for "humanoid" characters - they stand on the ground with their entire soles.
  • Toe position means that the fursons' legs resemble the legs or paws of an animal - the heel is in the air and only the toes and the ball of the foot are on the ground.
  • Sometimes some of the features of fursona are difficult to describe. You can try drawing them if this is easier for you.
  • Don't limit your imagination! Your furson does not have to be an ordinary animal, like a dog or a cat - try something new, unusual, you can even invent a creature yourself!
  • Try some flash games online to create your own characters for color ideas you might not have imagined!
  • Choose colors that match your personality or just your liking.
  • There are many free pictures on the Internet that you can color, draw marks, and try different ideas on.
  • Take a look at the furson created by others. Perhaps they will inspire you!


  • Some people are suspicious or prejudiced of furries in real life. Be prepared for these kinds of problems. Don't let others ruin your furry experience.
  • Don't get too hung up on furson and imagine yourself as it all the time. Remember that you are human after all.

What do you need

  • Paper and pencil or whatever you use to sketch and draw fursona
  • Where you write down the character of the furson, the overall look, individual characteristics, and so on
  • Time to practice your furson - participation in role-playing games, drawing new pictures and other entertainment