How to create a quieter home environment

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Thought about every little detail of your renovation? Create a quieter home with ROCKWOOL insulation
Video: Thought about every little detail of your renovation? Create a quieter home with ROCKWOOL insulation


Children running everywhere? Is the TV screaming and the sound of video games driving you into a frenzy? All these constant skirmishes in the nursery are about to explode your head. In the meantime, every now and then friends and neighbors come to visit, and the spouse hides in the bathroom, waiting for peace to descend on your house ... Sounds painfully familiar? If so, it might be time to establish peace in your home and try to lead a more relaxed lifestyle.


  1. 1 Be prepared to set boundaries and enforce them. This is the first and foremost thing you can do. This applies to both time constraints and boundaries in terms of acceptable noise levels, activities, and yes, bedtime. Including for parents. If children have to wake up their parents to accompany them to school, it’s awful if this is repeated day after day. This problem can be easily avoided by going to bed at the same time as your children. Your sleep is important, but don't expect to be able to sleep when your kids need to be driven to school.
  2. 2 Imagine a quieter home. What do you see? Describe what you have presented on a piece of paper and translate into specific goals that you need to achieve in order to achieve peace of mind. Thus, you will extract from the subconscious the true picture of your ideal home - always remember it and move step by step towards the creation of such a house.
  3. 3 Sit down and make a list of what you think creates the most noise and bustle in your home. This is where you start first. Consider cutting back on guests, lowering the TV volume, and limiting the amount of time you use your computer. Also, prohibit small children from running around the house.
    • Kids need fun and toys, but that doesn't mean they need to watch TV or play video games. Make a tradition of playing board games. Investments in these traditional family games can be much more modest than the content of a TV or game console.
  4. 4 Schedule household chores. It should include all family members, a list of days of the week and due dates. The larger the task, the more time should be allocated for it so that it does not involve stress and rush. It is better to do a little in advance, rather than rush at the last moment and try to do several things at the same time.
  5. 5 Get rid of unnecessary things and clutter. Chaos in things creates an additional sense of stress, fuss and inability to think clearly. The fewer things you have in your path, the calmer you will feel. Not to mention the fact that cleaning requires much less effort and time. If children need all these toys, books and video games, make a deal with them. Everything should be kept in boxes, and if any of their belongings are lying out of place three times in a row, these things are handed over to the nearest charity or sent to the trash. For the proper effect, you must act and speak decisively, as well as be ready to fulfill your own promise in the event of a violation of the agreement.
  6. 6 When doing something, clean up right away. Cooking creates much less chaos if you wash the dishes immediately after eating. The same applies to all the things you use - teach everyone in the household to put everything in place. Purchase storage bins or baskets and sign them to make it easier for everyone to use the new system.
  7. 7 Plan your menu. If you always have a hard time coming up with what to cook for lunch, it is best to spend once a week (Sunday is a very good day) half an hour making a meal plan. It is not necessary to go into details, it is enough to write for yourself “Mon. - pasta "," tue. - pilaf "," cf. - pizza "," Thu. - sushi "," Fri. - chicken". Then you will have at least an idea of ​​what to cook the main course, and you can think over the subtleties according to your mood and taking into account the available other products on the very day of preparation.
  8. 8 Ask guests to respect your boundaries. Inform all your relatives, friends, children, dogs and everyone who constantly spends time visiting you that you are hosting guests exclusively until such and such a time. Weekends may be an exception. This way, you can plan and spend time with your family without fear of unexpected outside interference. The same applies to the rule to turn off your phone and close your email.
  9. 9 Maintain order in your papers. As soon as you receive mail, invoices or other paper media, immediately disassemble them. Open the envelope and discard it immediately. Organize receipts, notices and letters into folders. Once a week or a month, pay all the bills at once, after taking them out of the folder and sorting them out. If you receive notifications from school, schedule a time when you can sit down with your child and discuss all the issues. Sign any documents immediately and put them back into the backpack with your child. If the question is about money, prepare cash and immediately make sure that the child takes it with him. All this takes only a few minutes, but it is important to devote a separate time to the child and his life at school.
  10. 10 Decide on a quiet rest time. At least once a week, or even better once a day, set aside a quiet time for yourself when you will not do anything, but just relax and disconnect from everything that is happening around you. Over time, involve all your family members in this.Choose a separate corner or a room in the house solely for this purpose, equip the space with soft pillows and draperies, and give it some cozy name, such as "Mom's corner" or "family reclining area". Explain to all family members that this area is purely for relaxation and that any of them can rest here at any time of the day or night. This space should be located away from TV, music and other sources of noise and interference. Peace is a virtue, and it is very difficult to acquire it in our frantic pace of life. However, there are a number of easy ways to do this, which we tend to neglect and which are worth making a part of our daily life.


  • If you look at the weather forecast the day before and prepare the appropriate clothes, the morning will be much calmer. This is especially true for the need to get several children to school.
  • Depending on the age of your children, assign them certain household chores, changing them from time to time so that they do not become a routine. For example, one week they wash clothes, another they help to take out the trash, the third week they clean up the bathroom, and so on. This diversifies their daily routine and at the same time allows them to acquire all the necessary housekeeping skills, which will become relevant later, when they grow up.
  • Instead of arguing with everyone about what they should eat, they should prepare healthy food and stop arguing about it. Offer to cook together. You will be shocked to realize how much time you spent on bickering, extra time on extra meals, extra money to digest junk food, and extra energy to fulfill other people's whims. In the end, your family will get used to eating what you have prepared for them, but you will have to defend your point of view.
  • Change yourself. In order to create a calm atmosphere in the home, it is necessary to look at the root of the problem. The family is based on parents. Parents need to accept responsibility for their family and any bad situation in their home. Every situation consists of 10% action and 90% reaction. Life is how you react to it. Never yell at your children or threaten them with punishments that exceed their wrongdoing. Yelling and spanking can work in the short term, but if you raise your kids in this way, you just grow an insecure person who will either have difficulty socializing at school, be aggressive towards their peers, or go with the flow. addicted to alcohol and drugs and feeling absolutely unhappy. Unreasonable threats that you are not going to and cannot fulfill will lead to the fact that your words are devalued in the eyes of the child. Instead, you need to give the children a chance to correct their behavior or, on the contrary, to consolidate a positive result.
  • Encourage children to leave the house as often as possible. If your kids are hyperactive, playing football can keep them busy in the first half of the day and tire them in the second.
  • If there are a lot of quarrels and skirmishes in your family, then you need to return to the awareness of parental responsibility for being a role model for patience and control of your emotions. If you are angry, count to 10 and only react when you calm down a little.
  • Sugar, caffeine, fructose syrup are all stimulants. Try to avoid over-consuming all of these substances to avoid the spikes in blood sugar levels that lead to craziness in your home.
  • Breathe. Just stop for a moment and reflect. Deep breathing can be wonderful to help you regain your senses and calm yourself.
  • A wonderful way to strengthen family bonds and create a peaceful environment in your home is to ban TV viewing once a week and schedule a walk, board games, and any other non-electronic activity for that day.
  • When planning your meals, try to cook a little more. Or include leftovers on the next day's menu. If you have enough food left over, you can feed your family for a day or two and not cook too often.
  • If your central meeting point is the kitchen, invest in a large table and chest of drawers to store whatever your family brings with them. Sign the dresser drawers with the names of your family members, and ask them to put whatever they bring in their drawer, not on the kitchen countertop. This will help keep you clean and calm.
  • Read to your children. It costs nothing to borrow books from the library. Teach them to take turns reading a paragraph or page of text aloud. Bring more books so they can read on their own. The librarian can recommend good literature for their level. Children who are already out of age, when they are put to bed during the day, still need to take a break from vigorous activity. Decide on a time your whole family is reading, even if it’s only 20 minutes. During this time, turn off your TV, computers, phones, and so on.
  • Learn to consider differences in preferences. If you and your spouse don't get along, there are three ways out: get divorced, keep fighting until the end of your days and until your kids grow up (which is not recommended at all), or learn to take your differences into account and find a productive approach instead of a destructive one. Constantly quarreling parents is an absolutely destructive factor for the family. Change things up. You shouldn't wait for someone else to do it for you.


  • Don't expect change to happen overnight. Lifestyle changes are equally difficult for children and adults. Be condescending to yourself and to other family members. You are trying to change your habits. Do this gradually, and celebrate every small victory along the path to peace of mind in your family.