How to combine two or more jobs

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planswift | Merge Jobs | Combine Projects | Files | Advance Planswift | Planswift Tips &Tricks
Video: Planswift | Merge Jobs | Combine Projects | Files | Advance Planswift | Planswift Tips &Tricks


Working multiple jobs is not an ideal situation, but it is often a necessary solution. Perhaps you have to work in several part-time jobs to feed your family, or you want to have more money for running expenses on top of your basic paycheck. Whatever your motivation, there are a number of factors to consider in order to successfully juggle two or more jobs. The following considerations will help you plan your time wisely and avoid drowning in the ocean of multiple jobs.


Method 1 of 3: How to plan your time

  1. 1 Use a daily planner to keep track of your schedule. If you work in several places at once, without taking into account daily tasks, there is a risk of missing appointments and being late for work. Write down all the details in your diary so that you don't forget about commitments and tasks that need to be completed.
    • If you have a very fickle schedule, buy a 15-minute time planner to plan your day in detail.
  2. 2 Discuss the situation with your superiors. Despite the temptation to remain silent about the situation, it is best to inform your superiors about your schedule. They may even want to accommodate you and suggest more convenient opening hours.
  3. 3 Make to-do lists. It's hard to remember all the tasks when you work in two different places on the same day. Start making to-do lists for each job at the start of your day to keep things in mind. Cross out tasks as you complete them so you can clearly see what still needs to be done.
  4. 4 Seek help from family, friends, or your significant other. When working two jobs, it is difficult to keep the home clean, cook and perform other duties.
    • Ask family, friends, or your significant other to help you cook, clean, babysit, or other tasks. Remember to show your gratitude and give them compliments in return to show your appreciation. Simple words and warm hugs can work wonders.
    • Organize an exchange of frozen meals with friends. Invite a group of friends to prepare meals that can be shared and frozen. Next, gather at one of your friends at home and exchange food. That way, everyone will return home with a few dishes that you can simply reheat for a week.
  5. 5 Respect boundaries. Set boundaries like the start and end of your day, or you will often have to work longer than your original schedule, especially if you are doing one of the jobs at home.
    • If you're planning a vacation with family or friends, don't let work interfere with your plans. Work and social responsibilities are equally important.

Method 2 of 3: How to deal with stress

  1. 1 Get used to your busy schedule. If you work two or more jobs, then you will be very busy most of the days. Start taking this pace of life as normal and prepare yourself for a busy schedule. Try to stay positive in order to get the most out of this crazy time in your life. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    Amber Rosenberg, PCC

    Career Coach Amber Rosenberg is a professional life and career coach from the San Francisco Bay Area and owner of Pacific Life Coach. She has over 20 years of experience in coaching, working for corporations, technology companies and non-profit organizations. Trained at the Coach Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

    Amber Rosenberg, PCC
    Career coach

    Don't lump everything together... Focus on your first job when you arrive at the office, and then focus on your second job when you start another job. You also need to prevent stress.Take breaks and get yourself at least one full day and a full night of rest per week. Find simple ways to recuperate and deal with stress every day, such as five-minute deep breathing exercises.

  2. 2 Try to find a day for yourself every week. When working on multiple jobs, it is easy to forget about yourself. It is very important to find time to socialize with family and friends, to have fun and relaxation. Try to set aside at least one day each week when you are not working on any of your jobs.
    • Plan a vacation with family or friends, go to a museum, watch a movie, or read all day, and stay at home.

    Amber Rosenberg, PCC

    Career Coach Amber Rosenberg is a professional life and career coach from the San Francisco Bay Area and owner of Pacific Life Coach. She has over 20 years of experience in coaching, working for corporations, technology companies and non-profit organizations. Trained at the Coach Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

    Amber Rosenberg, PCC
    Career coach

    On your day off, you can do yoga, meditation, exercise, or a hobby to clear your mind and keep your body in good shape.

  3. 3 Connect with family and friends. When combining several works, people often move away from their loved ones. Find ways to stay connected even if you can't meet the person.
    • Call or write to your friends often, share your news and successes on social networks.
    • It is important to remember that phone calls, messages and posts on social networks will not become an equivalent substitute for personal communication with loved ones, so make time for such meetings. For example, meet up with friends for dinner or at the bar after work.
  4. 4 Sleep as much as possible. Working multiple jobs can be very tiring and cause a lack of sleep. If you go to your second job right after your first or work late, you risk not getting enough sleep or suffering from overwork.
    • Go to bed early on the eve of a long day at work and take every opportunity to take a nap. Even a 20-minute nap before the next job will help you regain your strength.
  5. 5 Pamper yourself periodically. Many people work several jobs because of the desire to earn more, but if you put aside every penny you earn, you can quickly forget the meaning of such work. In addition to dealing with pressing financial issues such as loan payments or savings, be sure to indulge yourself occasionally.
    • Buy yourself new clothes, get a pedicure, or occasionally go to a good restaurant.
  6. 6 Try to find work closer to home. Long trips can make work shifts nearly endless and lead to burnout. Therefore, it is better to look for jobs that do not take long to get to. It is advisable to work close to home to reduce daily stress.

Method 3 of 3: How to Get the Most Out of Your Second Job

  1. 1 Choose a second job that will benefit and enjoy you. There are many options for combining two jobs, but ideally, the second job should not only bring money, but also enjoyment and long-term benefits. Choose a second job based on your hobbies or skill development that will make you a more attractive player in the job market.
    • For example, if you love video games, you can work at a video game store.
  2. 2 Take time to rest between shifts. Working without a break can get discouraged, so try to find time to rest between jobs. Rest does not have to be long to facilitate the transition. Even half an hour of rest will bring very tangible benefits.
    • For example, you can stop by your favorite cafeteria and enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee.
  3. 3 Don't think about two jobs at the same time. It is difficult to cope with responsibilities in two jobs, so sometimes people try to complete the tasks of one job at the expense of the other.It should be understood that this is a bad idea. This not only risks getting yourself into trouble, but you also reduce your effectiveness.
    • Focus only on your current job to be effective in each position.


  • If you are too tired, consider quitting one job. If you do not have this opportunity for financial reasons, then discuss with your leaders the possibility of reducing your workload by a couple of weeks.


  • No need to fight sleep and stress with coffee or alcohol. This habit will instantly affect your ability to concentrate and rest.