How to keep green onions fresh

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Store Scallions (Green Onions)
Video: How to Store Scallions (Green Onions)


Green onions, also called shallots, can be a great addition to a wide variety of dishes. Fresh onions taste delicious, but they can spoil if not stored properly. You can store green onions in the refrigerator or on a windowsill. However, in any of these places, it is necessary to create suitable conditions so that the onions retain their freshness for a long time.


Method 1 of 3: Store green onions in water in the refrigerator

  1. 1 Fill a glass or tall jar with 2.5–5 cm of water. Use a heavy-bottomed glass or jar to keep the item stable. The water should be cold or room temperature, but not warm.
    • The glass or jar should be high enough to keep the green onions upright. For example, a 0.5 liter glass or a large canning jar is perfect.
  2. 2 Place onion roots in water. Given that green onions are usually sold with their roots, they can be used to keep greens fresh. When you submerge the onion roots in water, it continues to absorb it, so it does not wilt and stays fresh.
    • Even if the roots themselves have been cut, but the root end remains, the plant will take root in the water.
  3. 3 Cover the onion and top of the container with a plastic bag. To maintain proper moisture levels around the green onions in the refrigerator, you need to cover them with a plastic bag. Any package that you have at hand (prepackaged or with a fastener) will do.
    • It may be easiest to use the packaging bag in which you brought the onions home.
  4. 4 Attach a plastic bag to the top of the container. If you've covered the green onions with a packaging bag, you can use a rubber band or string to secure the bag to the container. If you've used a ziplock bag, you can simply zip it as close to the rim of the container as possible.
    • The plastic bag should not completely seal the container, as air must enter there. You just need some water vapor to trap around the onion. Without a plastic bag, the refrigerator would take all the moisture.
  5. 5 Place the glass in the refrigerator. Place the glass of onions on the top shelf in the refrigerator. Position it so that it is not touched often and that it remains stable, otherwise it may fall and spill water all over the refrigerator.
    • Whenever you want to use onions, just take out the container, remove the bag, grab the required amount of onions, put the bag back on, and return the leftovers to the refrigerator.
  6. 6 Change the water every few days. To keep the onion fresh, you need to change the water regularly. Otherwise, mold will build up on the surface of the water and the onions may start to rot.
    • When changing the water, you can also rinse the green onion roots. This will help remove any bacteria or mold that may have formed on them.

Method 2 of 3: Place the green onions on the windowsill

  1. 1 Select a capacity. Chives can be stored in water or potting soil at room temperature and will continue to grow. If you want to store it in water, you will need to find a glass or jar that is tall and heavy enough to keep the bow upright. If you want to store onions in potting mix, you will need a flower pot that is at least 15 cm deep that will fit on your windowsill.
    • Green onions will remain fresh for a long time when stored both in water and in potting mix. The choice between these options is mainly based on personal preference.
  2. 2 Prepare the container. If you are using a glass, pour the water into it at a level of 2.5–5 cm. As with the refrigerator, this will allow the roots of the green onions to soak up the water and saturate the plant with it. If you are using a flower pot, pour at least 13 cm of potting soil into it. This way the green onions can be planted deep enough to stand on their own.
  3. 3 Place the onions in water or potting soil. Submerge the green onion roots in a container of water. If you are storing onions in potting mix, insert the roots into the soil and then tamp the soil around the onions so that they can stand.
    • If you are planting green onions in potting mix, place them 5 cm apart.
  4. 4 Place the container on a windowsill or other sunny place. For green onions to continue to grow, they must be exposed to sunlight. Place the container or flowerpot in a sunny location with 6-7 hours of light every day.
    • The nice bonus of this method is that the onion will continue to grow. Greens stored in the refrigerator will not grow.
    • As a rule, a window sill in the kitchen (if the windows face the sunny side) is a great place to store green onions. So you will definitely not forget to use it when preparing food.
  5. 5 Change the water in the glass or water the onions every few days. Green onions stored outside the refrigerator need a little maintenance. If the green onions are stored in water, be sure to change the water every few days. Thus, mold will definitely not accumulate on the surface of the water. If the green onions are stored in the potting mix, be sure to water it when it starts to dry.
    • Green onions should be stored in moist, but not too moist soil.
  6. 6 Use onion feathers, but don't touch the roots. If chives are not refrigerated, they will continue to grow. Cut off the new scissors with scissors and leave the white root section intact. If you do this, the onion will continue to grow indefinitely.
    • If any areas of the green onions are withered or shriveled, simply cut them off or leave them alone. As soon as you trim the wilting feathers, the onion will have a new green shoot.

Method 3 of 3: Wrap the green onions in a damp paper towel

  1. 1 Remove the onion completely from the packaging. Chives are often sold in plastic bags or in bunches wrapped in a rubber band. Remove everything from the bow to free it.
    • Without packaging, the onion will be easier to remove from the bunch, and this will minimize the likelihood that it will be damaged by the pharmacy gum.
  2. 2 Wrap the onion in a damp paper towel. To keep green onions from wilting, they need to be stored in a humid environment. By slightly dampening a paper towel and wrapping the onion with it, you will provide the greens with the necessary moisture. At the same time, there will not be much moisture so that the onions begin to rot.
    • To make sure the paper towel is not too damp, you can wrap the onion in a dry paper towel and then sprinkle some water on the towel.
  3. 3 Place the towel-wrapped onion in a plastic bag. To trap moisture around the green onions, the bunch should be placed in a plastic bag. This will prevent the refrigerator from picking up moisture created by the dampened paper towel.
    • The plastic bag can be loosely wrapped around the bundle. It does not have to be completely sealed.
  4. 4 Place the bag in the refrigerator. A good place to store green onions is the vegetable compartment. On the other hand, green onions wrapped in a plastic bag can be stored in any compartment of the refrigerator.
    • As you use the green onions, be sure to re-wet the paper towel if it's dry. Then put the bundle back in a plastic bag and return everything back to the refrigerator.


  • You can also plant store-bought green onions in your garden. Whenever you need green onions, you can simply trim off the feathers and let the root system grow back.