How to prepare for a trip to New York

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024


Millions of tourists from all over the world come to New York every year to visit its attractions, go shopping, see the city's nightlife and just for its unique charm. Are you thinking about coming to New York? So, you need to dress appropriately, that is, you need to look like a true New Yorker at any time of the year.


Method 1 of 5: Summer Wardrobe

  1. 1 Do you know what summer New York is? Summers are very hot. The highest air temperature is in June, July and August. It is very hot even at night, the air temperature can reach 32 degrees and above. Plus, New York has high humidity. The air is dense and dense enough. There are also severe thunderstorms.
  2. 2 Take shirts with you. It is best to take cotton shirts with you that are breathable. Your body will breathe when you wear T-shirts and shirts made of lightweight materials. As for the color, give preference to light colors.
    • For women:: Slim T-shirts are what you need to look fashionable and still endure the heat. In summer in New York, you can often find girls on the streets in short shirts and high-waisted skirts or shorts.
    • For men: Cotton T-shirts or shirts are the best choices for your summer wardrobe in New York.
  3. 3 Match the bottom of your outfit accordingly. As mentioned, it is very hot in summer. This means that the trousers should not be warm. Shorts, skirts, etc. are what it takes to withstand the heat. Cotton trousers are also a good option.
    • For women: Skirts (including miniskirts, midi, maxi, and any other) are the most appropriate clothing. Nice shorts in cool fabric, high-waisted skirts or baggy pants - and you can't go wrong, and in thick pants you will sweat.
    • For men: It is said that men in New York only wear shorts when playing sports, boating, or relaxing on the beach. Other New Yorkers say it doesn't matter where you wear your shorts. Indeed, it all depends on how you feel about public opinion. Good khaki or grape-colored shorts will be great, by the way, in this weather. Or wear pants that are breathable.
  4. 4 Take your dresses (for women) with you. New York is full of women who wear dresses. Take a few dresses with beautiful colors. Complete this look with a hat, glasses, and cute shoes.
    • Maxi length dresses have not gone out of fashion for several years in a row. They are well suited for a hot day and a cool evening.
  5. 5 Get a light jacket and some accessories. Although the weather is usually hot, it can be chilly after thunderstorms and rain. A light jacket will be irreplaceable. It will not hurt when you go down the subway and find that there is a completely different air temperature. You can also wear a hat to protect your head from the sun. Bracelets and beads will complete your look and add a touch of style to your wardrobe.

Method 2 of 5: Fall Wardrobe

  1. 1 Do you know what autumn is in New York? September, October and November are the most enjoyable months of the year. The sun is still shining brightly, only a little cool and the humidity disappears, as if it never existed. In November, it may be frosty at night, but during the day the weather is great.
  2. 2 When going to New York, do not forget that it will be chilly. Bring lightweight long-sleeved or three-quarter shirts and trousers with you. Dark colors look very good at this time of year.
    • For women: Create a look with a warm dress, tights, boots and a cute jacket. You can also wear tight pants with a dark colored shirt, leather jacket and add a scarf to this.
    • For men: Fashionable dark-colored trousers (burgundy, navy blue, black) will come in handy. Throw in a nice sweater and you will look good.
  3. 3 Don't forget to bring some jackets and sweaters with you. When you are walking in the city, and the city is the center of fashionable life, put on your best coat, do not take too warm with you.
  4. 4 Gloves and scarves are indispensable for cooler days. In the morning or evening, when the temperature drops, gloves and scarves are indispensable. You can wear a hat too.

Method 3 of 5: Winter wardrobe

  1. 1 Do you know what winter is in New York? Winter in New York is cold, rainy and snowy. Snow, snow and rain is typical New York weather in December, January and February. The wind in winter is very unpleasant and brings with it both rain and snow.
  2. 2 Dress in a way that will keep you warm. Long coats, sweaters, trousers - this is what you need for the New York winter. Choose darker and heavier fabrics. Black is the number one color. A winter coat is a must for this time of year.
    • For women: Trousers will keep you warm, but for a trendy look, wear trendy trousers and a sweater. You can also wear a dress or a skirt with tights, just be prepared that it will be cool when you go sightseeing.
    • For men: Sweaters and long shirts with warm pants are what you can go for a walk around New York.
  3. 3 Remember that a trendy, warm jacket in New York is a must. There are a lot of warm winter coats that look fashionable, you just need to get one. Check the internet for what's hot this year. Take your jacket with you on the plane. As soon as you get off at the New York airport, you will want to put it on, and on top of that, it takes up a lot of space in your luggage.
  4. 4 Be prepared for the possibility of snow. Gloves, scarves and hats are essential if it starts to snow or, God forbid, rain and snow. A waterproof jacket is not a particularly fashionable item, but when it's freezing outside, you'll be glad you took it with you.
  5. 5 Take care of your winter shoes in advance. Buy yourself waterproof shoes. Whether fashionable or not, winter footwear is a purchase you won't regret. When it's not wet outside, you can wear something fancy, just remember to wear warm socks.

Method 4 of 5: Spring Wardrobe

  1. 1 Do you know what spring is like in New York? March, April and May are good weather months, but sometimes it can rain and be chilly. Evenings can be quite cold in spring.
  2. 2 Prepare to be both warm and cool. Shirts and slacks are indispensable for this time of year. Spring colors are back in vogue, although many New Yorkers continue to wear dark colors all year round. Take with you the things that you will wear when the weather changes, and this is a frequent occurrence in the spring.
    • For women: Dresses in the spring will be the best, by the way, so take them with you without hesitation. Pants and a light jacket or jacket will look really good.
    • For men: Trousers and shirts in regular colors, as well as a jacket - this is the outfit that you will find on the streets of the city.
  3. 3 Take a jacket and some sweaters with you. It is already getting warmer in the spring, but do not forget that evenings are cold in spring. A good sweater will keep you warm.
  4. 4 Don't wear hoodies. Regular sweatshirts, only if they are not fashionable, will immediately tell about you that you are not a fashionable New Yorker.

Method 5 of 5: Nightlife and Entertainment

  1. 1 Get ready for the trendy nightlife in New York City. There is a dress code in the clubs. The problem is that each area of ​​the city has its own local fashion. In order not to be mistaken, wear an evening dress and high-heeled shoes, and men wear trousers, a button-down shirt and a jacket. Naturally, you can visit the website of the club where you are going to go to find out what to wear. And if you don't have such clothes, it's time to go to the store. The New York Times highlights the following styles around town:
    • Lower East Side: This area is dominated by skinny jeans (both for boys and girls), combined with clothes made from natural fabrics in muted shades.
    • Meatpackin District: Wear your 10cm heels and cocktail dress, and the man can wear a smart shirt and no-arrow trousers.
    • East Village: Fashion for punk style and other similar styles.
    • Soho and Nolita: As New Yorkers say, here you can dress whatever you want depending on what you are going to do.
  2. 2 Dress in a way that makes you stand out, even if you don't go to the club. If you don't go clubbing, there will still be plenty of opportunities for you to wear the very best you have. Be sure to bring some nice clothes with you so that you have something to wear when you go out to dinner on Broadway. Ladies, take nice dresses and high heels with you. Men, don't forget to bring a suit or a nice shirt and slacks for your special evening.
  3. 3 Wear comfortable shoes during the day. You will be walking a lot, so make sure you have good shoes. Take two pairs of comfortable shoes so you can alternate them every other day. Comfortable shoes are also beautiful shoes, and you can always put insoles into any shoes.
    • If you cannot do without sandals, then take comfortable ones with you. Just keep in mind that the streets are dirty and when you see black lines on your feet in the evening, don't be surprised.
    • As noted above, if you are going somewhere to go, bring a pair of high-heeled shoes. They may not be very comfortable, but they may be part of the dress code at one of the clubs.
  4. 4 Take your wallet. Compared to other cities, New York is a very expensive city. Depending on what you are going to do, your spending can be very different. You can buy a slice of pizza for $ 3, or you can leave $ 300 at one of the fashionable restaurants in New York for lunch.
  5. 5 Take your camera with you. There are places in New York where you simply have to take a photo (for example, opposite the Statue of Liberty). You will not forgive yourself if you don’t take your camera.
  6. 6 Don't forget your sunglasses. If the sun is shining brightly, then you cannot do without glasses. And in winter, the goggles will protect your eyes from the blinding white snow.
  7. 7 Take a large bag with you. Women in New York carry big, trendy bags. If you're afraid of being robbed, buy a zippered bag. The guys mostly carry neat bags. In any case, leave your backpack at home if you are not in school.
  8. 8 Take an umbrella with you. This is a necessary thing in spring and autumn, but it can be useful at other times of the year. For example, it rains in summer and snows in winter. Even if you forget your umbrella, you will have a huge selection of umbrellas in the street stalls of the city.
  9. 9 Buy a map of New York. If you do not carry it with you all day, afraid of being mistaken for a New Yorker, it is a good idea to navigate where you are.
  10. 10 Leave some free space in your suitcase if you plan to shop. If you are a fashionista or a fashionista, then you are heading to the right city. New York has many fashion boutiques. If you are planning to buy yourself something, leave some free space in your suitcase.
  11. 11 Don't forget the essentials. It doesn't matter if you are going to New York or somewhere else, the essentials must be in your suitcase. These are: underwear, socks, hair comb, toothbrush, medicines, phone, camera and chargers, and everything you just need.


  • Leave a certain amount of money for shops, New York is famous for its prices. You may want to wear something new there already.
  • Roll things up so they don't wrinkle. Try to take things that can be put on without ironing. You are not going to iron in the hotel all day!
  • For a dress or your suit, you must have a special cover so that they do not wrinkle.
  • Don't forget about the new rule of taking liquids with you. Take bottles with little liquid. 3-1-1 Rule. Put everything in a bag. If you are taking more than your carry-on baggage allowance, put the rest in your baggage.


  • Try not to look like a tourist. Tourists are often robbed.

What do you need

  • Suitcase
  • A bag
  • clothing
  • Camera
  • Essentials
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Special bag for liquids
  • Money