How to follow a diet

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why diets fail; it’s not what you think. | Krzysztof Czaja | TEDxPeachtree
Video: Why diets fail; it’s not what you think. | Krzysztof Czaja | TEDxPeachtree


Being overweight can negatively affect your emotional state as well as your health. A person can lose confidence and motivation. It is good for your health to adjust your diet by replacing unhealthy foods with healthy ones and reducing the portion size. For the diet to give the desired result, you need to get enough nutrients with food and not limit the diet too much. Any diet will be more effective if you also acquire good habits and have a positive attitude.


Method 1 of 5: Planning

  1. 1 Think about what you need a diet for. Having a clear understanding of what your goals are will make it easier for you to find a nutritional system that you can stick to and that will lead you to the results you want.
    • Fighting diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should definitely take care of your diet. Cutting back on sugar or cutting it out is the key to living a normal diabetes life.
    • Reducing the risk of heart disease. Foods that normalize blood cholesterol and reduce belly fat can help prevent heart disease.
    • Weight loss after pregnancy.Everyone gains weight during pregnancy, however, chances are you will want to shed it and get back to your previous shape.
    • Preparing for the beach season. With the arrival of warmth, many begin to lose weight in order to look better in beachwear. Sometimes small changes in the diet are enough for weight loss "to the sea".
  2. 2 Pump up your body. Perhaps you would like to strengthen your muscles and gain weight through muscle mass. In this case, you will need to eat more protein, since protein is responsible for building muscle.
  3. 3 Make sure you can restrict your meals. Before making any changes to your diet, discuss your diet with your doctor and ask if it will be harmful to your health.
    • Tell your doctor what you plan to do. Eating less than 1200 calories a day can be dangerous. Nutritionist Michelle May explains it this way: "Rapid weight loss with calorie restriction occurs at the expense of water, a small amount of fat and muscle fibers. This slows down the metabolic process, and the body already requires fewer calories to function properly." Because of this, the percentage of body fat increases, which increases the risk of developing insulin resistance syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
      • Some people build their diet on the desired number of calories per day, others on the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the diet, and still others simply make lists of foods that they need to eat more and foods that should be limited. Decide which approach is closer to you.
    • Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking. It is important that your diet does not conflict with dietary guidelines for taking medications.
      • For example, if you are taking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors to lower your blood pressure, you will need to keep track of how many bananas, oranges, and green leafy vegetables you eat. If you are prescribed tetracycline, you may need to skip dairy products while taking the drug.
  4. 4 Analyze your eating habits. Before you change habits, you need to understand what they are. Track what, when, and where you eat to get a better understanding of your routine.
    • Keep a food diary. Keep it in the kitchen or on your bedside table and write down everything you ate there (full meals, snacks, and even those few spoons of food that you just wanted to try), the time and place where you ate (at the kitchen table, on the couch , In the bed).
    • Keep a diary online. There are apps and websites that you can use to track your nutrition. If the application is on your phone, it will be convenient for you to enter all the data there on time.
  5. 5 Find out what you have problems with. We all have different eating habits and different triggers for overeating. Knowing what makes you eat more than you need will make it easier for you to break the habit.
    • Stress. One of the main reasons for overeating is stress. When a person is tense and restless, he often tries to seize the stress. If this is a problem for you, you should learn to deal with stress in other ways or buy healthier foods.
    • Fatigue. A tired person tends to choose unhealthy foods. If you know that you eat very often when tired, try to take more time to rest and go shopping relaxed and calm.
    • Boredom or loneliness. Have all your friends gone? Can't find what to do? If you overeat when you're on your own, try to find new activities and hobbies that will make you leave the house more often and that will distract you from eating.
    • Excessive hunger. If you procrastinate due to being busy, you will not be able to think about anything other than food for dinner, and you will probably eat more than you need to. If you are familiar with this problem, try to find time for snacks during the day.

Method 2 of 5: Choosing healthy foods

  1. 1 Learn more about what calories are. Most people who lose weight count calories, but many do not know how many calories their body needs. It seems to us that the fewer calories, the faster you can lose weight, but it is important to consider not only how many calories you consume, but also where you get them from.
    • Men eat on average 2,600 calories per day, and women - about 1,800. If you want to lose weight, you will need to cut calories in your diet, but you need to consume at least 1,200 calories per day. If you eat less, the body will go into starvation mode and will cling more strongly to body fat.
    • Ask your dietitian or trainer to calculate the calorie intake for you to lose weight. Consider your level of physical activity.
    • Try to get your calories from healthy sources. Eat more fiber (whole grains) and protein (lean meats). This will help you feel fuller longer and have more energy.
    • Skip empty calories. For example, alcohol and potato chips do not saturate the body, but they do bring in extra calories.
  2. 2 Follow the generally accepted recommendations of nutritionists. A person should receive all the nutrients he needs and eat in a balanced way. This means that you should eat a certain amount of foods from all groups, without giving preference to any one of them. You should also eat a variety of foods (for example, eat not only apples, but other fruits as well). It is important that added sugars and saturated fats account for no more than 10% of the calorie intake for each item. Aim to consume no more than 2,300 milligrams of salt daily. In addition, there are guidelines for the amount of certain foods to try to eat each day. For example:
    • Eat 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. One serving of fruit is half a cup of chopped fruit or one small piece of fruit. One serving of vegetables is a glass of leafy vegetables or half a cup of chopped vegetables.
    • Eat 6 servings of grains daily, with at least half being whole grains. One serving of cereals is a slice of bread or half a cup of cooked rice or pasta.
    • Eat 2-3 servings of dairy products a day, with a preference for foods that are low in fat. 1 serving of dairy products is half a glass of milk.
    • Eat 2-3 servings of protein a day. One serving of meat is 85 grams, or the size of an adult's palm. One large egg, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 30 grams of walnuts, 50 grams of beans can also be counted as one serving.
    • Try to eat foods of all colors of the rainbow: blueberries, red apples, asparagus. Different colored foods contain different nutrients and vitamins.
  3. 3 Eat more lean meat and fish. The body needs protein to build muscle, the immune system and metabolism to function properly. To get the most out of your protein, choose foods that are high in protein and low in fat.
    • Remove excess fat. Buy skim milk, lean ground beef, or turkey. Look for hidden (and not just hidden) fat in all the foods you buy.
      • Do not buy fatty dairy products, internal organs of animals (for example, liver), fatty meat and meat with layers of fat, ribs, smoked meat, sausages, bacon, fried meat. Don't eat egg yolks.
    • Love the fish. Certain types of fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which lower the triglyceride fat cells in the blood. Most omega-3 fatty acids are found in cold-water fish: salmon, mackerel, herring.
    • Eat beans, peas, and other legumes. These foods are high in protein, free of cholesterol, and less fat than meat. Instead of a hamburger, make a soy or bean burger. Place some tofu in a salad or vegetable stew.
  4. 4 Eat whole grains. In whole grain cereals, all parts of the plant are preserved: seedling, shell and endosperm.During processing, the seedling and shell are often removed, due to which the plant loses 25% of protein and at least 17 nutrients. To get the most out of your grains, look for whole grains.
    • Whole grains have a number of benefits. A diet rich in whole grains is extremely beneficial for your health. Scientists have found that whole grains reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, rectal cancer, gum disease, and help normalize blood pressure. Aim to eat 48 grams of whole grains daily.
    • Explore the assortment in the supermarket near your home. About 15-20% of the cereals will be whole grains. Look for products that say "made with whole grain flour" on the packaging.
    • Pay attention to different foods. Whole grains are not just cereals, flours, and breads. Whole grain flour is used to make pasta, cereals, cookies, tortillas, baking mixes and other foods, so read the packaging carefully.
  5. 5 Eat healthy fat. Not all fats are bad - some must be present in the diet. Monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats are beneficial: they lower the level of "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) in the blood and raise or keep the "good" (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, as well as normalize insulin and sugar levels.
    • Monounsaturated fatty acids are found in avocados, canola oil, nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans, macadamia, and nut oils), olive oil, olives, and pistachio oil.
  6. 6 Cut out trans fats. Trans fats are oils saturated with hydrogen, which is why these fats are often referred to as hydrogenated fats on the product packaging. These fats raise the level of "bad" cholesterol and lower the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood, increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and can lead to infertility.
    • A lot of trans fats are found in industrial roasted products and in ready-to-eat foods, especially baked goods.
    • However, products that say they do not contain trans fats should be treated with caution. Current legislation allows such information to be indicated on the packaging if the trans fat content does not exceed 0.5 grams. If these foods are eaten in large quantities, trans fats will begin to affect the body.
    • Trans fats are so bad for your health that they were banned from restaurants in New York.
  7. 7 Read the information on the packaging. Pay attention to the nutritional value of the product so you can find healthy foods. The serving size and nutritional value of a single serving are often indicated on the packaging.
    • Pay attention to how many calories are in one serving.
    • Limit the following substances: trans fat, saturated fat, salt. These substances can lead to obesity, as well as contribute to the development of heart disease and high blood pressure.
    • Choose foods high in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, vitamin D, and calcium.
    • A dietitian can help you choose the right foods and recommend serving sizes.
  8. 8 Prepare your own food. It is very convenient and simple to eat in a cafe or buy semi-finished products, but this way you do not control the amount of food and the quality of the products. To lose weight, you need to cook at home. This way you can choose a healthier cooking method (baking instead of frying) and fresh ingredients.
    • Plan your meals in advance. Making a plan for the week will make it easier for you to stay on track and cut out excess food. It will be easier for you if you prepare healthy meals in advance and store them in the freezer.
    • Make cooking fun. Buy yourself some new knives or a nice apron. This will motivate you to spend more time in the kitchen.
  9. 9 Snack in between meals. Yes, you can have a snack! Eating frequent meals keeps the metabolism at the same level and forces the body to expend more calories. Healthy snacks can help reduce hunger and keep you from overeating.
    • It's important to choose healthy foods. Buy fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and low-fat dairy products. For dinner, you can make hummus and eat it with a sliced ​​cucumber.
    • Keep snacks on hand at work. If you have fried almonds on your table, you are unlikely to decide to snack on cookies in the office kitchen.
  10. 10 Add flavor to food. You will want to eat something if it tastes good. You can add salsa to your food to make your food tastier. Sprinkle the sauce over the baked potatoes so you don't have to put the oil in. This will not only get rid of excess fat, but also add some vegetables to the dish.
    • Salsa will add a special flavor to chicken, fish and even salads. Buy fresh sauce from the store or learn how to make it yourself.
    • Condiments and spices can enhance the flavor of any dish, most of which are almost calorie-free. Try fresh parsley, rosemary, and thyme. Chicken, pork and even salads will get a new flavor with them.
    • Some condiments and spices add more than just flavor. For example, garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. Add garlic to fish and soup for a healthy meal.
    • Turmeric is also very popular and you should buy this condiment. Add it to a low-fat salad dressing to add flavor.

Method 3 of 5: What foods to avoid

  1. 1 Avoid extreme diets. You may want to try some fancy diet on yourself. There is constant news in the media about celebrities who have managed to lose weight on some kind of diet, but it is important to remember that such diets do not always work and, more importantly, they can be dangerous to health.
    • Many of these diets require the elimination of a whole group of foods - for example, carbohydrates. However, a complete diet should include all the nutrients. Avoid diets that prohibit a certain food group.
    • Some extreme diets can lead to health and well-being problems. Extreme diets often involve very few calories, which are very unhealthy. Eat as many calories as your body needs and choose healthy foods.
  2. 2 Avoid processed foods. Processed foods and fast food contain large amounts of substances that should not be eaten: salt, saturated fat, sugar. Of course, if you occasionally eat a burger or semi-finished product, nothing bad will happen, but you should not abuse such food.
    • Saturated fat should account for more than 10% of your daily calories. If you eat no more than 1,500 calories a day, that means you can eat no more than 15 grams of saturated fat. Fast food burgers typically contain 12-16 grams.
  3. 3 Avoid sugary drinks. Sugary drinks, especially soft drinks, can lead to weight gain and obesity. Liquid calories don't stop being calories - they need to be included in the total number of calories per day, so try to eliminate sugary drinks from your diet.
    • It is best to quench your thirst with plain water. Plus, the water will make you feel full, which will help you eat less.
      • To make the water taste better, add a few slices of citrus fruits, cucumber, mint and other herbs to it.
    • Juices and juiced drinks may seem to be healthy, but juices are high in sugar. Don't drink too many juices and try to dilute them with water.
    • Scientists at Harvard University have established a link between sugary drinks and the death of 180,000 people worldwide every year.
    • Researchers from Imperial College London found that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 22% with each serving of a drink (350 ml) with added sugar per day.
  4. 4 Avoid certain foods if necessary. If you have a medical condition that prescribes restricting certain foods, you will have to be even more responsible in your food choices.
    • Celiac disease. Celiac disease is a violation of the digestibility of foods caused by an intolerance to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Due to current trends, there are more and more gluten-free products on the market that can be bought not only in specialty stores, but also in regular stores.
    • Hypertension High blood pressure is very dangerous because it can precede heart attack and stroke. However, it is possible to lower blood pressure by eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Special nutrition helps to reduce blood pressure.
    • Food allergies. If you think you might have a food allergy, get tested. 90% of all allergies are caused by 8 foods: pistachios, hazelnuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish and shellfish. If you are allergic to these foods, read the packaging carefully and avoid foods that may trigger an allergic reaction.

Method 4 of 5: Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1 Don't ask too much of yourself. Of course, everyone wants to lose weight faster, which can lead to severe calorie restriction and unrealistic expectations. However, a slow and calm approach to losing weight will be more effective. This will make it easier for you to lose weight and maintain your new weight.
    • Start by replacing just one meal a day. To avoid drastic changes, try eating just one healthier meal a day at first. Since the changes will be smooth, you will not feel that all the delicious things have been taken away from you, and it will be easier for you to rebuild.
    • Discard or replace one snack a day. If you always drink coffee and cookies at three o'clock, try replacing the cookies with a peach or skip this meal altogether. You can simply swap the fatty coffee drink for green tea with lemon.
  2. 2 Start moving more. Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy lifestyle, but the results will appear faster if you also start playing sports. Studies have shown that dietary changes combined with exercise have a positive effect on overall health and help you lose weight.
    • Try to exercise for at least 60 minutes a day. You can divide this hour into several intervals. For example, you can walk to work instead of driving, or take the stairs instead of the elevator.
    • Go outside. People who play sports outdoors get more pleasure from physical activity. Find a workout spot near your home, go hiking, or find a sports field in the local area and exercise there.
    • Call a friend. It will be easier for you to stick to your plan if you have company. Invite a friend to join you for a yoga class or for a walk after work.
  3. 3 Get more rest. If you don't get enough sleep, your body may begin to gain weight. When a person sleeps little, more of the stress hormone cortisol is produced in his body. Because of this, a person begins to eat more junk food in order to calm down.
    • Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep a day. People who get enough sleep are less likely to have problems with being overweight compared to those who sleep 5-6 hours.
    • At least half an hour before bedtime, put aside glowing devices: smartphone, tablet, laptop. Turn off the TV 30 minutes before bedtime.
    • Accustom yourself to a constant regimen. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day will help you sleep better.
  4. 4 Deal with stress. There is a connection between stress and weight gain.When a person is nervous, the body releases cortisol, which causes weight to build up. Usually fatty deposits appear in the abdominal area. For the diet to be effective, it is important to get rid of stress.
    • Exercise regularly. Through exercise, the body produces endorphins and improves mood.
    • Take deep breaths. Mindful breathing is a very effective method of dealing with stress. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. This will slow your heart rate and help you calm down.
  5. 5 Pamper yourself from time to time. An effective reward system will help you stay enthusiastic and stay on track.
    • Plan a day where you can afford to deviate from the plan. Try eating what you want once a week. Thanks to this, you will have something in front of your eyes to wait for, and you will not have the feeling that you are completely limiting yourself.
    • Do not forbid yourself any food completely. A person always wants to get what he cannot. Don't tell yourself that a particular product is banned. Small deviations from your diet can even be helpful.
  6. 6 Track changes. To make it easier to track changes, consider a scoring system.
    • You can use the same food diary that you kept at the very beginning, only now you can record healthy food there. Compare weeks, track dangerous moments and progress.
    • Use an online application. Enter all the data (initial weight, desired weight, nutrition by day) into the application, which will calculate everything for you. Many applications have recipes for healthy dishes and the ability to communicate with like-minded people.
    • Weigh yourself every week. It is important not only what is written in the diary, but also the number on the scales. Select a day for weighing and record the data.
  7. 7 Set realistic goals for yourself. If the goal is unrealistic, you will quickly become frustrated with your diet. Do not ask yourself to lose 7 kilograms a month. Better set yourself small goals - no more than a kilogram per week.
    • Goals should be achievable, such as "I will exercise 6 days a week." Such goals will be easy to control, and you can always reward yourself for a certain result. But don't reward yourself with food - buy yourself new sportswear or shoes.
  8. 8 Don't skip meals. It may seem that the process of losing weight will go faster if you skip meals. You may be very busy and forget to eat. In any case, skipping meals will negatively affect weight loss. You may start to overeat in the evenings to make up for a missed lunch, or your body will cling to your body fat and slow down your metabolism. Aim to eat three times a day and snack a couple of times throughout the day.
  9. 9 Be mindful of the process of eating. Many eat in front of the TV, phone, or on the go. So a person begins to overeat. When it's time to eat, remove any distractions and sit down at the table. Focus on the food, its smell, appearance, texture, and taste. Try to pause and chew your food thoroughly.
  10. 10 Stop when you reach your goal. Some diets are lifelong, others are weight gain. There are diets that may work temporarily but are not suitable for the long term.
    • Beware of re-gaining weight. A person can lose weight, then gain weight again and then start losing weight again. This regimen is detrimental to the emotional state and can lead to binge eating disorder. Over time, the cells lining your blood vessels can become damaged in your body, increasing your risk of developing heart disease.
  11. 11 Finish the diet smoothly. You may feel relieved, but the danger is that you can return to your old habits and regain weight. Better think about how you will eat to maintain the new weight.
    • If you've been on a liquid diet or severely restricting calories, you will need to slowly introduce foods into your diet to avoid shock. Start with homemade soups, fruits, vegetables for the first few days, and then move on to eating right.

Method 5 of 5: Attitude to Life Correctly

  1. 1 Maintain a positive attitude. The power of positive thinking is not a myth. Positive thoughts will help you lose weight, stay motivated, and give you new strength. Negative thoughts can make a person eat on emotions and refuse to exercise.
    • Avoid negativity. Don't be mad at yourself if you jump out and buy a pizza. Just go back to your food system the next day.
  2. 2 Love your body. This does not always work, especially when you see pictures of very slender celebrities on the news. Nevertheless, a positive perception of your body is extremely important for overall health and a harmonious emotional state. Having a good attitude towards your body will help you feel more confident and will be able to choose healthier foods.
    • Think positive. If you like your hands, remind yourself of this when you look in the mirror. Try to compliment yourself at least once a day.
    • Hang positive affirmations or quotes in the mirror. They will help you treat your body with respect.
  3. 3 Be kind to yourself. Don't berate yourself. Studies have found that a person who treats themselves with respect is faster at achieving their weight loss goals. If you have a negative thought, acknowledge its presence and let go. There is no point in scolding yourself for missing a workout. It is much more useful to forgive yourself and move on.
    • Tell someone (or everyone) that you are on a diet. Making a public statement will increase the likelihood of success because you will feel responsible. In addition, close people will support you, and friends will help you stay motivated.
    • Sign up for a support group. You can join an existing group or organize your own. Meet people who also want to lose weight and walk towards your goal together.
    • Attach encouraging phrases to the refrigerator. It will help you cope with negative thoughts and get through a tough day.
    • Do what pleases you. Get a pedicure, go to the hairdresser, buy a new perfume. Nice little things will delight you and distract from the thoughts that you are limiting yourself, which often arise in people who are losing weight.


  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Try to lose 500 grams - 1 kilogram per week. Losing weight faster is not safe for your health.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Don't sit in front of the TV all day.
  • Try not to eat at night.
  • Don't give up if you fall out. If you can't give up the donut, that's okay.
  • Don't limit your diet too much. Try to replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones, and not give up any food at all. This behavior can lead to overeating.
  • Don't ban your favorite unhealthy foods. Allow yourself to eat them in small portions from time to time.


  • If you are planning to try diet pills, make an appointment with your doctor first and get an appointment. You may need to get tested to find out why you are having trouble losing weight. If you decide to take pills, follow the directions on the package or as directed by your doctor. Diet pills can be extremely dangerous if used incorrectly.
  • It is considered dangerous to consume less than 1200 calories for women and 1500 calories for men. Do not limit your diet to a lower calorie diet, as the diet can negatively affect your health.