How to cross your eyes

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Cross Your Eyes like a PRO
Video: How to Cross Your Eyes like a PRO


1 Focus both eyes on the tip of your nose. Slowly lower your gaze until both of your eyes are focused on the tip of your nose. This can cause some eye strain, as you are probably not used to using your eye muscles this way. Your eyes should be crossed, although you cannot see it. But it’s not funny yet — since you’re looking down, no one else will be able to see that you have your eyes crossed.
  • 2 Look up. This part takes some skill. Once you hone your ability to look at the tip of your nose, you will have to slowly raise your gaze upward as if you were looking straight ahead while trying to keep your eyes crossed - just like when you were focusing on the tip of your nose. ...
  • 3 Training, training and training again. You will likely find it difficult to keep your eyes crossed once you stop focusing on your own nose. Crossing the eyes is a natural technique that allows the gaze to focus on what is very close, and as soon as you take your eyes off that object (in this case, your nose), your brain will try to refocus on distant objects, instantly aligning your eyes. ... However, you can control your eye muscles and not focus your gaze, but this will require training. Remember to keep your eyes open so everyone can see your cross-eyed face!
  • 4 Ask a friend for help. If you really want to master the eye-crossing skill, then you need to have a companion with you who will observe your actions. This way you can be sure that everything works out for you. If your friend says "Fu!" When you look at him, and he has a squeamish expression on his face, then this will most likely mean that you have successfully crossed your eyes. It is said that in order to test the success of eye crossing, you can take your own photo at this moment, but this requires too much coordination.
  • Part 2 of 3: Using the pen

    1. 1 Keep the pen at eye level and at arm's length. Focus on this subject, trying to ignore everything behind it. In fact, it is just another option for focusing on the tip of the nose, which intensifies the process and makes it a little easier.
    2. 2 Bring the object closer to your face. Do it slowly and only focus on that subject. This will require training. Do not be discouraged if at first it seems to you that you cannot keep your gaze on the subject.
    3. 3 Stop when the object is close to your face. As soon as you bring the pen 5-10 cm from your face, your eyes should be crossed. Take your time to focus on the subject with your eyes crossed.
    4. 4 Move the object out of your field of vision, but do not move your eyes. This part is pretty tricky. As with the technique above, keeping the eyes crossed is the most difficult moment, but it can be mastered with training. You will feel when your eyes return to their normal position, when they focus on something again.

    Part 3 of 3: Taking turns with the eyes

    1. 1 Become an eye-crossing virtuoso. This is an advanced skill that you will only be able to master as a professional in crossing eyes in the usual way. Moving one eye with your eyes crossed has the added disgusting effect of moving your eyes in the opposite direction if successful.
    2. 2 Cross your eyes. Just use one of the eye-crossing techniques you like best, be it focusing on the tip of the nose, using a pen, or whatever.
    3. 3 Concentrate on moving only one eye away from the nose. With your eyes crossed, concentrate, say, on moving your right eye to the left. First, he must reach at least the middle. Be sure to keep your left eye crossed as you do this, focusing on the tip of the nose. The result is a frightening picture: one eye will be crossed, and the other will look directly or even to the side.
    4. 4 Repeat for the other side. You may be better able to control one eye over the other, so you should try doing this on the other side by crossing your right eye and moving your left eye towards the center or corner of the eye. Check which one is easier for you.
    5. 5 Keep exercising! This skill is even more difficult than crossing eyes, but if you master it, you are guaranteed to shock your friends even more. Spend a few minutes a day practicing this skill and you will be a champion very soon.


    • Once you get the hang of crossing both eyes, try crossing just one for a really effective look! Begin gazing with both eyes to the right or left, and then cross your eyes without moving them to the center. Practice in front of a mirror. Once you're good at it, to heighten the effect, bang yourself on the head and move one crossed eye to the other side.
    • Almost all people can cross their eyes to some degree, but in some people this is less noticeable. If you are one of those people, search wikihow for other tricks you can use to wow your audience.
    • How do you know what you're doing? You cannot look in the mirror because it will straighten your eyes. The easiest way to check is to ask a friend to look and tell you if your eyes are actually crossed. If you don't want to practice crossing your eyes in front of someone, take a photo of yourself at the moment you think you have crossed your eyes. To do this, try using a digital camera or mobile phone camera in order to see the results instantly. Remember, you cannot focus on the camera. Pay attention to how your muscles are working when you cross your eyes, and try to remember how you feel so you can do it again. An alternative method is to control whether what you see in front of you is blurry and doubled or not. When you cross your eyes, everything seems blurry or "doubled".
    • Exercising in the dark or with your eyes closed can help, as this will leave your eyes with nothing to focus on and will therefore make it easier to keep your eyes crossed.
    • When people look at their nose, they tend to close their eyes almost completely. Remember to keep your eyelids open, otherwise no one will see that your eyes are crossed.
    • Just focus on the object between your eyes. The best place will be on the bridge of the nose, at a distance of 2.5–7.5 cm!
    • If you want to see what your eyes look like, take a photo.
    • Once you get an idea of ​​how to cross your eyes, you can do it easily and instantly whenever you want.
    • Some people are congenital strabismus, and a condition called strabismus may develop immediately after birth. Strabismus is a serious problem. If it is not treated, then a person can go blind in one eye. Fortunately, there are some pretty effective treatments available, and deliberately crossing the eyes will not lead to strabismus.
    • If you have or have previously had a lazy eye, a condition that is less effective in one eye than the other, you may not be able to cross your eyes because one eye is dominant over the other.


    • Sometimes eyes hurt after that.
    • If you try to focus on something that is too close to your face, you may feel some eye strain.Although doctors say that this will not keep your eyes crossed, contrary to popular myth, you can still temporarily damage your eye muscles if you cross your eyes for extended periods of time. Rest your eyes from time to time to avoid overexertion.