How to know if you are interested in a man

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to know a man is interested?
Video: How to know a man is interested?


Is there a guy you think likes you but you're just not sure about it? It may be difficult for you to tell if your new boyfriend is interested in a relationship. It doesn't matter what problem you have, wikiHow is here to help you! With a little work of an emotional detective, you can determine if your man really belongs to you or if you just borrowed him. Just start at Step 1 below.


Part 1 of 3: Basic Information

  1. 1 Take a closer look at how he behaves with you and with other people. Does he pay you much more attention than other girls (or even his own friends)? Is he acting cute or is he trying to touch you more often? These could be signs that he is interested in you.
  2. 2 Pay attention to body language. Notice how, when and how often he touches you. A touch on the cheek or neck is a gift, but if it touches your palm, forearm, or lower back, it could be a sign that he wants to get closer. You should pay attention to rubbing with your thumb. If he gently rubs his thumb over your skin while touching you, then this is a very good sign.
  3. 3 Pay attention to whether he is interested in your life. Does he ask about your hobbies? Keeping track of what you told him about your plans? Is he trying to get to know your friends? Is he trying to find out about your family or where you grew up? These are signs that he is interested in you.
  4. 4 Check for gifts. If a guy gives you small gifts, especially those made with his own hands, then this is a clear sign that he is interested. If the gift suits you very much or reminds you of what you did together, then this is a real clue.
  5. 5 Scout your surroundings. When in doubt, the best thing to do is get rid of the uncertainty and do a little scouting. Ask him to be your couple for an event you need to attend, or simply invite him to spend some time alone for a date-like activity. If he refuses, it does not bode well for you. If he really likes you, then he will turn heaven and earth to spend time together.

Part 2 of 3: Analyzing his actions

  1. 1 Pay attention to whether and when he calls you. If he does not call you, although he promised, or does not call for several days after the date, then he is not interested in you. There are two options: a) he is not interested enough and therefore does not call, or b) he is playing emotional games and wants you to call first. None of the options work in his favor. Even a shy guy, as soon as he went on a date with you or found out your phone number, will call or text in a few days in the hope that you will break the ice, because this way he will understand that he has a chance at least.
  2. 2 Think about the way he speaks to you. When he talks to you, does he respect you, or does he make small remarks to humiliate you? He doesn't just tease you, but makes hurtful comments, even if he is making a joke out of them. A man who doesn't respect you is probably not interested in you and even if he thinks he is interested in you, then he definitely does not deserve you. Look for a guy who talks to you as an equal, who will never say anything offensive if he can control it, and it is more interesting for her to watch your height than to humiliate you.
  3. 3 Think about how he talks about you. You should pay attention to how he talks about you. How he describes you when he introduces you to other people. If he represents you, this is already a good sign, because if he was indifferent to you, it would not even occur to him.However, if you are dating, you should worry if he is in no hurry to call you his girlfriend. If you are friends, pay attention to the tone of voice he uses when he says you are his girlfriend. Does he stress the word? This is also not a good sign.
    • The guy you are interested in and who really cares about you will rush to introduce you with his closest name because he is proud and thrilled that you like him enough to be around.
  4. 4 Pay attention to the time he spends with you. Think about how much time she spends with you. Does he do this only when he has nothing else to do? Or is he looking for reasons to spend time with you as often as possible? If he invites you to various events and generally tries to spend a lot of time together, then this is a good sign that you are interested in him.
  5. 5 Take a closer look at the sacrifices he makes for you. Another indicator of whether he likes you is whether he makes sacrifices for you. If he's giving up his friends to spend time with you, then that's a good sign. If he's skipping a Call of Duty night to help you prepare for the test, then that's a good sign. We usually make sacrifices for people we care about, so if he makes sacrifices for you, then he probably likes you.
  6. 6 Compare how much he talks about you to how much he talks about his ex. If you are dating or have reached the border zone and he talks about his ex more often than about you, then this is a bad sign. He would be the last to think of her if he had feelings for you. However, if he compares what you are doing to what she was doing or something similar, then he is probably just using you to make it easier for him. Be careful it won't last long.
  7. 7 Don't expect things to happen too quickly. If everything develops with the speed of evolution, then he is not interested. However, if everything is progressing at the speed of light, that could be a bad sign too. If he is in love, he will want everything to be perfect, so if he is not in a hurry, this may be the reason. Don't panic if he doesn't immediately rush to rip your clothes off, but also don't let yourself be used.
  8. 8 Ask yourself if he changed for you. Another obvious sign that a guy is in love is if he changes his personality or habits to please or impress you. If he starts playing sports, goes back to school, dresses better, cleans more, acts cute, quits smoking, or does something similar, he likes you. He wants to be the man he thinks you deserve. This is cute.
  9. 9 Pay attention to what he wants and does not want to share with you. A guy who really likes you will want to share his life with you. He will look forward to introducing you to his friends and even his family. He will want to show you what he likes and the places where he likes to relax. However, a guy you are not interested in or who uses you will hide from you. If he doesn't want you to see his phone, then be careful. If he is looking for reasons why you should not date his friends, even though you have been dating for 6 months, run wherever you look. If he refuses to tell you where he is going on Thursday night, then blame yourself. These are all signs that he doesn't trust you.
  10. 10 Check the level of alcohol in his body. If he is drunk every time he calls you, or if he insists on alcohol when you are together, then this is a bad sign. If you know him drunk better than sober, then this is a bad sign. Not because it shows character flaws (although it could be), but because it shows that he only likes you when his brain works for a public toilet.
  11. 11 Ask yourself the most important question.Did he ask you out on a date? This is the most important question when determining if a guy is interested in you. If a guy is seriously interested, as we said above, he will turn heaven and earth to be with you. It can be difficult for very shy guys to ask this question, so pay attention to the false starts (he says he wants to talk to you in private, but then he gets shy and talks to you about something stupid), but in other cases, if a guy is serious, he will find a way to be with you.

Part 3 of 3: More Help

  1. 1 Get help to find a handsome prince. If you have no future with this guy, or want to know if he is worth the effort, consider whether he is a prince. You deserve a prince charming. Don't settle for less.
  2. 2 Start Attracting Nice Guys. If he turns out to be a complete failure, you may want to look differently at the guy you are attracting and harassing. It's easy to send a wrong message that will end up with a broken heart, but it can be easily avoided.
  3. 3 Find out what love looks like. Just make sure when you evaluate your relationship that you know what true love looks like. It's easy to convince yourself to accept the bad behavior of someone we really like, but you shouldn't let yourself become a victim. Your happiness is important.
  4. 4 Make him ask you out on a date.. If a guy has passed all the good guy tests and seems like he really likes you, a little incentive can push him overseas and ask you out on a date. Sometimes, especially with shy guys, they need to be persuaded.
  5. 5 Ask him out on a date.. If he doesn't move, but you think his feelings are genuine, you can take the initiative and ask him out on a date. There is nothing wrong. Just understand that you might get an answer that you don't like. But then again, you can be happy!


  • Never start kissing until you and your partner are comfortable.
  • This may not last long, so don't expect anything but good friendship until he confesses his love for you.


  • Never date someone who wants to be with you for money. It is not safe.
  • Pregnancy before marriage is not a good idea. You can leave, and no one can help you with the child (children).