How to reprogram your brain

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dr. Joe Dispenza - Learn How to Reprogram Your Mind
Video: Dr. Joe Dispenza - Learn How to Reprogram Your Mind


Do you want to radically change your type of thinking and behavior? This can certainly be achieved! Our brain continuously creates new neural connections and reorganizes itself, and only you yourself ask him a program of functioning. If you develop self-awareness and give this process the proper attention, you can get rid of negative thoughts and bad habits and begin the path to finding a better, more positive self.


Part 1 of 3: Changing Thinking Patterns

  1. 1 Start tracking your thoughts throughout the day. In the process of evolution, the human brain has developed in such a way that two subpersonalities can be distinguished in the structure of the personality: the primitive "I", which is responsible for actions, and the higher "I", which is able to comprehend their actions. A person has the ability to observe himself and his thoughts around the clock. If a thought makes you wary, stop for a second and think about it. Was that a negative thought? Destructive? What caused her appearance? Does it seem logical? Is it related to psychological addiction? By introspection on a regular basis, you will learn to track your own thought patterns, otherwise called patterns.
    • Write down thoughts as they arise. This will make it easier for you to track your thought pattern. Thoughts can be self-deprecating, anxious, pessimistic, or otherwise. Also, writing down your thoughts can help you track down the annoying inner voice in your head and get rid of it.
  2. 2 Identify your thinking patterns. After a week, you will need to re-read your notes and analyze them carefully. You may find that your thoughts are mostly negative, that you are overly critical of yourself or others, or that you are prone to lengthy reflections that are completely unimportant and useless. Each person will discover something different. Once you identify your thought pattern, you can begin to shed it.
    • When you gain an understanding of yourself, it will give you the ability to literally stop yourself. You do this, and then change for the better can begin. After all, it’s impossible to get to the right place if you don’t know where you are going.
  3. 3 You need to understand that everything in your life is interconnected. The trouble with many of us is that we think our feelings are forcing us to act in a certain way.People believe that they are completely powerless and cannot change this, and as a result, they are simply doomed to experience certain feelings and perform certain actions. In fact, this is not entirely true.
    • Beliefs and thoughts of a person determine his feelings, which, in turn, determine his actions, and actions predetermine, ultimately, the life achievements of a person. Your accomplishments in life shape the thoughts and beliefs that drive your feelings ... this cycle can be continued indefinitely. When you realize the essence of this cycle, it will help you understand that changing even "one" link in this cycle can radically change the entire system.
    • In addition, the above belief is incorrect in the part that states that we are completely powerless. No no and one more time no! In fact, you and Only you have the power to influence yourself. Your thoughts, actions and life achievements belong to you, and you can change them. Change only one of the links in this cycle, and all the others will change after it.
  4. 4 Separate thoughts and actions in time. Of course, a cycle is a cycle, but you can make it slower. If you become aware that the thinking pattern is starting to take effect, stop for a moment and breathe in and out. Try to refrain from reactive behavior. how would you wanted to react? What positive thought can you create in your head to replace a negative one?
    • For example, let's say you are watching TV and you are seeing a commercial of a beautiful woman. You think to yourself, "I will never be like this" or "I will never have a girlfriend like this." Stop for a moment and end this thought more positive... Think, "But I have great qualities, namely ..." or "I will use this thought as a motivation to start working on myself and treat myself better, because I want to achieve happiness, not vegetate in despondency." ...
    • You need to realize that any of your actions and thoughts, one way or another, bring you some benefit. Do you worry all the time? Perhaps this gives you the feeling that you have foreseen all possible troubles and do not indulge yourself with unfounded hopes. Are you belittling yourself? This probably gives you the feeling that things are bad enough for you, so your hopes cannot be shattered by the prose of real life. Think about what your thoughts give you. Is it that valuable to you?
  5. 5 Be careful about the choice of words that you use in your thoughts and say to people around you. Your words can hurt people - and you too - and it can only harm both your personality and your thoughts and behavior. When you catch yourself thinking this, tell yourself to stop immediately. Just stop. Shift your focus to something positive that will help you stay on track.
    • If you radiate optimism and love, that is what you will receive in return. It is good for everyone and creates the right energy in the space. If you think that your plan is not feasible, then it will definitely not come true. If you look at the situation soundly and believe that are able accomplish your plans, then give yourself a chance to achieve what you want.
    • Sometimes we find ourselves replaying the same thing over and over in our head. It may sound like: "What a freak I am!" There are many options for such useless thoughts. Pause, stop this recording and create a new one. What's in your head now? Isn't she like a breath of fresh air? Always pay attention to such thoughts and evaluate if they are throwing you back on the path to self-improvement. And remember - you can always get rid of them.
  6. 6 Choose reactive behavior for yourself. From childhood we are taught how to think correctly, how to behave, and they instill a certain system of values.This often determines what type of personality is formed in a person. Certain fears and self-doubt, formed in childhood, can persist with us into adulthood. Very often we get hung up on certain patterns that determine our reactions to a particular stimulus. Thus, we do not realize that we could think about the situation and, perhaps, react to it in a different way. If you've noticed a negative reaction in yourself, take the opportunity to evaluate it. What caused your rage and why? How would your friends behave in the same situation? Could they have responded differently? Could you have responded better?
    • Ask yourself why you are reacting this way. What do you end up with? Could you have responded differently? You should choose your own thought patterns that match your true self, the image of yourself that you want to match, and work hard to develop them.
  7. 7 Develop a new way of thinking to create these new, positive habits. You identify your negative thoughts, stop, and then replace them with positive thoughts. Now you need to persist in this new way of thinking as often as possible. This is will enter in your habit, instead of your previous habit of constantly thinking negatively. If you carefully monitor your thoughts and believe that everything will work out for you, then sooner or later you will achieve success. This is how the brain works.
    • You may find that journaling, meditation, or talking about it with your loved one can help you develop positive thinking. Then your process of change takes on more specific and formalized features and becomes a part of your life. You stop perceiving it as a crazy quirk that you think of from time to time. Most likely, you will find that others are impressed by your persistence, and they, too, want to imitate your example and engage in self-improvement.

Part 2 of 3: Changing Habits

  1. 1 You feel the urge to follow a bad habit and resist this craving. Sometimes we need to change not only thoughts, but also bad habits and addictions (which are often the same thing). Do you have a bad habit that you want to get rid of? Are you prone to overeating or using drugs? Begin breaking this addiction by exposing yourself to the provocative factor while refraining from unwanted behavior. At first it will be very difficult, but with each time abstinence will become easier and easier for you. Thus, you begin to control your bad habit. This control will make you feel so much better.
    • Let's take a look at how to resist a habit using the example of overeating. For example, you are at home, and there comes a time when you usually have something to eat. Look at a picture of a delicious food, or pick up a dish and smell it, but don't jump on the food right away. Try to hold on for a while - 30 seconds or 5 minutes - as long as you can.
    • In this situation, it is very important that the action takes place in an environment familiar to you. A lot of addicted people try to get rid of addiction in rehabilitation centers and they succeed. But as soon as they are at home, in the conditions of ordinary life, they break down again and return to addictive behavior. In order to effectively fight a bad habit, you need to create conditions that are closest to your usual life.
  2. 2 Learn to resist provoking factors in different conditions. If you are addicted to alcohol, you should try refrain from consuming in various settings and situations. Start from the first step. When you get home from work, skip your usual glass of wine in the evening. Over time, the urge to drink will wane.Then you can head to the nearest bar and refrain from drinking in this setting. You will soon learn how to do this. The next step is parties. You need to face the provoking factor in a variety of settings, wherever it may lie in wait for you, and learn to overcome yourself.
    • It is also a good idea to stick to this rule for different periods of life. At certain times, our cravings for the forbidden fruit become stronger, and it is during these periods that we are at maximum risk of relapse. But with proper variation in addiction treatments, your body will learn to resist temptation at any time, not just at certain times.
  3. 3 Make your new habit automatic, while remembering to refrain from addictive behavior. When you get to this stage, you will be almost free from addiction. It's time to specifically simulate addictive behavior, while in fact don't do it. A person with an alcohol addiction will be able to go to a bar, order a glass of alcohol, but not drink at the same time. A food addict can prepare delicious meals for the whole family and watch their family members enjoy a delicious meal. If you have reached this stage, then you are in complete control of your consciousness and your addiction. Congratulations!
    • When you start to abstain from addictive behavior automatically, it is far more beneficial than thinking about or contemplating the subject of addiction. In this case, the interaction moves to a qualitatively new level and requires remarkable willpower. Nevertheless, this stage is quite achievable.
  4. 4 Develop an alternative positive response. You can't just remove a bad habit without replacing it with anything. First of all, your brain needs some kind of reward. After all, you deserve the reward for doing such intense work on yourself. So, when you're sitting in a bar and not touching alcohol, order yourself your favorite soft drink. Dieting? It is quite possible to please yourself with a cup of aromatic tea. Stuck in a traffic jam, but don't go berserk? Play your favorite music and sing along. Any reward that makes you feel happy (but not addicted) will work for you.
    • It works for thoughts too. Imagine a situation where your boss yelled at you. Your natural reaction to a situation is to lose your temper and cry or get very angry. Instead, do something that makes you happy. Take a walk, call a friend, or start reading your favorite book. Ultimately, feeling angry will no longer be your natural response to an unpleasant stimulus. Your brain will simply stop recognizing it because you have made this reaction disappear. You now have a new, positive response as a response. Victory!
  5. 5 Meditate. While this advice may not seem to work for you, keep in mind that meditation can be incredibly beneficial. Meditation practices increase awareness and self-awareness. Moreover, meditation helps a person stay calm and focused, making it more attainable to acquire positive thinking. When your brain is on the right track, you can easily throw old habits overboard.
    • Don't like meditation? Good. What helps you calm down and focus? Reading a good book? Video games? Cooking? Then do it. Any activity that helps you find a sense of inner harmony is useful.

Part 3 of 3: Benefit from Brain Reprogramming

  1. 1 You need to realize that negative thinking is completely useless. When you think, "It's time to start a diet" is one thing, but realizing that your current dietary habits are not in line with the principle of healthy eating is another. A person who just “wants to diet” is not really going to change anything.If a person sincerely believes that their current eating habits are not conducive to health, most likely they will achieve success in changing this circumstance. To effectively reprogram your brain, you must sincerely believe that negative thoughts and bad habits are not doing you any good. When you yourself believe in this, you will be able to act much more effectively.
    • You most likely know that negative thoughts lead to wrong actions and negative behavior patterns. They obscure all the good things in your life, and the person constantly feels unhappy. Obviously, they are not doing you any good. Where will they lead you? Where will they lead all of us?
  2. 2 Think of your brain as a computer. Your brain is flexible and extremely flexible. This is true. This quality of the brain is called neuroplasticity, and will determine the ability of the brain to change under the influence of new thoughts and new life experiences. In short, the human brain is like a computer. He adapts. He receives information and uses it. You believe in the capabilities of your computer, and in the same way you must believe in the capabilities of your own brain.
    • There is another reason to think of your own brain as a computer. This will help you realize that at any given time there is a possibility of getting many very different results. Your brain receives certain information (like a computer), the brain processes it (like a computer) and gives a solution (like a computer). However, if you change the way information is processed, the way information is presented, or even content the information you enter, you get completely different results. The computer works the same way. Try to go beyond traditional ideas, and maybe you realize that the operating system needs to be replaced. The new operating system will work much more efficiently than the one you used before!
  3. 3 Reassure yourself that you don't even doubt the possibility of change. This goes hand in hand with the belief that negative thoughts are useless. In order to start changing and reprogramming your brain, you need the right mindset. Obviously, there is a huge difference between the thought, "I want to lose weight" and the belief, "I believe I can lose weight." In general, you have to believe in yourself. You are able change. And you will definitely succeed!
    • Your belief in yourself will help a lot if you want to start building positive thinking. When you believe in the possibility of change, you see more opportunities in front of you to achieve what you want. Believing in yourself ignites a bright light that illuminates your life with a golden glow. Faith instantly brightens everything around. Life is getting better. You start to believe that you will succeed, and you will succeed!
  4. 4 Question every thought that comes to your mind. As you progress in reprogramming your brain, start thinking about your own thoughts and questioning them. Is this thought a fact or a belief? Is this your own thought or is it borrowed from someone else? If you find that a given thought is a borrowing or just a belief, question it. It's a good idea? Can you make it even better? More positive? Is it possible to think about this topic in any other way, so that thoughts are more consistent with the type of thinking to which you are striving?
    • Our cultural environment is conducive to a certain type of human upbringing. We are taught to think, learn, act and, in general, behave in a certain, socially acceptable framework. It depends only on you whether you can use all the capabilities of your highly developed brain and make it work. What in fact best for you? What exactly corresponds to your value system?
  5. 5 Download the positive thinking mobile app. Now you can find mobile applications for any purpose, including for the development of positive thinking and reprogramming the brain. You can download English apps like Stress-Free Life or I Can Do It, or find any other app that will help your brain stay in the game and get the best results. If you are not attracted to the idea of ​​keeping a personal diary, you may find this mobile application useful.
    • We all need little tweaks to walk this path to our best selves. This could be a mobile app, a self-help book, refrigerator labels, or a personal diary. Everyone has their own way to help them stay on the right track. If you really want to be successful in reprogramming your brain, it’s a good idea to have some kind of tangible, tangible reminder to move forward on your chosen path.


  • Make a thank you list. In moments of despondency, remember this list. Isn't it wonderful that all these wonderful things are in your life?


  • The change process can take weeks, months, or even years. But if you are determined to succeed, you will succeed.