How to say good morning in spanish

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Say Good Morning in Spanish
Video: How To Say Good Morning in Spanish


In Spanish, the phrase "buenos días" literally translates into Russian as "good days". However, in Spanish speaking countries, "buenos días" is used to mean good morning. Other phrases are used during the day and evening. You can also add words to address specific people. As in Russian, there are several common expressions for morning greetings.


Method 1 of 3: Saying Good Morning

  1. 1 Use "buenos días" as your standard morning greeting. If you are learning Spanish at school, this will most likely be the first phrase you learn to mean "good morning" in Spanish.
  2. 2 Use "buen día" in certain cases. In some Latin American countries, such as Puerto Rico and Bolivia, the phrase "buen día" is used as "good morning" in an everyday, familiar setting.
    • This greeting is very informal and usually refers to slang. Therefore, it is better to say this in a conversation with friends or close acquaintances of about the same age as you.
  3. 3 Shout "¡buenas!"This short, relatively simple greeting comes from buenos días. And while you can actually use it at any time of the day, it will be interpreted as good morning in the morning."
    • Pronounce "buenas" as "boo-e-us".

Method 2 of 3: Welcome Certain People

  1. 1 Accompany the greeting with the person's title. To say hello more politely or formally, you can add "señor", "señora" or "señorita" after "buenos días".
    • Señor (sen-OR) means "lord" and can be used to address any man, especially if he is older than you or holds a leadership position.
    • Señora (sen-OPA) means "mistress". Should be used with women who are married or older than you or in leadership positions.
    • Use señorita (sen-o-ri-ta) in the meaning of "miss / girl", when you refer to a female representative who is younger than you or is not married if you want to sound more polite.
  2. 2 Use specific names or titles. If you have singled out a specific person in the crowd or want to refer to him under a different title, just add the desired word or phrase after the expression "buenos días".
    • For example, if you want to say good morning to your doctor, you can say "Buenos días, doctor".
  3. 3 Refer to the group of persons with the words "muy buenos días a todos" (muy bu-enos DI-as a TO-dos). If you are speaking to an audience or approaching a large group of people, you can greet everyone at once with this phrase. The literal translation of the phrase will be: "Very good morning, everyone."
    • Since this is more of a formal phrase, use it for more formal occasions. For example, you can start your business breakfast meeting with the comment "muy buenos días a todos".

Method 3 of 3: Using Other Morning Greetings

  1. 1 Shout "¡arriba!The greeting “¡arriba!” (A-rri-ba, do not forget to loudly say “rr”) literally means “wake up!” It is often used in the morning to wake up a child or loved one and ask them to get out of bed.
    • This greeting is close to the Russian "wake up and sing".
  2. 2 Say "ya amaneció" (ya a-ma-ne-si-O). Use this phrase if you want to lift someone out of bed while the person is still asleep. Literally translated as "already dawn".
    • The meaning behind this phrase is that the day has already begun without the one who is asleep, and it is high time for him to get up. Some people may find this phrase rude, so don't use it with someone you are not very close to.
  3. 3 Ask "¿Cómo amaneció usted?". If you are looking for a polite way to find out how a person's morning went, you can use:" ¿Cómo amaneció usted? " ? ".
    • Literally this question can be translated: "How did you awaken?" It's like when we ask a person how he got up in the morning.
    • You can also say, "¿Qué tal va tu mañana?" (ke tal ba tu ma-nya-na), which means "How is your morning going?" It is usually best to ask this question in the middle of the morning.
  4. 4 When leaving, use "que tengas buen día" (ke tengas bu-en di-A). Although the Spanish phrase "buenos días" can be used both when greeting and saying goodbye, it also means "have a nice day."
    • You can also say "que tengas un lindo día" (ke ten-gas bu-EN DI-a), which means "have a nice day." Usually this phrase is used in a more informal setting.
    • To sound more formal, you can use the phrase "que tenga buen día" (ke ten-GA bu-EN DI-a), which means "I hope you have a good day."
  5. 5 Ask the person how they slept. In Spanish, as in Russian, it is common to ask close friends or family members how they slept at night, especially in the early morning. The official way of saying this is "¿Durmió bien?" (fool-mi-O bi-EN) or "Did you sleep well?"
    • A more informal question is "¿Descansaste bien?" (des-kan-sas-te bi-en). Best translated as "Have you been on vacation?" or "Did you get some rest?"