How to say Yes in French

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Say "Yes" in French | French Lessons
Video: How to Say "Yes" in French | French Lessons


The easiest way to say yes in French is with oui, but there are many more options where you mean yes. Here are a few worth knowing.


Method 1 of 4: Part One: Basic Yes

  1. 1 Say “oui.”This translates to the usual yes.
    • This word can be used in almost any situation, whether it's a formal conversation or not.
    • In French, this word is pronounced as uii.
    • If you would like to answer more politely, you can add the French equivalent of Mr. or Miss at the end.
      • Monsieur, pronounced like monsieur, translates as "mister." Oui, monsieur.
      • Madame, pronounced like madam, translates as "Mrs." Oui, madame.
      • Mademoiselle, pronounced like mademoiselle, translates to "miss." Oui, mademoiselle.
  2. 2 The polite “oui, merci” means “yes, thank you.
    • Merci means thank you.
    • This phrase is pronounced like Uii, merci.
  3. 3 The answer is “oui, s’il vous plaît.”Is another polite phrase. It means "yes, please."
    • Phrase, s'il vous plaît translates as "please." It literally means "if you wish."
      • S'il means "if."
      • Vous means "you."
      • Plaît "means" please. "
    • This phrase is pronounced like Uii, sil woo plee.

Method 2 of 4: Part Two: Yes in Slang

  1. 1 Usually they say “ouai."This is the French equivalent of the English" yeah. "
    • It is pronounced like uiai.
  2. 2 Or say “ouaip”. This is the French equivalent of the English "yep."
    • Pronounce this word as uiap.

Method 3 of 4: Part Three: Strong Statements

  1. 1 Say “évidemment."This translates to" obvious. "
    • This French word is pronounced eh-vee-dah-mah.
  2. 2 Say “certainement."It means" definitely "or" exactly. "
    • This French word is pronounced like sehr-tehn-mah.
  3. 3 Answer “carrément."This word translates as" unchanging. "
    • This French word is pronounced kah-ray-mah.
  4. 4 Answer with the phrase “tout à fait."This phrase means" pretty, "" completely, "or" in general. "
    • Tout means "all" or "whole."
    • French à means "with," "k," "y," or "in", if we translate it separately.
    • Fait means "fact," "event" or "event."
    • This French phrase is pronounced too tah feh.
  5. 5 Answer "en effet."This can be translated as 'actually'.
    • En means "in."
    • Effet means "effect."
    • This French phrase is pronounced ahn ay-feh.
  6. 6 Shout out “bien sûr!"This phrase translates to" of course! "
    • Bien means "good" or "good."
    • Sûr means "of course" or "exactly."
    • This French phrase is pronounced byahng soor.

Method 4 of 4: Part Four: Other Yes

  1. 1 Reply politely “très bien."This phrase means" very good. "
    • Très means "very."
    • Bien means "good" or "good."
    • This French phrase is pronounced tray byahng.
  2. 2 Say “C’est bien."This phrase means" it's good. "
    • C'est means "this."
    • Bien means "good" or "good."
    • This French phrase is pronounced say byahng.
  3. 3 Say “Ça va."This phrase means a simple" ok. "
    • Ça means "it."
    • Va comes from the French verb aller, which means "to go," "to do," or "to be."
    • This French phrase is pronounced sah vah.
  4. 4 Answer “d’accord."It means" I agree. "
    • This French phrase is pronounced dah-korr.
  5. 5 Shout out “volontiers!"What do you mean" willingly! "
    • This French phrase is pronounced vuh-loh-tyay.
  6. 6 Respond with enthusiasm “avec plaisir!"This phrase means" with pleasure! "
    • Avec means "with."
    • Plaisir means "pleasure."
    • This French phrase is pronounced ah-vehk play-seh.