How to say what you like about work

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Be Professional! Never say this at work! ❌
Video: Be Professional! Never say this at work! ❌


All potential questions should be considered when preparing for your interview. Thinking about the possible answers ahead of time will not catch you off guard. The question is often asked: "Why are you interested in our vacancy?" A question like this is usually intended to clarify how interested you are in the job, as well as to identify the strengths of a potential candidate.


Part 1 of 3: Interest in the employer

  1. 1 Study information about the company. Before the interview, take the time to gather information about the employer. Study the company's website carefully. You can also search for news stories involving this organization. Be sure to read the company's mission statement to gain an understanding of corporate values.
    • Always read between the lines. Sometimes statements and press releases are intentionally succinct. Look for keywords like “lead”, which mean that the company is already or wants to become the main one in the industry, “innovative” (the company values ​​new creative ideas and products) or “targeted” (the company is focused on certain products). Press releases should mention a positive direction (the company always tries to set a positive direction for any undertaking). Thus, the phrase "the company is exploring new directions" may mean that the current products of the company did not live up to expectations.
  2. 2 Consider the work culture. When gathering information, it is not enough to read just a mission statement. Try to understand the corporate culture of the company. Working in a relaxed atmosphere and the importance of being creative? Strictly professional setting? Be prepared and show that you are the right fit for the company.
    • One way to understand corporate culture is to familiarize yourself with the company's social media page. Pay attention to the images and language used in the publications.
    • You can also visit the company in advance. Find out if knowledge can be examined to imbue the corporate spirit.
    • For example, many new (and not only) high-tech companies are renowned for relaxed workplace environments that foster innovation and creativity. Moreover, in any banking institution, such a situation is unacceptable.
  3. 3 Take notes. Take notes as you study the information. Outline the company's work profile, include the latest news. Use these skills as material to prepare for your interview.
  4. 4 Include the information you receive in your responses. The HR worker will be impressed with your training. At the same time, you should not voice all the facts you know out of place. Use the opportunity to compliment the company and show your interest.
    • For example, don't say, "I love that you are selling quality products." Better to say, "I was genuinely surprised at how valuable your products are in the market. Innovation is justified by the excellent sales over the past year. I also love the deliberate choice of creativity. In my opinion, it helps to develop innovative solutions."

Part 2 of 3: Suitable Skills for a Potential Job

  1. 1 Review the job responsibilities prior to your interview. Read the job description to prepare answers that satisfy the company. The responsibilities clearly describe what kind of employee the organization needs. Show why you are a great fit for the job.
    • For example, if you need to “manage your time efficiently and think outside the box” and work in a team, then obviously the company needs someone who can organize work and possess such qualities as punctuality, creativity, resourcefulness, sociability and interoperability.
  2. 2 Determine your qualities that meet the requirements. Evaluate yourself so that you can give concrete answers to questions. Back up your words with experience.
    • For example, if you claim to be able to creatively solve problems, then select situations and successes from the past that show your creative mind.
    • Give specific examples that support your words. For example, to show your ability to creatively solve problems, describe a specific situation at another place of work (you may have had to redesign the product base for added stability).
  3. 3 Write down all examples. Again, in order to remember the necessary answers for the interview, they need to be re-read several times. Print the job list and take notes, then revise the information.
  4. 4 Formulate your answers. During your interview, use past experience to show your interest in the position and the reasons why you are a suitable candidate. Form your answers to express interest in the position and reveal your strengths as a professional.
    • Express interest in the position and name the selected personal qualities. For example, say, “I was delighted to hear that you are looking for a design engineer who can solve problems creatively, as I have extraordinary experience in this position. I have worked for 10 years in a similar position and have repeatedly faced the need to make changes to projects. In doing so, I was always able to find the optimal solution. For example, once I completely redesigned the base of a product that was not stable enough. The final product exceeded all expectations. "

Part 3 of 3: Work and Career

  1. 1 Determine how well the position aligns with your career aspirations. For example, if you've always wanted to lead a design department, consider a vacancy. Show what you are doing now and what you want to do in the future.
  2. 2 Express your interest in long-term cooperation. It should be shown that you will not leave the case halfway through. You will not be hired if they think that in a year you are planning to leave for another company. Share your plans.
    • When talking about the desired career growth and promotions, say that you are not expecting a promotion in a couple of months and are ready to show everything that you are capable of.
  3. 3 Include all aspects in your answer. Put all the information together. Your career goals should be communicated as a conclusion. Be concise. Respect your and other people's time.
    • For example, say, "I have always wanted to run a small design office, so I need to do well and become better in order to earn a promotion over time."
    • This aspect is the final part of your answer. The complete answer has three aspects covered in the article.


  • Ask a friend to read the questions on behalf of the company with different wording to prepare different answers. For example, the question "Why do you want to get this position?" may require a slightly different answer than the question "What work tasks are you interested in?" Take the time to work out several options.


  • Don't get hung up on financial motives. If you say that you were attracted by the salary, then the company representative may think that the job itself is not interesting to you.
  • Do not try to memorize the answers word for word so that they do not sound like memorized material during the interview.