How to behave if you are a diaper lover

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 5 I Want To Be A Baby Scenes
Video: Top 5 I Want To Be A Baby Scenes


Accepting that you are a diaper lover can be very difficult and sometimes even painful. However, you can accept yourself as you are if you think carefully.


  1. 1 Know that you are not alone. There is nothing strange or abnormal about this, it is just that some people find it extremely difficult to understand others. Forget what others will think or say if they find out.
  2. 2 Think about your feelings. Search online, and especially visit the links at the bottom of the page. This will help you better understand who you are and you will know that you are not alone. But:
    • Be careful when reading online. There are sites that make you feel guilty about your love of diapers.
    • People are afraid and do not understand those who love diapers, so read the sites where they talk about it very carefully. Not everyone understands this, and not everyone takes it seriously. The same applies to books and to people in real life.
  3. 3 Accept yourself as you are. Until you accept yourself, you will not be happy. This may take a while, so don't be angry when you realize tomorrow morning that you don't yet accept yourself for who you really are.
  4. 4 Make friends who share your opinion and your interests. There are many communities of adult diaper lovers. Join one of these communities and make friends. In any case, be careful here too.
  5. 5 Listen to yourself. Do not suppress your feelings or go against them, otherwise you will wear yourself out.There is nothing wrong with wearing diapers for a reason.
  6. 6 Hide or find a secret place for diapers if you live with your parents or someone else. You should always have a story prepared that you keep them just in case.
    • You shouldn't tell everyone that you wear diapers. A lot of teenagers use diapers, and not all of them take it right.
    • Wear loose clothing to hide the fact that you are wearing a diaper and try to minimize the sound of babbling.
    • Behave normally. If you are constantly nervous, then people will try to figure out what is wrong and, most likely, will notice the cause of your nervousness.
    • Wearing a diaper should not be taken as all or nothing. Some wear diapers around the clock, while others prefer to wear diapers only at night.


  • Wearing a diaper is not all or nothing. Some wear a diaper 24 hours a day, and some limit themselves to wearing it only at night.
  • Hide or find a secret place for diapers if you live with your parents or someone else. You should always have a story prepared that you keep them just in case.
  • Behave normally. If you are constantly nervous, then people will try to figure out what is wrong and, most likely, will notice the cause of your nervousness.
  • You shouldn't tell everyone that you wear diapers. A lot of teenagers use diapers, and not all of them take it right.
  • Wear loose clothing to hide the fact that you are wearing a diaper and try to minimize the sound of babbling.
  • Buy diapers outside the city or area in which you live. This way, you will minimize the chances that someone will see you during such a purchase.
  • If you want to discuss this with someone, then choose someone who looks at things objectively.
  • Try to involve someone in this activity, just do not force anyone. This is how people can understand you if you want them to know about it.
  • It is very difficult to keep this a secret if you live with your parents. At some point they will find out. Better to tell them about it (a more understanding parent first).
  • If you still live with your parents, talk to them about it. If you are close to them, then be sure to talk. It is very important to discuss this with a loved one who will help you get through difficult times.


  • Many people dislike and fear diaper wearers. Be very careful and listen carefully to such people, as they have a somewhat distorted view of this topic.
  • Like most diaper lovers, you want to use a diaper. Stay focused, as it is not easy to go to a diaper if you have been trained not to use it. This is a normal reaction of the body and you need to learn to enjoy the moment that you do not need to go to the toilet.
  • You may not be able to keep it a secret. Be prepared for this. In any case, life goes on. Don't worry too much about this.