How to behave if you are caught cheating

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


There are many ways to cheat on a test, and all students have different reasons for cheating. The workload grows and technology continues to evolve, so students find more and more opportunities to get a higher grade without much effort. If you decide to cheat and you are caught, you can minimize the consequences without giving up responsibility for your actions.


Method 1 of 4: Confessing

  1. 1 Agree with what you cheated. If you get caught with a cheat sheet in hand, or if there is any other compelling evidence, confess. Arguing can lead to dire consequences. While admitting guilt can be difficult, you have no choice. You don’t have to invent anything, and you won’t get lost in lies.
    • Think back to when someone lied to you. You've probably seen that the person is lying. This is not the most pleasant situation, and you are most likely very angry. In order not to aggravate the consequences, do not lie.
  2. 2 Show remorse. If you have done something wrong and are caught, behave in a way that shows that you are repentant, even if you do not really feel guilty. Apologize for your decision to cheat. If you admit to cheating with a big smile on your face, you will most likely face severe punishment for your insolence.
    • Be honest about how you feel. If you feel like crying, don't hold back. The more emotion the better.
    • If the teacher sees that you are upset, he may feel sorry for you. If you behave as if nothing had happened, this will threaten you with more serious consequences.
  3. 3 Explain why you decided to cheat. This does not mean that you have to come up with a bunch of reasons on the go. Just try to explain why you had to resort to cheat sheets. The teacher doesn't have to decide that you are just lazy, so you must have an explanation. For example, say that you didn’t have time to master all the material and were afraid of failing on the exam. This will not undo what you cheated, but it will make it clearer why you need cheat sheets.
    • Reassure the teacher that you were preparing for the exam. You will look better in the eyes of the teacher if he knows what you have been studying.

Method 2 of 4: How to Deny Guilt

  1. 1 Analyze the available evidence of your guilt. If the teacher saw you spying on something during the exam, you will not be able to convince him that you are not to blame. But if the teacher only guesses that you didn’t write everything yourself, you may be able to avoid punishment. The consequences of cheating can be serious (forfeiture of a scholarship, expulsion, and so on). Unless you are caught red-handed, you can try to convince the teacher of your innocence.
    • If you don't know exactly what evidence the teacher has, be prepared to deny it. If you are not caught by the hand, the teacher can only have guesses.
  2. 2 Say you weren't cheating. If you are confident that you will be able to avoid punishment, take the risk. It is important to feign surprise if asked about cheating. Imagine that you studied a lot and wrote everything yourself, without cheat sheets. How would you feel if you were accused of cheating? Remember this feeling.
    • If your teacher accuses you of plagiarism, tell them that you used that source in your preparation. Perhaps you inadvertently phrased your thoughts in the same words as in the source of information.
    • If you get a score that is too high for yourself, tell me that you did a lot, unlike the previous exams.
    • Teachers can say different things, but unless you have a thoughtful answer, don't overcomplicate.Repeat that you have worked hard and tried your best, and that now you are upset about being accused.
  3. 3 Stick to the same legend. If you intend to deny everything, you do not need to come up with something complicated. Just repeat that you did not cheat, that you are not a cheater, and that everything that happens upsets you. Do not give anyone another version of what happened and do not admit to cheating on your best friend or relative, even if you trust this person. Stick to the same version and do not deviate from it under any circumstances.

Method 3 of 4: What to do if you are punished

  1. 1 Accept the consequences. Tell the teacher that you understand and accept the punishment, whatever it may be. Arguing will not force the teacher to change his mind and will only make the situation worse. If you agree with the punishment, the teacher will see that you are aware of the seriousness of your wrongdoing. Of course, you don't really have to think so.
    • Learning to accept the consequences of your actions can help you become a more courageous and responsible person in the future.
  2. 2 Be prepared to talk with the teacher or administration (head teacher, director or dean (if you are studying at a university)). Punishment can be chosen by different people - sometimes it is the teacher who does it, sometimes the administration decides the fate of the student or student. It is important to prepare for this conversation. Know how you will explain your action, and remember that the explanation must be thoughtful. Explain why you were forced to cheat and how you intend to fix it. If you have studied well up to this point, mention it.
    • It is important to demonstrate to everyone that cheating is unusual for you and that you regret what happened.
    • Get the support of an older sister or brother, or an adult who can back your words. You may need to write an explanatory note. In this case, choose your words carefully. Read the draft by a parent, teacher, or peer for their assessment.
  3. 3 Live on. Whatever the punishment, don't dwell on it. The longer you think about it, the longer you will be nervous. You are to blame, so do what you have to do and forget about it. If you need to tell your parents about this, do so right away. If you get a minimum score for cheating, try to cover it with high scores on other tasks.
    • This will not only help you get through this moment as soon as possible, but you will also show the teacher that you are a responsible person.
  4. 4 Maintain a positive attitude. This will make you look better in the eyes of your teachers. Think about how to make the most of a negative situation and treat punishment as an opportunity to improve. Do not swear or be sad. Try to smile and start solving the problem.
    • Cheating on will ruin your whole life. The consequences can be serious, but this is not a reason to constantly scold yourself or whine. Be optimistic and don't think too much about your mistake.
  5. 5 Know your rights. It is important to be able to accept punishment, but it is also important to be able to defend your rights if you consider the punishment disproportionate to the misconduct or if your guilt has not been proven. You have a right to a fair assessment of your actions. The teacher cannot assign punishment without listening to you.
    • It is important to know your rights if you face an expulsion. Find out what your school may be expelling for. If necessary, make an appointment with a lawyer.
    • If you decide to appeal because of an unfair exception, search the Internet for case information.

Method 4 of 4: How to behave after punishment

  1. 1 Think about why you cheated. This can be tricky - you will need to carefully analyze your actions, but only this will help you understand why you decided to resort to cheat sheets.Was the subject difficult for you? Have you had too many other activities to get ready in time? Have you felt pressured by your parents to want you to be an excellent student? Be honest with yourself and determine the reason for the cheating. Consider if she was weighty enough.
    • You don't have to share your findings with anyone. First of all, you need this information - it will help you in the future.
  2. 2 Think about how you will solve the problem that caused you to cheat. If you didn’t understand the subject, work with a tutor, stay for extracurricular activities, or ask the teacher questions. If you couldn't find time to get ready because you had many other activities, free up more time for class so that learning is a priority.
    • Whatever the reason for cheating, you must have a plan for the future.
    • A plan will help you avoid making mistakes in the future. Do not get caught cheating more than once.
  3. 3 Stick to a new plan. This way you can prove to yourself that you are not a cheater. Take responsibility for your actions and remind yourself of how frustrating it was to be punished. If you need more exercise, turn off your phone and try to practice without distraction. If you need help, arrange a time with the teacher to answer your questions.
    • You may have to give up something for the sake of good grades, but it will be worth it. You don't have to cheat or get punished.