How to keep your dog from getting bored

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Combat Dogs Boredom! Tips on How to Tackle Your Dogs Boredom and Help them Have More Fun!
Video: How to Combat Dogs Boredom! Tips on How to Tackle Your Dogs Boredom and Help them Have More Fun!


Boredom is the most common cause of unwanted behavior in dogs. Dogs are naturally active and have been bred for hundreds of years to be able to move a lot (i.e. work with people and hunt). In the modern world, most dogs lead a sedentary lifestyle. In this article, you will learn how to help your dog move more and avoid the destructive behavior that comes with boredom.


Method 1 of 3: How to communicate with your dog

  1. 1 Spend more time with your pet. When you are not at work or busy, plan to do something with your dog to keep him from getting bored. It can be anything from walking to sports. This will allow you to keep yourself in shape, and the dog will lead the way of life, which is laid down by its nature. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Veterinarian, Royal College of Veterinary Surgery Dr. Elliot, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal care. Graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Has been working in the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Veterinarian, Royal College of Veterinary Surgery

    Here's what Pippi Elliot, an experienced veterinarian, has to say about the added benefits of training for dogs: “Simple obedience training is not only a way to avoid boredom.When a dog is forced to concentrate on tasks for 5–20 minutes, it expends a lot of mental energy, which then requires a long rest. "

  2. 2 Go jogging or walking. Try to take your dog for a long walk at least once a day. Thanks to this, both you and your pet will move a lot, and the dog will have the opportunity to explore the space on the street. It is recommended to walk different routes and visit new places so that the dog can get to know new smells and objects.
  3. 3 Travel with your dog. Traveling will also keep your dog from getting bored. If you're short on time, you can just go to the store (dogs love this), or you can take your dog with you on a long trip.
    • Before you go on vacation with your dog, take your dog to the vet and make sure you get all the vaccinations it needs. Keep a record of the dates of vaccinations and remember that you will need a health document for your dog if you plan to travel by plane.
    • Buy a carrier cage. In such a carrier, the dog will be safe during the trip by car. A dog can only be taken on an airplane in a carrier-cage.
    • Implant a microchip on the dog and indicate your contacts on the tag. This is necessary in case the dog gets lost.
    • If you go by car, monitor the condition of the dog. To prevent the dog from getting seasick, feed him before the trip. Don't let your dog stick its head out of an open car window. Stop often and do not leave your dog in a closed car, especially in summer, as cars get very hot and quickly.
    • Please check with the carrier for dog regulations prior to travel. The company may have certain conditions that you must fulfill.
  4. 4 Play games with your dog. With games, both you and your dog will move more, which is good for your health. Games will also have a positive impact on your relationship with your pet.
  5. 5 Play tug of war. This game will allow the dog to follow his natural instincts - to grab onto something with his mouth and pull. Look online for information on how to play this game correctly.
  6. 6 Ask your dog to bring items. This game is right for you if you want the dog to move a lot, but are not ready to move a lot yourself. This article provides guidelines for how to play.
  7. 7 Play hide and seek. This game will make your dog think as he has to look for you. Moreover, this game will allow the dog to use his scent. Search the internet for rules for playing hide and seek with your dog.
  8. 8 Encourage your dog to look for items. This game is similar to hide and seek, only the dog will have to look for the objects that you have hidden from him. Place the treats in several places (for example, behind furniture legs) and tell your dog to look for them. In this game, the dog will also use its scent, so it gets tired faster.
  9. 9 Play catch-up. Tie the dog's favorite toy to a rope, swing the toy in the air and invite the dog to catch it. You can buy special toys for this game at the pet store.

Method 2 of 3: How to entertain your dog when you are not around

  1. 1 Give your dog a useful task to keep him busy. To prevent the dog from behaving badly while you are away, it should have special tasks during your absence. Such tasks will allow the dog to move more and at the same time learn useful things.
  2. 2 Buy special toys with hidden treats. Such toys allow you to create conditions similar to hunting. There are special toys that you can put food inside, but getting food out of there is not so easy. The dog will look for a way to get food, which is similar to the natural instinct of a dog to hunt and get food.
    • These toys are useful for dogs, as the dog will use many skills: touching the toy with its paw, rolling it, and chewing. In addition, such toys can calm the animal, as the dog will chew or lick the toy.
    • Give your dog time to learn how to play with these toys. Gradually start offering more and more complex toys. If your dog is used to eating from a bowl, it will take him some time to understand how the food toy works. Don't rush your dog or ask too much of him.
    • Check the manufacturer's website for information on how to fill toys with food.
  3. 3 Hide your dog's toys to hunt. Place treats and toys with food around the house so the dog can get its own food. Hide one-feed food before leaving the house so your dog searches for food while you are away. You can spread food out in the yard if you live in a private house so that the dog hunts both in the house and outside. Many dogs like to search for food in the grass.
  4. 4 Give your dog the opportunity to sharpen their teeth. All dogs have a need to chew on objects. This allows dogs to strengthen their jaws and brush their teeth. Both domestic and wild dogs often gnaw on objects. Offer your dog suitable chewing items. This will not only be beneficial for the jaws and teeth - thanks to this, the dog will not chew on your things.

Method 3 of 3: Interacting with Other Dogs

  1. 1 Let your dog play with other dogs. Dogs, like humans, are social creatures that enjoy spending time with other members of their species. Create conditions for your pet to interact with other dogs.
  2. 2 Get a dog companion. Another animal (like a trained dog) will be very helpful. It will make the dog move more, will not let him get bored and will be a companion to your pet.
  3. 3 Meet friends and family who also have dogs. It is important to arrange such meetings regularly. This will allow your dog to interact with other dogs, and you can chat with your friends or relatives.
  4. 4 Take your pet to a dog park or special center. Both there and there the dog will have the opportunity to interact with other dogs. Your budget may not allow you to regularly take your dog to a special center. In this case, try to do it as soon as possible. Look online for information on suitable locations in your city, but make sure your dog has all the vaccinations first.


  • If you are not able to work with your dog as described above due to busyness, take your dog to a dog entertainment center at least a couple of times a week.
  • If you work close to home, come home at lunchtime.
  • If you work all day, ask friends or family to look after your dog, or hire someone to walk your dog.