Ways to be in good health

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Healthy - Ways To Be Healthy - Keys To Health - How To Improve Increase Your Health
Video: How To Be Healthy - Ways To Be Healthy - Keys To Health - How To Improve Increase Your Health


The thought of working out for toning may seem tiring, but the results are well worth the effort. We present the steps below for you to incorporate into your life, thereby building a healthier body.


Part 1 of 3: Develop the right way of thinking

  1. Have the right attitude. It may seem irrelevant, but the true spirit is incredibly powerful and can make a big difference to success or failure. Training for good health is a long way, not a sprint, and requires life changes.
    • Don't approach this with the mindset that you can stop changing once your ideal health goal has been reached; otherwise, you run the risk of falling back into bad habits. Being in good health means incorporating many things into your life that will eventually become your habit.

  2. Track your progress and be proud of any small positive changes. 'Health journaling' is a good idea because you can keep track of practice time, what you do and for how long. You can also record what you eat each day. When you have to write down whether you have a snack or not, you will find that you will decrease your tendency to want to snack.
    • Don't think that just because you have taken a step backwards you can give up all your efforts for that day. Don't get demoralized just because you stopped losing weight or stopped growing muscles; keep in mind that body stability is okay, but overall you're already on a gradual upward trajectory and that's definitely what you should be proud of.

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan Certified Personal Trainer is a BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness trainer since 2002.

    Michele Dolan
    Certified Personal Trainer

    Keep up and don't lose your motivation too soon. According to Michele Dolan, a licensed personal trainer: "You can improve your health for 4 to 8 weeks by exercising 30 to 60 minutes daily."

  3. Create a pledge with yourself. In other words, the commitment is also called the reward system. Set a goal and set a reward for yourself. Choose something you really want or something you really want to do.
    • For example, make your own pledge noting that if you run for 30 minutes a day you can allow yourself to buy that nice shirt or a new racket that you have been keeping eye on for a long time.

  4. Find someone who pursues your goals. Goals are easier to achieve when you have someone to share your hardships and achievements with. Create a schedule that you both can make a commitment to, and help each other pursue.
    • You can even mobilize a group of friends to take part in a health training ''. Ask each participant to put 50,000 VND in the box and the person who practices the most in a given period wins that money.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise for good health

  1. Find ways to be more active in your daily routine. By constantly challenging yourself, you will help your body "get on". If you need to lose weight for good health, this will help you burn off excess weight.If you're exercising for endurance, this is the way to ensure continuous improvement.
    • Take the bus or cycle to school or work instead of riding a motorbike. If this doesn't work, you can park your car a few blocks from the office to force yourself to walk for 15 minutes a day. When going to a supermarket, movie theater or shopping mall, park your car at the end of the lot instead of trying to find a spot near the exit.
    • Take the dog for a walk more often, and both your body and the dog will thank you.
    • House cleaning more. You will be amazed at how laborious housework is: dusting bookshelves, cleaning toilets, washing dishes, mowing lawns, weeding, vacuuming and sweeping the house, tidying up and washing garages and socks all those things will be your exercise session. Cleaning the house with family members on a regular schedule not only creates a better living environment, but also helps to burn calories, maintain enduring health and keep slim body. than.
    • Exercise at work. Believe it or not, turning sitting time into a calorie-burning activity is possible. You can stretch by doing leg lifts, stretching to one side, with your hands touching your lower back, and more.
  2. Follow an exercise regimen. A correct exercise program should have 5 parts: warm up, aerobic exercise, strength training, stretching (flexibility) and cooling.
    • Warm up by taking a regular speed walk outdoors or on the treadmill, slow down on your exercise bike, or take a few laps on the treadmill. You should exercise just enough to increase blood circulation and help the joints rotate throughout the range of motion so that the muscles warm. Exercising without warming can lead to muscle tension.
    • Cardio exercises improve blood circulation and endurance. To do cardio, you can go jogging, cycling with high resistance, or brisk walking on the stair treadmill. You should practice with perspiration and more blood circulation. Not only is good cardiovascular health good for the heart and blood pressure, but has also been linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease. Intermittent training (i.e., alternating low-intensity and high-intensity exercise) has been shown to be an exceptionally fast and effective way to improve heart health and endurance, while also effectively burning fat.
    • Building muscle through strength-building exercises will not only increase strength and firmness, but also increase metabolism, as research in people with lean muscle shows they burn more calories. even at rest. You can work with weights, squats, push-ups or crunches, and many more. If you can't go to the gym, you can do muscle-building exercises at home.
    • Do stretches during or after a workout to increase flexibility. It is also a way to reduce stiffness in muscles and joints. Stretch your legs, arms, back, and any muscles you use during exercise (usually all of these muscles are included).
    • The process of cooling down is similar to warming. You should do some cardio exercise at a low pace. Cool down allows the muscles to relax while the blood circulates through the muscles at a slightly higher rate than usual.
    • Note: Anyone over 60 years of age or having heart disease, high blood pressure or rheumatism should consult a doctor before starting intermittent training.

    Laila Ajani

    Fitness trainer Laila Ajani is a fitness trainer and founder of Push Personal Fitness, a personal training organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Laila specializes in competitive sports (gymnastics, weightlifting, tennis), personal training, running and Olympic weightlifting. Laila is certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA), USA Powerlifting (USAPL), and is a Rehabilitation Fitness Specialist (CES).

    Laila Ajani
    Physic Education coach

    Focus on exercising the whole body. When you first start exercising, try a balanced approach. Do push-ups, abs exercises, and add weights to help improve strength.

  3. Turn everything upside down. Any physical activity that takes a lot of effort keeps you healthy, but remember that diversity is the spice of life - and of health! As your body gets used to an activity, it will perform that activity more easily and your development will go into a horizontal orbit during that exercise regime. To keep your body and mind from being bored and having fun while exercising, you need a variety of activities.
    • Dance. Any activity like ballet to hip-hop dancing will help increase your health if you stick to it. Sign up for a Zumba dance or hip-hop dance class. You'll be amazed at how many calories you burn while having fun.
    • Swim. It doesn't matter what technique you swim to, stand in water, swim a dog or swim butterfly. Swimming is also a good way to exercise for fun.
    • Yoga. Yoga is a healthy exercise that is both good for the mind and good for the body. Choose a day of the week for real stretching of your body instead of just regular exercise. Yoga helps maintain flexibility but is also a great way to tone muscles.
  4. Participate in extracurricular activities such as playing sports. Playing with other people motivates you to keep going. For example, in a long-distance race, your teammates will encourage you to keep trying (and the fact that you don't want to be late), unlike running alone on a machine at home, do you have can easily hit the stop and end button. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Eat healthy

  1. Supply the energy the body needs. When you are more active, you also need to eat more, but not any food. You need to eat healthy foods rich in energy to immediately open up a new phase of the day, without causing stagnation. Learn to eat healthier and drink more water.
    • Switch to whole grains. Whole grains are healthier and tastier. Maybe that's not what you're used to, but then you'll love the exotic and nutritious nut flavor. If you don't want to eat whole grains, try to replace half of the grains you eat with whole grains. Who knows - maybe you will come to prefer whole grains over time.
    • Eliminate unhealthy junk food and replace it with fruits and vegetables. The high water and fiber content will make you full, and the vitamins and minerals in it help nourish the body in a natural way. Try to make your meals half fruit and half veg.
    • Eat foods containing lean protein. Try to eat lean meats (ie, meat with a low fat percentage). Eat beans, eggs and seeds to increase your protein intake without the same fat as when eating meat. Eat seafood at least once a week. Seafood contains protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids (which are heart-healthy fats).
    • Reduce your intake of solid fats. These are foods made with butter or solid fats such as cookies, cakes and other desserts. They are also found in processed meats like sausage and bacon, as well as ice cream and pizza. Thick fat will cause you to exercise a lot to burn it all.
    • Eat foods with a low glycemic index. These are foods that take your body longer to digest and convert into energy, so you'll feel fuller throughout the day with lower calorie intake. In addition, you should avoid "blood sugar spikes" caused by eating foods with a high glycemic index, and instead should consume steady amounts of energy throughout the day. This way of eating makes your body feel more refreshing whether you are working or exercising.
  2. Keep healthy foods indoors. Buy fruits, vegetables, whole grains, soups, etc. that you want to eat, not junk food to avoid cravings. It's not a bad thing to indulge yourself from time to time, but it's easy to do so if your house is full of junk food. Instead, the real test for snacking is whether you're willing to go the long way to a bakery or a supermarket (even better than walking or cycling if possible).
    • Before pampering yourself, drink two glasses of water (250ml each). If you still want a snack after that, eat it. Sometimes the brain confuses an appetite with a feeling of thirst. Water is one of the best cures for cravings.
  3. Drink 1.5 ~ 2 liters of water per day. Water keeps the body hydrated and elevates metabolic activity to the optimal level. In addition, water takes up a large volume in the stomach, so you feel fuller without eating much.This is a good tool to avoid consuming extra calories that you don't really need but have accidentally given up due to your cravings or lack of satisfaction.
    • Always carry a bottle of water with you. You will be surprised how easy it is to drink enough 1.5 ~ 2 liters of water per day. Drinking water is also much cheaper than buying other drinks when you feel thirsty, and better for the environment.
    • Drink water instead of sugary drinks like soda. If you are not interested in drinking water because it has no flavor, try giving your water your favorite fruit flavors, such as strawberry, blueberry, lemon, orange and thorn.
  4. Let your body rest. When your body is engaged in a lot of physical activity, you also need to give it time to recover by getting enough sleep. Determine how many hours you need to sleep to feel refreshed in the morning, then force yourself to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
    • Not getting enough sleep also greatly damages the immune system. You are more likely to get sick if you don't give your body energy and time to fight off infectious bacteria and viruses, and every time you catch a cold, it takes longer to recover.
    • Sleeping too little is linked to overeating. Make sure you don't deprive your body of sleep to restore energy, or you'll need to replenish your calories.

  5. Health check. In order to stay healthy in the long term, you should do regular "maintenance" for your body, just like your beloved car. See your doctor and dentist periodically to make sure things are working properly from the inside, and to prevent potential problems from arising. advertisement


  • Get started with something as simple as running for 5 minutes a day. Next week it increases to 10 minutes per day. Continue to increase the intensity until you have established a steady training routine.
  • Eat fresh, healthy, and organic foods. Consider buying local groceries.
  • Do not sit continuously for long periods of time. Just getting up helps burn more calories, so get up! Move here and there!
  • Consider limiting your intake of junk and processed foods, such as fast foods, soda, fried foods, and other foods high in fat, sodium, and sugar.
  • Go on a bike ride with a family member or friend.
  • Sprinting is better than running for long hours, but with a lot of effort, so your body tightens faster when you sprint.
  • Time to practice. Cut down on sweets. Continuously trying. Sometimes you need a break. Sleep after you've finished what to do. Exercise before bed to burn more calories.
  • Once you have the health you want, continue to take steps that helped you achieve that goal. Health training is a way of life, not a temporary job.
  • Don't think about your body weight and have a healthy mindset.
  • When you change your diet, you should not starve your body, but instead with better food. For example, if your diet has apples, milk and chicken nuggets, you should not skip chicken and replace it with chicken salad.
  • Set goals for yourself. First, jog one kilometer per day, then increase your goal by 2 kilometers or more. Good luck!


  • Know your limits when it comes to weight training and resistance training. When doing strength training, always ask others to look out for it and avoid over-exertion with too much weight. When doing aerobic exercise, slow down if you start to feel pain in your chest or joints.
  • Contact your doctor before starting an exercise regimen. Make sure your body can tolerate prolonged physical activity. Be extra cautious if you have health problems such as heart disease, increased or lower blood pressure, or asthma.