How to get rid of alcoholic breath

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get rid of alcohol breath - Sober Up in 5 minutes
Video: How to get rid of alcohol breath - Sober Up in 5 minutes


The smell of alcohol can be annoying and embarrassing. If you do not want to smell of alcohol from you, then there are ways to reduce this smell. If you eat and drink some remedies, put yourself in order and work on yourself, then your breath will be fresh again!


Method 1 of 3: Food and Drink

  1. 1 Eat before or while drinking. Eating food while drinking alcohol can help reduce the smell of fumes. Food absorbs some of the alcohol consumed and stimulates the production of saliva. This helps to prevent dehydration, which increases the degree of fumes.
    • Bars often offer snacks such as nuts or popcorn so customers don't get too sick from drinking too much. Remember to use this suggestion when you are drinking.
    • If you are having a drink at a friend's place, then offer to bring snacks for the whole group. You can get a couple of bags of chips or microwave popcorn. This will reduce future alcoholic fumes and show yourself as a generous guest.
  2. 2 Onion and garlic. Products with a persistent scent of their own help to kill alcoholic fumes. Red onions and garlic will be felt in your breath for a long time, reducing the smell of alcohol.
    • You can order snacks with onions or garlic. Bars often serve fried potatoes or garlic bread.
    • After drinking, add red onions to your sandwich, hamburger, or salad.
    • Some people may eat raw onions or garlic in an effort to quickly get rid of the fumes. This is very effective, but remember that these products have a very strong odor. It is not only excreted from the mouth, but also through the pores. If you need to get rid of alcoholic fumes in order to come to another place, then onions and garlic are not the best choice. The smell of garlic is as repulsive as alcohol fumes, although it does not cause such public censure.
  3. 3 Chewing gum. Chewing gum is quite effective in combating fumes. It not only interrupts the smell of alcohol, but also promotes the production of saliva. All this affects the fumes in the complex.
    • Try a sour gum. It promotes excessive salivation, which quickly eliminates the smell of fumes. The taste itself may not be the most pleasant at first, but it will soften over time.
    • Mint gum is also good. The strong menthol smell quickly interrupts the fumes from alcohol and is often used to freshen the breath.
  4. 4 Drink coffee and water. Coffee and water can help reduce fume odors. Water replenishes body fluids lost from alcohol consumption, and also stimulates salivation, which reduces the smell of alcohol. Coffee has its own pungent odor that overpowers the unpleasant smell of alcohol. It is best to drink coffee in the morning after drinking alcohol. Mixing stimulants and depressants can cause a burst of energy, making you feel more sober. As a result, you may start drinking more alcohol than you should.

Method 2 of 3: Tidy Up Yourself

  1. 1 Brush your teeth for a couple of minutes longer. Brushing your teeth reduces bad breath after drinking alcohol. Spending an extra couple of minutes on oral hygiene can significantly reduce the smell of fumes.
    • Use a pungent-smelling menthol toothpaste. This is the most efficient solution.
    • Extra time when brushing your teeth is necessary in order to cleanse the oral cavity of alcohol residues and food particles that have absorbed alcohol.
  2. 2 Use dental floss. Do not neglect dental floss after drinking alcohol in the evening. Alcohol-absorbed food particles often get stuck between the teeth. This contributes to the smell of fumes even after thorough cleaning of the teeth.
  3. 3 Mouthwash. After brushing and flossing your teeth, rinse your mouth with a special product.This liquid is designed to eliminate bad breath and has a mint flavor. Rinse your mouth for the time indicated on the vial (usually about 30 seconds), then spit it into the sink and rinse with water.
  4. 4 Take a shower. The smell of alcohol comes out not only through the mouth, but also through the pores, so the whole body can give off an unpleasant odor. Always shower in the morning after drinking.
    • Shower as usual, using shower gel and paying special attention to your body.
    • A long-lasting soap, shampoo, or conditioner can help eliminate or reduce the smell of alcohol.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing Alcohol Burnout

  1. 1 Drink in moderation. With moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages, the smell of fumes is not as strong as after alcohol abuse. Try not to exceed two servings per night. Excessive alcohol consumption leads not only to severe burnout, but also to other health problems, especially when repeated regularly. Reducing the amount you drink and stopping helps prevent the smell of fumes.
    • Try to get by with a couple of glasses a night.
  2. 2 Don't mix drinks. Each drink has a different smell. By mixing different types of alcoholic beverages, you run the risk of getting a terrible smell. Try to drink only one preferred drink during the evening.
  3. 3 Drink simple drinks. Mixed drinks with herbal and spice aromas have a pungent odor compared to regular beer, wine, and liquor. It is simple drinks that will help you prevent the strong smell of fumes.


  • Try to have peppermint, cinnamon, or menthol flavored gum with you.


  • If you feel like you need to drink less, if you are bored with the notices that you drink too much, if you feel guilty after drinking, or you need a hangover in the morning, then you may have problems with alcohol. Talk with your doctor about how much you drink and how to learn to control yourself.