How to have a boy dance with you and kiss you at the end (for high school)

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Slow Dance With a Girl (Weddings, Proms, Parties)
Video: How to Slow Dance With a Girl (Weddings, Proms, Parties)


You've seen this a hundred times in the movie: a girl sits in a corner and drinks a drink when she is invited by a nice guy. She holds out her hand to him and they, madly in love, slowly and romantically dance in the center of the hall. After dancing, the guy takes / takes the girl home. They stand on the porch and the girl says, "I had a good time." The guy replies: "Me too." They look each other in the eye and the next thing you see: BAM! They kiss. Do you dream that something like this will happen to you? Read Step 1 below and find out how to turn your dream into reality.


  1. 1 Make sure your sweetheart / boyfriend goes to these dances too. If he's not going, try to convince him. If he's going, that's great, but don't make him go to the dance, if he doesn't want to, he won't invite you because he's already afraid. If he doesn't want to go anyway, that's okay. There will be many other options.
  2. 2 You look stunning. Even if your lover is not going to dance, you never know who you might meet there, so you still need to dress impressively. Remember to dress appropriately for dancing. For casual dancing, wear a nice top and simple skinny jeans. Make sure your outfit is appropriate for your age. Since you are still in high school, most of the dances arranged will be semi-formal. You don't have to dress like a stripper for a guy to notice you. If the dances are semi-formal, choose the prettiest dress you have in your wardrobe. Your dress should be unusual, beautiful and comfortable. Don't go for a fluffy ball gown like Cinderella's because you end up looking stupid. A little makeup to complete your look. You are in high school, so keep it natural or you will look like a clown. Paint your lips with a light shine, and a little blush will give your skin a natural look. If your parents won't let you wear makeup, that's okay. You will be beautiful without makeup. If you usually wear glasses, wear contact lenses to dance just to make a difference. Don't do this if you feel uncomfortable.
  3. 3 When you enter the gym, look around and find out where the guy you like / the guy you want to dance with is. Some girls find it better to sit alone in a corner, but usually that doesn't appeal to guys. They don't want to dance with a loser sitting alone in the corner! Have fun! This is dancing, after all. Look confident and dance with your friends. Don't go overboard, but show that you are having fun. However, make sure you are in the “nice guy's” line of sight. He will never notice you if you do not stay in his field of vision. During the dance, periodically look in his direction to see if he noticed you too. If he moves a lot, follow him discreetly. If he is standing in one place all the time, keep close so that he can see you. If he caught you looking at him, or vice versa, smile. You look sweet, welcoming, and friendly. If he comes up to you during the dance, do not be alarmed and do not make yourself a fool. Smile and introduce yourself if you are still unfamiliar. If you know him, just say hello.
  4. 4 When it's time to slow dance, look for your boyfriend! Stay close to him so that if he wants to dance with you, he can easily find you. If he's dancing with another girl, wait for the song to end. If he doesn't dance with anyone, it's even better. Wait during the song and see if he is going to invite you. If not, don't be discouraged. The evening is just beginning. If he asked you to dance, that's GREAT! If everyone is dancing a slow dance the same way (the guy keeps his hands on the girl's waist, and the girl's hands are on the guy's shoulders), then put your arms around the guy's shoulders and slowly sway to the music. If everyone is ballroom dancing (that doesn't happen in high school), take him by the hand and let him lead the dance floor. Don't dance in silence! Talk to him a little!
  5. 5 Look at him again on the next song. If he's dancing with a girl, see if this is the girl he danced with before. If so, most likely this is his girlfriend, so he will no longer dance with you. If the girl is different, you're in luck! He doesn't have a girlfriend, and it's just good to dance with him. If he is alone again, stay with him and wait whether he invites you or not. If not, that's okay. Wait for the next slow song. If he asks you to dance again, BETTER! You are one step closer to kissing because he clearly likes you. Dance with him again.
  6. 6 If the guy has a girlfriend, then on the next song, find yourself another dance partner. If he's dancing with different girls, you need to take your step. Boys don't always have to ask girls to dance. After all, now is the 21st century! Walk up to him and calmly ask if he wants to dance. Most likely, he will agree. If so, great! If he says no, that's okay too. Find another guy to dance with. If he still has no one to dance with, invite him, as we said above. If he invites you again, everything is just fine.
  7. 7 Make sure you dance the last song with him tonight, because that will make a good impression. You are the girl he remembers best because he danced with you last.
  8. 8 When the dance is over, tell him you had a good time. If he says goodbye, nods and leaves, it means that he didn't like you that much (at least not so much that he kissed you). It's OK. There will be more dancing and other guys, or maybe he's just shy! If he smiles and says something back to you, such as “I had a good time too,” everything is going well. If you go home after dancing, ask him if he would like to walk with you (since you are in high school, none of you can drive on your own, so he cannot take you). If he says that he is already traveling with someone, smile and say "see you soon" or whatever you want, and then drive home with your friends. If he says he'll walk with you, you're doing great! Leave the dance with him and start the conversation yourself if he is silent for the first few minutes. Talk to him about everything: sports, teachers, homework, pets, family, friends, dancing ... just keep the conversation going. If you are really lucky, then on the way home, he will hold your hand. This practically guarantees you a kiss. If he doesn't hold your hand, that's okay. You still have a chance to get a kiss, you've come this far!
  9. 9 You come to your house, it means either now or never! Before knocking on the door / ringing the bell, tell him that he is a good guy and that you had a good time with him or that you were pleased to meet him, and so on. Finally, say "Thank you for walking me home." Be bold and kiss him on the cheek. At this point, the two of you will surely blush! Now stand up and look into his eyes, smile. If he wants to kiss you, he will do it right now. If he does, enjoy the kiss.If not, don't kiss him yourself. He may not be ready for a kiss yet, or he may not have recovered from a kiss on the cheek yet (for many kids in high school, this is probably the first kiss). Just smile, say goodbye and walk into the house, leaving him to dream big. Next time the dance will turn out even better :-)
  10. 10 If he kisses you, congratulations. You may blush a little after kissing. It's OK. Be nice and say goodbye to him. Don't act like you've made a mistake, or the guy will think you don't like him. Show that you liked it, because hopefully it really is!
  11. 11 Now, just hope for the best! If a guy kisses you, he will most likely ask you out, which means he likes you. But if he doesn't, try to befriend him. Friendship is a good start to a relationship, because once you become friends, you will feel freer in each other's presence and can take your relationship to the next level (maybe at your next school dance!)
  12. 12 Always try to be close to him. When you're around him, try not to talk about your very romantic kiss. Talk about other interesting things. Pretend that you are having fun, then he will think that you are a funny person!


  • While dancing, make sure you are still relaxing with your friends and not focusing entirely on one guy.
  • When you're with a guy, don't giggle or act like a muddler. It will only scare him! Behave naturally and normally.
  • Don't get too attached to the guy, otherwise you will start to annoy him, and then he will quickly lose interest in you.
  • Since you're still in high school, none of you can drive on your own, which means you won't have a romantic moment in the car without your parents or older brother / sister in the front seat watching you. Eliminate this possibility.
  • Show your interest.
  • Don't be rude when you talk to him.
  • If you fail, that's okay. There will be many more options and you still have high school ahead!
  • Learn to slow dance from the article listed in the lower category "Related to WikiHows" to avoid unpleasant / embarrassing / embarrassing moments.
  • Learn the moves from Beyoncé's famous "Single Ladies" or Soulge Boy's "Crank Dat" for fun and impressions.


  • Don't overdo it!
  • Also, before you meet a guy, find out if he has a girlfriend! And if there is - do not be discouraged! As we wrote earlier, you will have many other options!
  • Try not to look stupid when you dance. And don't do stupid things to impress a guy you like - don't dance like crazy, don't shout his name out loud, don't try to impress him, and so on.

What do you need

  • Makeup
  • Nice dress / nice clothes
  • Pretty haircut
  • Decorations
  • Cute shoes