How to make your computer run quickly and reliably

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to make your computer run reliable and fast
Video: how to make your computer run reliable and fast


A new computer is always fast and smooth. But as you use it, its performance degrades every day. Maintaining stability and improving computer performance has never been an easy task. In this article, we will discuss some aspects that can help make your computer run faster without requiring a lot of action.


  1. 1 Upgrade your hardware. The first thing you need to do is find out if you have enough hardware installed to run your installed programs. Fortunately, Windows Vista and Windows 7 have a tool that will automatically do this for you and take whatever action you need based on the results.
    • Click Start | Control Panel.
    • Enter "Control Panel All Control Panel Items Performance Counters and Tools" in the address bar and press ENTER.
    • Click the "Assess this computer" or "Re-grade" button.

    • This process can take several minutes. Please be patient during this operation.
    • Once the assessment is complete, results appear that provide information about the hardware components that need to be updated.

  2. 2 Defragment your hard drive. When you copy new files to your computer, the hard disk becomes fragmented. In simple terms, files are saved in a continuous manner and this makes your computer perform operations more slowly. Defragmenting your hard drive once a week will help you make your computer run faster. Note that there is a tool called Disk Defragmenter.
    • Click Start | All programs | Standard | Service | Disk Defragmenter.
    • Select all disks to defragment.
    • Click the "Disk Defragmenter" button to start.
  3. 3 Defragment the registry. The registry is a database where program settings, operating system settings, and other data are stored. Almost all programs on your computer have access to the registry, including the operating system. This continuous registry access is often fragmented, making your computer slow.Since there is no built-in tool to defragment the Microsoft Windows registry, you will have to choose a good program for this.
    • Go online and download "RegInOut Registry Defrag".

    • Log in to an administrator account and install the software. Run the program when the installation process is complete.
    • Close all other running programs and tasks.
    • Run the analysis of the state of the registry, then click the "Defragmentation" button. And then reboot the system.
  4. 4 Review the list of applications and services that start at system startup. After the operating system has loaded, various programs and services begin to start. The more of these programs, the slower the computer works. Therefore, you must monitor these programs and services and disable those that are not needed.
    • Click Start | Execute. Or press Windows Key + R.
    • Enter "MSConfig" and press ENTER.
    • Go to the "Startup" tab and disable unnecessary applications. Click the Apply button.
    • On the Services tab, select the Do not display Microsoft services check box. Disable any unnecessary services. Click the Apply button.
    • Click OK and restart your computer.
  5. 5 Change your computer settings to improve performance. There are two options: 1) Adjust Windows settings to have a better look and feel; 2) Set the parameters for better performance of tasks. If you choose the latter, the system will adjust the settings so that the computer directs all resources to the operation, thereby speeding up the work. You can do it like this:
    • Right click on the My Computer icon on your desktop.

    • Select Properties.

    • On the left, select "Advanced system settings".

    • Under the Advanced tab, click the Options button in the Performance section.

    • In the "Visual Effects" tab, select the "Provide Best Performance" option.

    • Click OK | OK.


  • It is recommended that you complete steps 2, 3, and 4 at least once a week. If you repeat them regularly, you can improve the overall performance of your computer.