How to get a girl to talk to you

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Talk To Girls If You’re Shy
Video: How To Talk To Girls If You’re Shy


You really like this girl and want her to speak to you. So what do you do? Read this article and do your best.


  1. 1 Be yourself. Girls don't like it when guys try to look cool. Just relax and go with the flow.
  2. 2 Maintaining good hygiene means taking a shower regularly. Use deodorant and cologne because girls like it when their boyfriends smell good. It will make the girls be closer to you.
  3. 3 Talk to her. You can start by saying Hey... Some girls are really shy and don't pretend they like you, so try to strike up a conversation with her about who she is and what she enjoys doing. She will come out of her shell. Other girls are more outgoing and will appreciate the opportunity to speak to you and may even be the first to speak to you!
  4. 4 Get to know her. Don't chase her or act like a maniac, but notice where she goes, what she likes, and who her friends are.
  5. 5 Become her friend. If you become her friend, she will be more comfortable with you. She will also start to like you.
  6. 6 Be ready! If you're nervous, it's best to have a few things in reserve. Find out what she is interested in and prepare some conversation topics for her.
  7. 7 Keep it simple. Don't lie, explain how you feel about her and try spending time together.


  • Girls like it when guys can make them laugh, but not too much, as she may become embarrassed if you keep joking. Save dirty jokes for your boyfriend friends.But come up with new ones! If you keep repeating the same things over and over, the girl will get bored and lose interest.
  • Some are more aware of the fact that guys like them than guys with girls.
  • Sometimes an ordinary laugh and smile can make a girl's heart melt.
  • Sometimes it helps if you are modest and not anxious around her. Just behave normally and everything will be fine.
  • Find out what interests her and convince that you have it or around you.
  • Girls like guys who smile a lot.
  • if a girl likes you, she will mention you to her friends. Talk to her friends and see if she likes you, but don't be overly curious.
  • Join clubs that both of you are interested in.


  • DO NOT join mugs or clubs just because a girl you like is in. She will think that you are stalking her and that you are strange.
  • Never touch her body without permission, it will offend her and she might even tell someone (teacher / police officer) about you.
  • DO NOT laugh hysterically. Girls find it VERY off-putting.

What do you need

  • Hygiene items: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, cologne, etc.
  • Smile.
  • Sense of humor. If you're not funny, find jokes online.