How to make a mob spawner in Minecraft

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 28 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL! 1.18 (Without Mob Spawner)
Video: Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL! 1.18 (Without Mob Spawner)


In this article, you will learn how to create a trap for hostile mobs in Minecraft - so you can get valuable items dropped from dead mobs. If you prefer to create a device that spawns mobs on command, you can use the dispenser in creative mode.


Part 1 of 4: How to Prepare to Create

  1. 1 Consider getting into creative mode if you want to create a mob spawner. Since creating a mob spawner requires different items and is quite dangerous to do without fall protection, build a spawner in creative mode and then switch to survival mode to enjoy all the benefits of a spawner.
    • If you create a world in creative mode and then switch to survival mode, all your achievements will be lost.
  2. 2 Remember how the spawner works. If you build a platform high above the ground, mobs will spawn on it. Eventually the mobs will find a groove in the middle of the platform; once they are in the gutter, they will die, landing on several craters at the base of the gutter. The remains of the mobs will fall into the funnels, which will send them to the attached chests - in these chests you will find valuable items dropped from the mobs.
  3. 3 Make sure you are in the biome with the mobs you want to catch. If you need to catch a specific mob (for example, a witch), you need to go to a specific area where these mobs appear (for example, witches appear near the water).
  4. 4 Find a flat surface. To avoid terraforming the terrain, find a flat, level place to build the spawner.
  5. 5 Gather the required resources. You need to find or craft the following items:
    • Twelve cobblestone stacks (768 cobblestones total).
    • Eight buckets of water.
    • Four funnels.
    • Four small chests.

Part 2 of 4: How to Build a Spawner Tower

  1. 1 Build a tower. Each side should be two blocks wide and 28 blocks high. Thus, you get a tower with a height of 28 blocks and an opening of two by two blocks.
  2. 2 Attach side tracks to the top of the tower. Add seven blocks to the top two blocks on each side of the tower. There will be four paths extending from the opening of the tower, each eight blocks long.
  3. 3 Build a wall around each path. The wall should be two blocks high to prevent mobs from jumping over it.
  4. 4 Fill in the area between the tracks. To increase the surface area that mobs can spawn on, add cobblestone between each of the paths to create a large rectangular platform.
    • Add this cobblestone to the top blocks of the walls that you built around the paths.
  5. 5 Build a wall around the created platform. The wall should be two blocks high to prevent mobs from jumping over it.
    • You can build a fence instead of a wall.
  6. 6 Add water to the far end of each lane. Select the bucket of water in your inventory and then select each of the two blocks at the end of each path. Water will flow along the entire path and stop at the tower opening.
    • Eight blocks is the maximum distance that one block of water will cover in a straight line.

Part 3 of 4: How to Build a Spawner Basement

  1. 1 Dig a hole. Inside the tower, dig a hole two by two blocks in size and 6 blocks deep. That is, in the lower part of the tower, you will get a basement into which mobs will fall from the top of the tower.
  2. 2 Place four funnels at the bottom of the basement. Select the stack of funnels from the Quick Access Toolbar, and then select each of the four blocks at the bottom of the footer.
  3. 3 Break one block under each funnel. That is, the funnels will be suspended in the air.
  4. 4 Place chests under the funnels. Select the chests on the Quick Access Toolbar and then select each of the four empty blocks below the funnels. Two large chests will appear under the funnels.
  5. 5 Build a ladder from the bottom of the basement to the surface of the ground. This can be done in most cases, but it all depends on the topography of your world. Since you are using two large chests, build the same staircase on the opposite side of the basement.
    • When you are in the basement, take the sword. This will kill the mobs that survive the fall.
  6. 6 Wait for the mobs to appear. It may take one game day for the spawning of mobs to begin. As the mobs start spawning, the chests under the funnels will gradually fill with items dropped from the mobs.

Part 4 of 4: How to Use the Dispenser in Creative Mode

  1. 1 Remember how this method works. If you are playing in creative mode, you can create a simple machine that spawns mobs depending on the various commands (called "spawn eggs") that you add to the machine.
    • This method does not work in survival mode and it will not automatically spawn mobs; it is best used in "arena skirmishes" or to create traps.
  2. 2 Add the required items to your inventory. From the Creative Inventory, select and drag the following items to the Quick Access Toolbar:
    • One lever
    • Three red dust
    • One dispenser
    • A stack of (64) spawn eggs for a specific mob (you can add two or more stacks if you want to randomize the spawner).
  3. 3 Place the dispenser on the ground. Select the dispenser on the quick access bar and then select a location on the ground.
  4. 4 Create Red Dust Harness behind the Dispenser. That is, a line of red dust will extend from the dispenser.
  5. 5 Place a lever at the end of the red dust wire. A lever will allow you to turn the red dust on and off.
    • At this step, check the lever by selecting it - if the wiring lights up, the lever works; now turn off the wiring.
  6. 6 Select a distributor. Tap, right-click, or press the left trigger on the dispenser. Dispenser window will open.
  7. 7 Add the mob egg (s) to the dispenser. To do this, drag the summoning egg to the dispenser window.
  8. 8 Close the dispenser. Now he is ready for mobs to spawn.
  9. 9 Select the lever twice. This will turn on the dispenser - a mob will spawn from one egg - and turn off the dispenser.
    • Repeat this process to spawn another mob.
    • If the dispenser contains eggs of different mobs, a random mob will appear.


  • It is possible to create a mob spawner in survival mode, but it is extremely difficult. If you do decide to build a survival spawner, place a bed next to it in case you die.
  • Mobs will not be able to survive the fall, but they will survive if enough bodies of other mobs accumulate in the chute.


  • If you spawn an enderman, he will try to break the mob spawner.