How to make your own RuneScape server

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make your own RSPS (In just 5 Steps)
Video: How to make your own RSPS (In just 5 Steps)


Are you a RuneScape fan and want to run your own server? RuneScape private servers can have all kinds of individual rules, zones, monsters, and more. While learning all the ins and outs of building a truly custom server can be quite time consuming, you can create a standard server for yourself and your friends in minutes. Read on to get started.


Part 1 of 3: Uploading Files

  1. 1 Download the latest Java. RuneScape runs in Java, so you'll need the latest version of it before you can build your server. You can download Java for free on its official website. This article has more information on installing Java.
  2. 2 Install JDK (Java Development Kit). In order to create a server, you need to write Java code (it's easier than it sounds!). To do this, you will need the latest version of the JDK, which is also completely free to download. Go to the Oracle website and navigate to the Java SE section. Select "Java For Developers" and download the latest JDK. This article has more information and links on installing the JDK.
  3. 3 Download the RuneScape server and its client files. There are many sites where you can download custom RuneScape server and client files. For first-timers, it is highly recommended to download the Starter Pack from the RuneLocus website. It contains a standard server and client that you can install and turn on in minutes.
    • The Starter Pack can be found and downloaded from the RuneLocus website.

Part 2 of 3: Setting up the server

  1. 1 Build the server. When you unzip the Starter Pack, you will find two folders: "Server" and "Client". Open the Server folder to start the RuneScape server.
    • Start the program "run.bat" (for Windows) or "" (for Mac and Linux).
    • Wait for the Starter Pack to appear. This may take a few minutes. If you receive an error, it is most likely because you have not installed the JDK.
    • Enter the port. Common ports for private RuneScape servers are 43594, 43595 and 5555.
    • Click Save & Compile.
    • Click "Run Server". Your private RuneScape server is now up and running.
  2. 2 Forward your ports. In order for other people to connect to your server, you need to open the port that you specified in the previous step. To do this, you need to go to the configuration page of your router. Read this article for detailed information on port forwarding.
    • In order to forward ports, you need to know the internal IP address of the computer on which the server is running.
    • When you forward the appropriate port, you can connect to it from anywhere using the appropriate client programs.
    • If you plan to use the server only on your private network, you do not need to forward ports. This is only for those who want everyone to be able to connect.
  3. 3 Configure the client. In order to connect to a private client, you need to set up a custom RuneScape server. A client is a program that connects to the server and lets you play. Each private server needs its own dedicated client. Open the Client folder in the Starter Pack.
    • In the Client folder, run the run.bat (for Windows) or (for Mac and Linux) programs.
    • Enter your server name in the “Set Title” field.
    • In the "Set Host" field, enter the IP address of your server (most likely this is the IP address of the computer you are currently using). If you are connecting over the Internet, it will need a public IP address. If you are connecting through a home network, then it needs a private IP address.
    • When configuring the server, in the "Set Port" field, enter the port you specified.
    • Click Save & Compile.
  4. 4 Make the change to the server. When you are familiar with the operation of the RuneScape server, you may decide to make modifications and changes. Each time you make changes to the server, you will need to rebuild it. To do this with the Starter Pack, run the Comile.bat program in the Server folder after each change.
    • Simply running a copied version of another private RuneScape server won't get you a lot of players. Players love to play on unique servers, so if they come across a copied version of a server, chances are they will skip it and not play. To make your server stand out, you need to make a lot of changes to the core of the game.
    • If you are serious about getting into making changes to your server, you need to learn some Java basics. This is the language that RuneScape is written in and any changes require coding them in Java. There are many tutorial videos and forum communities to help you get started writing unique RuneScape code.

Part 3 of 3: Improving your server

  1. 1 Submit your server. When your private RuneScape server goes online, present it in various major rankings. The largest and most suitable starter ratings are RuneLocus, Xtremetop100, and Top100Arena.
  2. 2 Let your players vote for the server. Your ad ranking on these lists is based on the number of votes. Your players will have to vote for your server. You can make the voting process more fun by rewarding players after voting. Several ratings that are related to RuneScape, such as RuneLocus, support the so-called "call back" function. This will inform you that someone has voted so you can (automatically) reward them for that.
  3. 3 Build a community for your players. Create a website and / or forum to keep in touch with your players. Your players will be the most important users to you, so ask them what they like and what they don't. Most people fail because they thought they knew everything better than others, but honestly, no one knows better than the consumer.
  4. 4 Keep learning. There are so many things you can do with your private RuneScape server. There are tons of tools and creation options that you can add to your server. There is also a large community of developers who are constantly creating new content. The key to creating a successful private server is the fun and how you want to achieve it.